I. Introduction
The "Fourth Industrial Revolution" is considered the automation revolution thanks to the innovations of 5G wireless communications, automation technologies, and artificial intelligence. Ultra-reliable and low-latency communication (URLLC) service provided by 5G wireless network is able to fulfill the stringent requirement of factory automation, e.g. 10−9 packet loss probability and 99.9999% availability in motion control and mobile robot use cases [1]. However, guaranteeing extremely high reliability is challenging in such a dynamic environment as an auto-mated warehouse with high mobility swarm robotics, i.e., automated guided vehicles (AGV). Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) communication technique [2] that lever-ages spatial diversity is promising to achieve URLLC by sending duplicate data streams over diverse paths. In the automated warehouse scenario, CoMP can combine the signal from multiple radio base stations (gNBs) so that highly dependable communications can be achieved to the moving objects, i.e., AGVs with the physical obstructions, e.g. warehouse racks and shelves.