I. Introduction
Helically corrugated waveguide (HCW) that contains both axial and azimuthal periodicities attracts significant interest in applications such as gyro-devices [1]–[4], microwave undulators [5], microwave pulse compressors [6], [7], and arbitrary mode converters [8], due to its unique dispersion characteristics. By varying the geometric parameters, different dispersion curves can be generated to satisfy the requirements of different applications. For example, a dispersion curve with a constant group velocity at small axial wavenumbers over a large frequency band is desired for broadband amplification in gyrotron traveling wave amplifiers (gyro-TWAs) [9]–[11]. While in microwave pulse compressors, dispersion curves with large differences in the group velocities and low ohmic loss at a wide frequency band are preferred to achieve a high compression ratio [12], [13].