I. Introduction
Numerous commercial and bionomic components are contributing to expanding captivate in elective vehicle innovations [1] . Hybrid vehicles (HV) are playing a vital role in the advancement of automobiles [2] – [4] . The design of the vehicles is upgraded technically from time to time to overcome the deficiencies of the vehicles. A hybrid bike is a highly efficient bike whose parameters are upgraded which results in better mileage along with better power for long distances. Environment pollution is also a major problem now a days which is causing the greenhouse effect and increasing the temperature of the region [5] . Vehicles emissions also contribute in big numbers to the greenhouse effect. Air pollution is one of the major problems in most of the big cities of the world [6] – [8] . Transport and urban pollution have increased in Pakistan due to vehicle emissions [9] . Air pollution is the fourth major big fatal problem in the world. A big city like Karachi has contributed a 15% increment in vehicle emissions. Gasoline engines use petrol as a fuel in which lead is present and emitted to the environment by vehicle emissions. In 2013, 4.8 million people died due to air pollution containing lead particles in the excess amount [10] . 75 % of lead is exhausted from vehicles which are very hazardous for the environment and create air pollution [11] . Green House Gas (GHG) discharge from the transportation sector is developing more quickly than from some other monetary sectors [12] .