During recent decades, the studies of mobile robots attracted much interests of researchers thanks to its numerous applicabilities. From its basic moving operation, sensory feedback, information processing, communication capabilities, it has been utilized for industries to perform specific tasks which humans can not accomplish directly due to harsh environment and conditions [1]. Also, in cooperation with recent advances including artificial intelligence, machine learning and reinforced learning, mobile robots are expanding their applicabilities into various practical fields including manufacture of several products, delivery services, information guidance, public services, etc [2]–[4]. And, it is highly anticipated that mobile robots will take critical roles in a wide range of IoT (Internet of Things)-enabled environments and sensor-based systems [5]–[12].
UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) have several advantages covering rapid flight, relatively small sized vehicles, video, audio information processing abilities, etc [13]–[15]. In particular, instead of a single large UAV, a group of multiple small-sized UAVs can bring improved performances of cost reduction, scalability, minimum delay, task completion [16], [17]. With those useful availabilities, it is also expected that a fleet of UAVs is utilized for a wide range of applications such as maritime transportation system, rescue operations, monitoring areas, surveillance by barriers, delivery services, mobile system [18]–[24].
On the other hand, the maritime research domain addresses all maritime activities covering ocean, transportation system, borderline sites, cargo, people, vessels, etc. Particularly, the MTS (Maritime Transportation System) is considered as recent emerging branch of maritime domain [25], [26]. Essentially, the MTS can be composed of several nets and layers including ports, port facilities, vessels, boats, transportation stations, border sites. Also, in order to support those nets and layers of MTS, there are important issues of efficient routes, information management, regulated international framework, risk management, liability as well as security, surveillance [27]–[30]. Fig. 1 depicts possible services and their supports by mobile robots and UAVs in MTS. With the combination of mobile robots and UAVs in MTS, they are able to support cargo, transportation, screening test, patrol, security check, virtual emotion service, transit and delivery service between maritime transportation stations and inland stations.
Besides, the research branch of security has been enlarged tremendously due to its extraordinary importance and necessity [31]–[39]. In particular, a novel security concept of barrier firstly has been introduced by Kumar et al. [40]. Then, its applicability has been expanded to numerous applications and services such as camera sensor, surveillance, emotion applications [41], [42], [42]–[44]. Moreover, if barrier is newly utilized for the purpose of security and surveillance based on virtual emotion in MTS, recent advanced devices of mobile robots and UAVs can be contained as primary members of such a security barrier construction. The IoT-enabled MTS can embrace differential priority security sub-areas and the relevant events and sub-area status can be changed frequently. Hence, the issue of how to construct enhanced security barriers promptly in the requested priority region should be studied as one of emergent research branches in IoT-assisted MTS.
So, based on the above motivations, we summarize the key contributions of this paper as follows.
In this paper, we introduce a framework, referred as DiffS, which builds differential security barriers in cooperation with mobile robots and UAVs toward secure maritime transportation system. So, the proposed system reinforces the security of the requested maritime transportation area consequently. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach that security barriers for virtual emotion detection using mobile robots and UAVs are applied to IoT-enabled maritime transportation stations with differential perspectives and regional weights.
We formally defined the problem whose objective is to maximize the number of differential security barriers by mobile robots and UAVs such that the requested primary subsection meets the given detection accuracy and every subsection is monitored by at least security barrier. Also, the defined problem is presented with ILP (Integer Linear Programming) formulation.
To solve the problem, we devised two different schemes which return the maximum number of differential security barriers satisfying bounded distance of system components, required detection accuracy after system initialization with dividing sub-sections, verification of components and detection ranges, setting up initial barriers. Also, the proposed methods reinforce the discriminative security levels of multiple number of MTS area.
The remaining part of this paper is proceeded as follows. Next, the notations, system settings, assumptions in the proposed system are described as well as the defined problem is represented with ILP formulation. In Section III, the proposed algorithms are explained to resolve the defined problem. Then, in Section IV, after extensive simulations of the devised algorithms, their performance are evaluated and are discussed with detailed discussion. Finally, this paper is concluded in Section V.
DiffS: A Framework for Differential Security Barriers in MTS
In this section, we first specify system settings and assumptions which are required before implementing the proposed framework. Also, after the explanation of the critical definitions, we formally define a main problem with ILP formulation that covers objective function and conditions.
A. System Settings, Assumptions and Notations
The proposed system is operated by the below settings and assumptions.
The whole IoT-enabled maritime transportation systems can be split into several sub-regions and each sub-area has different security levels to be monitored where the security level can be changed according to the system request.
The components of the proposed system cover mobile robots, UAVs where each component has heterogeneous capabilities including different detection ranges, resources and all components are equipped with wireless transmitter, receiver, virtual emotion derivation procedures. Based on wireless signal, reflection and derivation procedures [45], each component detects at least five emotion types such as joy, pleasure, neutral, sorrow, rage.
Every autonomous mobile robot moves in the ground by centralized system. Also, all autonomous UAVs obey the rule of FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) [15] and they have line-based movements while they are operated in the air.
The detected emotion information is sent to other system entities for system update and maintenance.
Also, the notations and their descriptions that are used in the proposed system are summarized in the Table I.
B. Differential Security Barriers in MTS
Here, we present two important definitions used in the proposed framework: IoT-enabled MTS virtual emotion barriers and differential security barriers which are defined below.
Definition 1 (IoT-Enabled MTS Virtual Emotion Barriers):
Given that a set of smart devices equipped with wireless transmitter and receiver are positioned in square-shaped IoT-supported MTS, the IoT-enabled MTS virtual emotion barriers, called as MTSVEmoBar, are barriers with line-based formations that can detect the virtual emotion of the person who is passing into the given MTS area.
Definition 2 (Differential Security Barriers):
Given that the whole IoT-assisted MTS area is divided into several sub-sections with differential security levels, the differential security barriers, referred as DiffSBar, are the special type of MTSVEmoBar that reinforce the high priority security sub-section based on detected virtual emotion where each sub-section has different security priority level and the level is updated frequently depending on the system status and request.
Fig. 2 gives expression to the applicable status of the IoT-enabled MTS virtual emotion barriers, namely MTSVEmoBar. As it can be seen in Fig. 2, there are two MTSVEmoBar in MTS area
An example of IoT-enabled MTS virtual emotion barriers using mobile robots and UAVs.
C. Problem Definition and ILP Formulation
Now, the MaxDiffSBar problem is formally represented with its description and ILP formulation.
Definition 3 (MaxDiffSBar Problem):
When initial MTSV EmoBar are constructed in whole MTS area and the high priority MTS sub-section is decided, the MaxDiffSBar problem is to maximize the total number of DiffSBar with the given detection accuracy in the requested high priority security sub-section. And, the conditions are satisfied that the movement distance of each movable component is no more than the given distance and at least one MTSVEmoBar is active at other sub-sections consequently.
As it can be seen above, the objective of the defined MaxDiffSBar problem is to maximize the total number of DiffSBar in sub-sections with differential security priority levels. By Kumar et al. [40], it is possible to apply sleep-wakeup scheduling scheme. It follows that after searching for the maximum number of DiffSBar, the applied sleep-wakeup scheduling allows DiffSBar to have the transition between sleep mode for energy saving and wake up mode for working DiffSBar alternately. Therefore, the maximum number of DiffSBar results in the maximum lifetime of the proposed framework ultimately.
Fig. 3 delineates the DiffSBar and the defined MaxDiffSBar problem. As shown in Fig. 3, a whole MTS area
Then, MaxDiffSBar problem using ILP with integer variables is presented below.\begin{align*} P_{i}=&~\begin{cases} \displaystyle 1, & \text {if the component} ~c_{i}~\text {is interconnected} \\ \displaystyle 0, & \text {otherwise.} \end{cases} \\ Q_{i, k}=&\,\,\begin{cases} \displaystyle 1, & \text {if} ~c_{i}~\text {is a member of} ~b_{k} \\ \displaystyle 0, & \text {otherwise.} \end{cases} \\ W_{i, k}=&\,\,\begin{cases}\displaystyle {ll} 1, & \text {the moving distance of} ~c_{i}~\text {is less than} ~u \\ \displaystyle & \text {when} ~c_{i}~\text {is movable to} ~b_{k} \\ \displaystyle 0, & \text {otherwise.} \end{cases} \\ X_{k}=&\,\,\begin{cases} \displaystyle 1, & \text {if} ~b_{k}~\text {satisfies detection accuracy} ~t \\ \displaystyle 0, & \text {otherwise.} \end{cases} \\ Y_{l, k}=&\,\,\begin{cases} \displaystyle 1, & \text {if each} ~S_{\text {low}}~\text {has at lease one} ~b_{k} \\ \displaystyle 0, & \text {otherwise.} \end{cases} \\ Z_{k}=&\,\,\begin{cases} \displaystyle 1, & \text {if} ~b_{k}~\text {is active as}~ {\text {DiffSBar}} \\ \displaystyle 0, & \text {otherwise.} \end{cases}\end{align*}
\begin{align*}&\textbf {Max}~\alpha = \sum ^{n}_{k = 1}\left({\prod ^{n}_{i = 1}\prod ^{m}_{l = 1}Q_{i, k} \cdot W_{i, k} \cdot X_{k} \cdot Y_{l, k} \cdot Z_{k}}\right) \tag{1}\\&\text {s.t.}~ \sum ^{n}_{i = 1}P_{i} \leq 2 \quad (\forall i) \tag{2}\\&\hphantom {\text {s.t.}~}\sum ^{\alpha }_{k = 1}Q_{i, k} \leq 1 \quad (\forall i) \tag{3}\\&\hphantom {\text {s.t.}~}\sum ^{n}_{i = 1}W_{i, k} \leq u\quad (\forall i) \tag{4}\\&\hphantom {\text {s.t.}~}\sum ^{n}_{k = 1}X_{k} \leq 1 \quad (\forall k) \tag{5}\\&\hphantom {\text {s.t.}~}\sum ^{m}_{l = 1}Y_{l, k} \leq 1\quad (\forall l) \tag{6}\\&\hphantom {\text {s.t.}~}Q_{i, k} \leq Z_{k} \quad (\forall i, \forall k).\tag{7}\end{align*}
From constraint (2), it is required that every component should have at most two edges with other components within DiffSBar. Constraint (3) forces that the system component
Proposed Schemes
To solve MaxDiffSBar problem, we propose three different algorithms: MTS-Initialization, Partial-Shift-Increment, Whole-Shift-Completion. In this section, all of the developed algorithms are specified with their execution procedures and pseudocodes in detail.
A. Algorithm 1: MTS-Initialization
The proposed framework requires the implementation MTS-Initialization method firstly, which accomplishes system initialization of various tasks and settings and also finds as many initial MTSVEmoBar in the initial state where system components are randomly scattered. Then, the MTS-Initialization follows the below procedures.
Identify the square-shaped whole MTS area
.$S$ Verify
number of system components$n$ including mobile robots and UAVs within$C$ where every component has random positions initially.$S$ Validate that all components have different detection ranges where
.$R = \{r_{1}, r_{2}, \ldots, r_{n}\}$ Update
as$C$ and$C'$ as$R$ , respectively.$R'$ For each component
, create a list of neighbors if$c_{i}$ where$Euc(c_{i}, c_{j}) \leq r_{i} + r_{j}$ and$c_{i}, c_{j} \in C$ .$r_{i}, r_{j} \in R$ By applying Edmonds-Karp algorithm [46], we iterate the below steps until there is no additional MTSVEmoBar.
Search for a new independent MTSVEmoBar
from current set of components$b_{k}$ .$C'$ If a new independent MTSVEmoBar
is found, add$b_{k}$ into a set of MTSVEmoBar$b_{k}$ .$B$ The components within the new MTSVEmoBar
is removed from$b_{k}$ .$C'$
into$S$ number of sub-sections where we have$m$ if$S_{1}, S_{2}, S_{3}, S_{4}$ = 4. Then, assign security priority to each sub-section.$m$ Return
as the result.$B$
In brief, the motivation of the MTS-Initialization is to supply with the verification of deployed mobile robots and UAVs and their detection ranges, dividing the whole MTS area into sub-sections, assigning discriminative security levels to sub-sections, setting up initial MTSVEmoBar so that the proposed framework operates the essential task of barriers for virtual emotion detection in MTS area. Fig. 4 shows several situations while Algorithm 1 is implemented. Fig. 4(a) depicts an initial state that the components are located randomly in
Algorithm 1 MTS-Initialization
create a list of neighbors for each component
while True do
Search for a new MTSVEmoBar
end while
Moreover, MTS-Initialization’s pseudocode is explained at Algorithm 1.
B. Algorithm 2: Partial-Shift-Increment
After MTS-Initialization is executed for system initialization, the proposed Partial-Shift-Increment scheme with partial shift strategy is performed with the following steps.
Identify barrier members in each sub-section.
Decide the high security priority area
.$S_{high}$ Calculate cumulative detection accuracy of all barriers in
.$S_{high}$ If barriers
in$b_{full}$ fulfill$S_{high}$ , keep those barriers and add them to$t$ .$D$ If there exists a barrier
that does not satisfy$b_{k}$ in$t$ , the below sub-steps are iterated until the barrier$S_{high}$ meets the condition of$b_{k}$ .$t$ Step 1: Search for the new candidate component
with the smallest detection accuracy within$c_{i}$ .$b_{k}$ Step 2: Shift
with another member$c_{i}$ from another barrier within other non-priority sub-sections$c_{j}$ if the moving distance of$S_{\text {low}}$ is less than$c_{j}$ and at least one barrier in should be maintained in all$u$ .$S_{\text {low}}$ Step 3: If the barrier
meets the condition of$b_{k}$ , add$t$ to$b_{k}$ . Otherwise, go to Step 1 to find additional component to be replaced.$D$
Return the total number of DiffSBar
as$|D|$ value.$\alpha $
The motivation of Partial-Shift-Increment algorithm is that the total number of DiffSBar is ultimately created to fit with the assigned security levels of sub-sections after the successful operation of MTS-Initialization is observed. The involved idea is to search for the shifting match between the system component with the smallest detection accuracy and the movable component candidate so that such a partial match results in possible maximum number of DiffSBar. Fig. 5 portrays several situations when Partial-Shift-Increment approach is executed. Fig. 5(a) depicts a weak point with the low detection accuracy in the initial MTSVEmoBar. In Fig. 5(b), we can see possible candidate components to replace them with weak points if they are satisfied with moving distance condition. And, Fig. 5(c) presents the shifted status by proper candidate components so that the total number of DiffSBar in
Furthermore, Partial-Shift-Increment’s pseudocode is described at Algorithm 2 with formal notations.
Algorithm 2 Partial-Shift-Increment
determine the high security priority area
estimate cumulative accuracy of all barriers in
if barriers
end if
while there is a barrier
step 1: find a new
step 2: shift
if step 3:
go to step 1;
end if
end while
C. Algorithm 3: Whole-Shift-Completion
We develop Whole-Shift-Completion approach whose basic idea is leaving one barrier in the non-event area and relocating all nodes to strengthen the security of the requested event area with high priority. The Whole-Shift-Completion scheme is implemented according to the below procedures.
from Algorithm 2 and accept it as$D$ of the initial result.$D'$ The below sub-steps are iterated until there is no new whole shift candidate barrier in other sub-sections
.$S_{\text {low}}$ Identify if there exists possible whole shift candidate barrier
in$b_{k}$ .$S_{\text {low}}$ Check if
fulfills both detection accuracy condition$b_{k}$ and moving distance limit$t$ for all components within$u$ .$b_{k}$ If satisfied,
is moving to$b_{k}$ .$S_{high}$ Add
to$b_{k}$ .$D'$
Return the total number of DiffSBar
as$|D'|$ value.$\alpha $
Concisely, the motivation of Whole-Shift-Completion algorithm facilitates the maximum number of DiffSBar according to the assigned security priorities in MTS field by satisfying complex scenes of required detection accuracy and bounded moving distance of system elements. The applied idea aims to seek the whole shift candidates and then, the maximum number of DiffSBar is increased gradually whenever the whole shift is processed. Fig. 6 represents various situations when Whole-Shift-Completion scheme is performed. Fig. 6(a) depicts the status of finding whole shift candidates of barriers in other sub-sections
Furthermore, Whole-Shift-Completion’s pseudocode is presented at Algorithm 3 in accurate notations.
Algorithm 3 Whole-Shift-Completion
while there is a barrier
verify if there is possible whole shift candidate
check if
if both conditions are satisfied then
end if
end while
Evaluation of Proposed Schemes
A. Experimental Analysis
In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed schemes based on numerical results through extensive simulations with various communication ranges, the number of components, different maritime transportation station sizes, etc. As a system initialization, MTS-Initialization is firstly implemented by
For the first set of experiments, after MTS-Initialization’s implementation, Partial-Shift-Increment and Whole-Shift-Completion are performed independently in 1000
Comparison for the total number of differential security barriers
When we deliberate on the second group of simulations, after MTS-Initialization is firstly carried out, Partial-Shift-Increment and Whole-Shift-Completion are implemented with
Comparison for the total number of differential security barriers
As the third group of experiments, based on the outcomes of MTSVEmoBar by MTS-Initialization, both Partial-Shift-Increment and Whole-Shift-Completion algorithms are carried into execution with
Comparison for the total number of differential security barriers
For the fourth set of simulations, according to the results of by MTS-Initialization, both Partial-Shift-Increment and Whole-Shift-Completion schemes are performed with detection accuracy limit or cumulative accuracy of possible active component for the construction from 70 to 95 in 1000
Comparison for the total number of differential security barriers
Finally, for the fifth set of experiments, after MTS-Initialization’s execution, Partial-Shift-Increment and Whole-Shift-Completion are performed with
Comparison for the total number of differential security barriers
B. Complexity Analysis for Proposed Algorithms
In this section, we estimate the complexity of the proposed Algorithm 1, 2, 3 and discuss their performances.
First, if we estimate the complexity of Algorithm 1, it creates of neighbors or edges for each system component
Second, if we calculate the complexity of Algorithm 2, it verifies the high security sub-areas takes
Third, if the complexity of Algorithm 3 is estimated, it executes iterations to verify if there is possible whole shift candidate from all founded barriers (i.e.
In addition, we compare with existing studies authored by Kumar et al. [47] and Boppana et al. [48] in wireless sensor networks. Although the previous study by Kumar et al. [47] does not deliberate on multiple number of sub-sections with differential security levels in MTS area, virtual emotion, detection accuracy requirement, bounded moving distance of system components. They proposed two polynomial time algorithms to optimally solve the sleep-wake up problem for constructing barriers alternately when sensors are deployed randomly. The first Stint algorithm is proposed to solve barrier coverage problem when sensor lifetime are homogeneous and the second Prahari algorithm is developed for the case that the lifetime of sensors are heterogeneous, different. By Kumar et al. [47], the complexity of Stint algorithm is
Concluding Remarks
In this paper, we introduced a differential framework, DiffS, which forms differential security barriers for virtual emotion detection in cooperation with a group of mobile robots and UAVs. The proposed DiffS was designed to fit with IoT-enabled maritime transportation systems so as to strengthen security in the requested high priority security section. After MaxDiffSBar problem with ILP formulation was defined, we devised three different algorithms: MTS-Initialization, Partial-Shift-Increment, Whole-Shift-Completion, respectively. Then, after we performed comprehensive experiments with various settings, components and parameters, the detailed discussions were discussed with the comparisons of their performances. As future works, we will study security reinforcement in various shaped target regions such as convex hull, polygon, hexagon, etc. Also, we plan to expand the proposed framework with a consideration of more realistic environment covering SINR (signal to interference plus noise ratio), velocity of the sensors and sensing targets.