Autonomous driving techniques are promising to promote travel safety, comfort, and mobility in an urban transportation system [1]–[3]. Typical on-board modules in an autonomous vehicle include perception, planning, and control. Specifically, the planning module is responsible for producing open-loop trajectories for low-level controllers to track. The trajectory planning scheme in the planning module is a direct reflection of the intelligence level of an autonomous vehicle. The existing trajectory planners are typically classified as the ones for on-road cruising and off-road parking. An on-road planner primarily cares about how to make the curvature of a trajectory limited and continuous while keeping the trajectory from collisions [4]. A parking-oriented planner focuses on how to steer a vehicle to a desired configuration via a few maneuvers [5]. Typically, on-road trajectories are smooth while parking trajectories include cusps. In most cases, on-road planners and parking planners are quite different. This study focuses on the trajectory planning task for on-road autonomous driving.
Curvy roads are a particular type of urban road scenario, wherein the curvature of the road centerline changes drastically (Fig. 1a). Even if the road is straight, the irregularly placed roadside obstacles make the road tiny, thus rendering curvy trajectories. Such scenarios are not rare on an urban road in developing countries (Fig. 1b).
Typical curvy road scenarios: (a) an urban curvy road; (b) a straight road complicated by roadside obstacles.
As the curvature of the road trend is high on a curvy road, the trajectory should be carefully planned to ensure it fits the kinematic capability of the ego vehicle, otherwise the controller would not be able to track the open-loop trajectory. As we will explain later, although there have been many publications about on-road trajectory planning [1], [4], [6], few of them can handle curvy road scenarios well. This paper is about trajectory planning on a curvy road.
A. Related Works
An on-road trajectory planner is regarded as capable of handling curvy roads if it can guarantee that the trajectory curvature does not exceed the vehicle kinematic limits. Unfortunately, majority of the planners in this community are not qualified due to the usage of Frenet frame.
The Frenet frame, also known as the curvilinear frame, has been widely used to model an on-road trajectory planning task [7]. As depicted in Fig. 2, an irregularly shaped road in the real-world Cartesian frame is converted into a straight one in the Frenet frame. An obvious benefit of using the Frenet frame is that any road can be standardized as a straight tunnel with left and right bounds. In this way, the nonlinear collision-avoidance constraints in a trajectory planning problem are converted into linear within-tunnel constraints. Besides that, the originally coupled kinematic constraints are decoupled as independent polynomials in the longitudinal and lateral dimensions [8]. The aforementioned features enable a Frenet-based method to describe the trajectory planning scheme as a quadratic program (QP), which can be quickly solved [9]–[14].
Despite the aforementioned merits, the usage of Frenet frame has the following side effects: 1) disability to model the true kinematics of the ego vehicle, 2) ignorance of vehicle shape distortion, 3) failure to ensure trajectory continuity, and 4) disability to support multi-vehicle cooperative planning. The first side effect easily renders violations of trajectory curvature limits because a Frenet-based planner is not aware of the vehicle’s actual kinematic capability. The situation becomes worse when the road is curvy. The rationale behind these arguments is elaborated in Appendix A. To summarize, the Frenet frame is not suitable for modeling trajectory planning problems when the road is curvy.
Since the Frenet-based planners are not suitable for autonomous driving on the curvy roads, one may alternatively consider modeling the planning task back in the Cartesian frame, wherein the vehicle kinematic or even dynamic capability can be adequately described. The Cartesian-based planners suitable for curvy roads are classified as selection- and optimization-based methods. A selection-based method is featured by checking the feasibility of each candidate trajectory in the Cartesian frame. Li et al. [8] sampled candidate trajectories in the Frenet frame and regularized them before evaluating their costs in the Cartesian frame. Kuwata et al. [15] adopted a virtual controller to track the trajectory primitives after they were sampled via rapidly exploring random tree (RRT) search; each tracking result was taken as a trajectory candidate for selection, which naturally satisfies the kinematic feasibility in the Cartesian frame. Ma et al. [16] post-processed the RRT primitives via model predictive control methods to enhance the kinematic feasibility of each candidate trajectory primitive in the Cartesian frame. A similar idea was proposed by Li et al. in [17]. Since the trajectory curvature in the real-world Cartesian frame can be precisely measured, the selection-based planners can deal with curvy roads. However, selecting among finite primitives makes a planner incomplete, especially when none of the primitives can satisfy the kinematic and collision-avoidance constraints on a curvy road.
In contrast with the selection-based methods that choose from finite candidates, an optimization-based planner can find an optimum among infinite candidates in the continuous solution space, thus being more flexible than a selection-based method [18], [19]. An optimization-based planner describes the concerned on-road trajectory planning task as an optimal control problem (OCP) and then solves it numerically via a gradient-based optimizer. Through modeling the vehicle kinematics as hard constraints in the Cartesian frame, the trajectories planned via an optimization-based method naturally satisfy the kinematic principle. Although an optimization-based planner has merits in the kinematic feasibility and solution flexibility, it faces two new challenges [20], which are introduced as follows.
The first challenge is, the collision-avoidance constraints in the Cartesian frame are far more complex than the ones in the Frenet frame because the drivable area on the curvy road is no longer a standardized tunnel with simply left and right bounds. Since the ego vehicle’s contour is not smooth, the collision-avoidance constraints w.r.t. the road barriers and obstacles are nominally non-differentiable [21], which are beyond the capability of a gradient-based OCP solver. To address this issue, a common idea is to present the collision-avoidance constraints via within-corridor constraints after constructing a spatio-temporal safe corridor. Ziegler et al. [22] divided the ego vehicle body into multiple parts and constructed corridors for each of the parts, but the pseudo distance functions in the within-corridor constraints are still non-convex, thus rendering a large runtime as indicated by [21]. Liu et al. [23] proposed a convex feasible set method to make the within-corridor constraints linear, but the dimension of within-corridor constraints is not fixed, thereby making the OCP solution performance vary. To fix the scale of the within-corridor constraints, Ding et al. [24], Li and Zhang [25], and Manzinger et al. [14] constructed the corridor with a series of rectangles aligned to a reference trajectory. However, all the aforementioned corridor construction strategies inevitably leave out drivable area in part, thus rendering solution failures if the left-out region is necessary for kinematic feasibility. More importantly, the correctness of the within-corridor constraints relies too much on the quality of the reference trajectory. If the reference trajectory is far from being kinematically feasible, then the OCP easily becomes infeasible.
The second challenge is about the nonconvexity of the Cartesian-based kinematic constraints, which largely pull down the OCP solution speed. To address this issue, Zhang et al. [26] assumed that the curvature profile is a parameterized cubic spline, thereby simplifying the nominal kinematic constraints. However, the usage of specified splines to describe the state/control profiles in an OCP would reduce the planning flexibility, thus rendering solution failures easily. Liniger et al. [27] built an iterative framework, wherein a QP problem with linearized kinematic constraints is repeatedly solved; the optimum derived in one iteration serves as the first-order Taylor expansion point in the next iteration; the collision-avoidance constraints are relaxed with slack variables while requiring to minimize the slack variables; the iteration continues until convergence. However, the efficiency of this method relies highly on good first-order Taylor expansion points, without which the intermediate QP problem becomes infeasible and thus terminates the entire iterative process.
To summarize, the state-of-the-art optimization-based planners in the Cartesian frame are still not perfect in dealing with a curvy road scenario.
B. Motivations and Contributions
This study aims to propose a fast, precise, and optimal trajectory planning method for autonomous driving on curvy roads. Since the Frenet-based planners cannot accurately describe the vehicle kinematics, we choose to develop a Cartesian-based planning method. More specifically, since the selection-based methods suffer from the curse of dimensionality, we choose to develop an optimization-based planner due to its potential to find an optimum in the continuous solution space.
The core contribution of this paper is the proposal of an iterative computation framework, whereby the two challenges an optimization-based planner encounters can be efficiently addressed. Compared with the existing optimization-based trajectory planning methods in the Cartesian frame, our proposal guarantees that the within-corridor constraints are linear, tractably scaled, insensitive to the reference trajectory, and have sufficient coverage w.r.t. the drivable area. Also, our proposal simplifies the nonconvex kinematic constraints without violating them or making the planner reliant upon the initial guess. In addition, our proposed method handles the two challenges in an integrated way rather than raising two individual strategies.
In the rest of this paper, Section II states the on-road trajectory planning problem. Section III proposes our trajectory planner. Simulation and experimental results are reported and discussed in Section IV, followed by the conclusions drawn in Section V.
Problem Statement
In this section, the on-road trajectory planning task is nominally formulated as an OCP, which consists of a cost function and constraints, the details of which are given in the next few subsections.
A. Overall Formulation
A standard OCP in the form of (1) is deployed to describe the concerned trajectory planning task.\begin{align*}&\textrm {Minimize}~J\left ({{{\mathbf {x}}(t), {\mathbf {u}}(t)} }\right), \\&\textrm {s.t.}~{\dot {\mathbf {x}}}(t)=f_{\textrm {kinematics}} \left ({{{\mathbf {x}}(t),\quad {\mathbf {u}}(t)} }\right), \\&\hphantom {\textrm {s.t.}~}{\mathbf {x}}\le {\mathbf {x}}(t)\le {\bar {\mathbf {x}}}, \quad {\mathbf {u}}\le {\mathbf {u}}(t)\le {\bar {\mathbf {u}}},~ t\in [0,\textrm {T}]; \\&\hphantom {\textrm {s.t.}~} {\mathbf {x}}(0)={\mathbf {x}}_{\textrm {init}}, \quad {\mathbf {u}}(0)={\mathbf { u}}_{\textrm {init}}, ~ {\mathbf {x}}(\textrm {T})={\mathbf {x}}_{\textrm {goal}}, \\&\hphantom {\textrm {s.t.}~}{\mathbf {u}}(\textrm {T})={\mathbf {u}}_{\textrm {goal}};\quad h_{\textrm {collision}} \left ({{{\mathbf {x}}(t)} }\right)\le 0,~t\in [0,\textrm {T}].\tag{1}\end{align*}
B. Cost Function
The cost function \begin{equation*} J=\int _{\tau =0}^{\textrm {T}} {\left ({{\left \|{ {{\mathbf {x}}(\tau)-{\mathbf {x}}_{\textrm {ref}} (\tau)} }\right \|^{2}+\textrm {w}_{\textrm {u}} \cdot \left \|{ {{\mathbf {u}}(\tau)} }\right \|^{2}} }\right)\cdot \textrm {d}\tau },\tag{2}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc} \left \|{ {{\mathbf {x}}(\tau)-{\mathbf {x}}_{\textrm {ref}} (\tau)} }\right \|^{2} \\=&\left ({{x(\tau)-\textrm {x}_{\textrm {ref}} (\tau)} }\right)^{2} \\&+\,\left ({{y(\tau)-\textrm {y}_{\textrm {ref}} (\tau)} }\right)^{2}+\textrm {w}_{\textrm {r}\theta } \cdot \left ({{\theta (\tau)-\theta _{\textrm {ref}} (\tau)} }\right)^{2},\tag{3}\end{align*}
The second term \begin{equation*} \left \|{ {{\mathbf {u}}(\tau)} }\right \|^{2}=jerk^{2}(\tau)+\textrm {w}_{\textrm {rw}} \cdot \omega ^{2}(\tau),\tag{4}\end{equation*}
C. Constraints
The constraints in a trajectory planning task typically include the kinematic constraints, two-point boundary constraints, and collision-avoidance constraints.
1) Kinematic Constraints:
The kinematic principle of the ego vehicle is reflected by
As the vehicle does not run fast on a curvy road, the bicycle model is sufficient to describe the vehicle mobility [30]:\begin{align*} \frac {\textrm {d}}{\textrm {d}t}\left [{ {{\begin{array}{cccccccccccccccccccc} {x(t)} \\[0.3pc] y(t) \\[0.3pc] \theta (t)~\\[0.3pc] {v(t)} \\[0.3pc] {\phi (t)} \\[0.3pc] {a(t)} \\ \end{array}}} }\right]=\left [{ {{\begin{array}{cccccccccccccccccccc} {v(t)\cdot \cos \theta (t)} \\[0.3pc] v(t)\cdot \sin \theta (t)~\\[0.3pc] {v(t)\cdot \tan \phi (t)} \mathord {\left /{ {\vphantom {v(t)\cdot \tan \phi (t) {\textrm {L}_{\textrm {W}}}}} }\right. } {\textrm {L}_{\textrm {W}}} \\[0.3pc] {a(t)} \\[0.3pc] {jerk(t)} \\ \end{array}}} }\right],\quad t\in [0,\textrm {T}],\tag{5}\end{align*}
The inequalities \begin{align*} \left [{ {{\begin{array}{cccccccccccccccccccc} {\textrm {a}_{\textrm {min}}} \\[0.3pc] 0 \\[0.3pc] -\textrm {jerk}_{\textrm {max}} \\[0.3pc] {-\Omega _{\textrm {max}}} \\[0.3pc] {-\Phi _{\textrm {max}}} \\ \end{array}}} }\right]\le \left [{ {{\begin{array}{cccccccccccccccccccc} {a(t)} \\[0.3pc] v(t) \\[0.3pc] jerk(t) \\[0.3pc] {\omega (t)} \\[0.3pc] {\phi (t)} \\ \end{array}}} }\right]\le \left [{ {{\begin{array}{cccccccccccccccccccc} {\textrm {a}_{\textrm {max}}} \\[0.3pc] \textrm {v}_{\textrm {max}} \\[0.3pc] \textrm {jerk}_{\textrm {max}} \\[0.3pc] {\Omega _{\textrm {max}}} \\[0.3pc] {\Phi _{\textrm {max}}} \\ \end{array}}} }\right],\quad t\in [0,\textrm {T}]. \\{}\tag{6}\end{align*}
2) Two-Point Boundary Constraints:
\begin{align*}&\hspace {-0.5pc}\left [{ {x(0),y(0),\theta (0),v(0),a(0),jerk(0),\phi (0),\omega (0)} }\right] \\&\qquad\qquad\qquad =\,\left [{ {\textrm {x}_{0}, \textrm {y}_{0}, \theta _{0}, \textrm {v}_{0}, \textrm {a}_{0}, \textrm {jerk}_{0},\phi _{0}, \textrm {w}_{0}} }\right].\tag{7a}\end{align*}
By contrast, the boundary constraints at \begin{equation*} \left [{ {a(\textrm {T}),jerk(\textrm {T}),\omega (\textrm {T})} }\right]=[0,\textrm {0, 0}].\tag{7b}\end{equation*}
3) Collision-Avoidance Constraints:
Collision-avoidance constraints \begin{align*} \textrm {xlb}_{i}^{j}\le&x^{\textrm {disc}j} (t)\le \textrm {xub}_{i}^{j}, \\ \textrm {ylb}_{i}^{j}\le&y^{\textrm {disc}j} (t)\le \textrm {yub}_{i}^{j}, \\&t\in [t_{i},t_{i+1}], \quad i\!=\!0,\ldots,\textrm {N}_{\textrm {FE}} \!-\!1,~j\!=\!1,\ldots,\textrm {N}_{\textrm {DISC}}. \\{}\tag{8}\end{align*}
As depicted in Fig. 4, the rectangular vehicle body is evenly covered by NDISC same-radius discs, among which \begin{align*} x^{\textrm {disc}j}(t)=&x(t)+\left ({{\frac {2j-1}{2\textrm {N}_{\textrm {DISC}} }\cdot (\textrm {L}_{\textrm {R}} +\textrm {L}_{\textrm {W}} +\textrm {L}_{\textrm {F}})-\textrm {L}_{\textrm {R}}} }\right) \\&\cdot \,\cos \theta (t), \\ y^{\textrm {disc}j}(t)=&y(t)+\left ({{\frac {2j-1}{2\textrm {N}_{\textrm {DISC}} }\cdot (\textrm {L}_{\textrm {R}} +\textrm {L}_{\textrm {W}} +\textrm {L}_{\textrm {F}})-\textrm {L}_{\textrm {R}}} }\right) \\&\cdot \,\sin \theta (t), \\&j=1,\ldots,\textrm {N}_{\textrm {DISC}}, t\in [0,\textrm {T}].\tag{9}\end{align*}
Schematics on same-radius discs to cover the rectangular vehicle body (
Eq. (9) means that the location of each disc center is determined by \begin{equation*} \textrm {R}^{\textrm {disc}}=\sqrt {\left({\frac {\textrm {L}_{\textrm {R}} +\textrm {L}_{\textrm {W}} +\textrm {L}_{\textrm {F}} }{2\textrm {N}_{\textrm {DISC}}}}\right)^{2}+\left({\frac {\textrm {L}_{\textrm {B}} }{2}}\right)^{2}}.\tag{10}\end{equation*}
In (8), the temporal horizon [0,T] is divided into NFE intervals \begin{align*}&\hspace {-0.5pc}t_{0} =0, \quad t_{\textrm {N}_{\textrm {FE}}} =\textrm {T}, \\&\qquad\qquad t_{i+1} -t_{i} =\textrm {T}/\textrm {N}_{\textrm {FE}},\quad \forall i=0,\ldots,\textrm {N}_{\textrm {FE}} -1.\tag{11}\end{align*}
It deserves to note that there are alternative ways to build the corridor, but the one consisting of axis-aligned boxes has its unique advantage, which is elaborated in the next section.
As a summary of the whole section, the following OCP is formulated to describe the trajectory planning task for on-road autonomous driving:\begin{align*}&\textrm {Minimize}(2), \\&\textrm {s.t.}~\textrm {Kinematic constraints (5) and (6)}; \\&\hphantom {\textrm {s.t.}~}\textrm {Two-point boundary constraints (7)}; \\&\hphantom {\textrm {s.t.}~}\textrm {Within-corridor constraints (8)}; \\&\hphantom {\textrm {s.t.}~}\textrm {Definitions of disc centers (9)}.\tag{12}\end{align*}
Generally speaking, trajectory planning is about resolving the underlying conflicts between the kinematics-related and environment-related constraints. However, the within-corridor constraints (8) in OCP (12) are in question because they are formulated based on a coarsely searched reference trajectory, thus easily leaving out the free space necessary for kinematic feasibility. Therefore, directly solving OCP (12) does not always work. An alternative idea is to build an iterative framework, wherein the within-corridor constraints (8) are adaptively adjusted if they are found inappropriate. The details are introduced in the next section.
Trajectory Planning Method
Our proposed on-road trajectory planner is introduced in this section. The principle of the planner is presented first, followed by analyses of the proposal.
A. Principle of the Proposed Trajectory Planner
The overall principle of our proposed on-road trajectory planning method is presented as the following pseudo-codes in Alg. 1.
Alg. 1. An Iterative Trajectory Optimization Method
Reference trajectory
Optimized trajectory
end if
end while
Alg. 1 begins with generating an initial guess via FormInitialGuess(), which loads the reference trajectory
After the initialization of parameters and preparation for an initial guess in lines 1–2, Alg. 1 implements a while loop. In each iteration of the while loop, an intermediate OCP is formulated and solved numerically, the optimum of which serves as the initial guess for future usage.
In line 4, the function
Concretely, the intermediate OCP is written as \begin{align*}&\textrm {Minimize}~(2)+\textrm {w}_{\textrm {penalty}} \cdot \textrm {f}_{\textrm {penalty}} (T), \\&\textrm {s.t.}~{\mathbf {x}}\le {\mathbf {x}}(t)\le {\bar {\mathbf {x}}}, \quad {\mathbf {u}}\le {\mathbf { u}}(t)\le {\bar {\mathbf {u}}}; \\&\hphantom {\textrm {s.t.}~}{\mathbf {x}}(0)={\mathbf {x}}_{\textrm {init}}, \quad {\mathbf {u}}(0)={\mathbf {u}}_{\textrm {init}},~ {\mathbf { x}}(T)={\mathbf {x}}_{\textrm {goal}}, \\&\hphantom {\textrm {s.t.}~}{\mathbf {u}}(T)={\mathbf {u}}_{\textrm {goal}}; \quad \text {and}~(11).\tag{13}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} f_{\textrm {penalty}} (t)\!=\!\int _{\tau =0}^{t} {\left ({{\left \|{ {{\dot {\mathbf {x}}}(\tau)\!-\!f_{\textrm {kinematics}} (\tau)} }\right \|^{2}\!+\!\left \|{ {g_{\textrm {disc}} (\tau)} }\right \|^{2}} }\right)\textrm {d}\tau }.\!\! \\{}\tag{14}\end{align*}
B. Property Analysis
This subsection leverages several properties of the proposed trajectory planner Alg. 1.
Firstly, the intermediate OCPs in Alg. 1 are different from one another because the within-corridor constraints are always updated according to the latest reference trajectories. The rationale behind this design is presented as follows. Recall that the corridors consist of axis-aligned local boxes, thus the free space would inevitably be left out in part, which renders a loss of optimality or even feasibility. Updating the corridors during the iterations can efficiently reduce the left-out free space if the feasibility/optimality of the reference trajectory is improved during the iterations. At this point, using other types of convex polygons to form the corridors (e.g. in [23]) also suffers from a partial loss of free space because the free space is inherently irregularly shaped in our concerned task. By contrast, updating the corridors iteratively brings extra chances to reduce the loss of feasibility/optimality caused by the left-out free space.
Secondly, the feasibility/optimality of the reference trajectory is continuously improved during the iterations, which lays a foundation for the efficiency of the updating-corridor strategy mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Suppose that the corridors paved along the initial reference trajectory at iter = 0 are so poor that none kinematically feasible solutions lie in them. In such a case, recovering the kinematic feasibility naturally becomes a predominant scheme in minimizing the cost function of intermediate OCP (13). Therefore, the resultant optimum differs from the initial guess mainly in the reduction of the kinematic infeasibility. Although the kinematic infeasibility is not fully eliminated, the resultant trajectory is closer to being feasible in its shape, thus bringing about chances for further improvements in the subsequent iterations because the corridors can be updated then.
Thirdly, the intermediate OCPs are always feasible, which is an important foundation for the efficiency of the entire iterative framework. Suppose that the NLP problem derived by discretizing an intermediate OCP (13) is called NLP13. It is interesting to note that NLP13 consists of a nonconvex cost function together with purely box constraints. Since all of the constraints are box constraints, NLP13 is always feasible unless the lower bounds of the box constraints exceed the upper bonds, which will not happen because the lower/upper bounds in our concerned task have real-world semantic senses.
Fourthly, the intermediate OCPs can be solved rapidly. Although the cost function of NLP13 is nonconvex, all the constraints are box constraints, which are the simplest type of linear constraints. Besides that, the initial guess of NLP13 is definitely a feasible starting point. This is because 1) it is an optimum derived in the preceding iteration, thus satisfying the box constraints there, and 2) the latest within-corridor constraints are constructed around the initial guess. Therefore, NLP13 is easy to solve. A prevalent idea in the community of autonomous driving trajectory planning is to simplify the OCP so that it can be discretized into a quadratic program (QP) problem rather than an NLP one that involves nonconvexity. However, formulating a QP usually requires linearizing the kinematic constraints. The linearized kinematic constraints easily become misleading if the Taylor expansion point is of low quality. In such cases, more iterations would be needed although the CPU runtime in every single iteration is small.
Fifthly, the corridor construction function runs fast. Axis-aligned boxes are chosen to form the corridors not only because they render box constraints, but also because they are much easier to identify than other types of convex polygons.
Sixthly, optimality is achieved if Alg. 1 exits from line 9. As the iteration continues, the kinematic infeasibility approaches
Seventhly, the entire iterative optimization framework can be implemented in an anytime style if there is a strict limit on the CPU runtime. Since all the constraints in NLP13 are box constraints, the solution process of each NLP13 is always within the feasible region of the solution space. This property enables us to interrupt a gradient-based NLP solution process before its convergence without suffering from the risk of getting a worse trajectory, which stays out of the corridors or violates the kinematic constraints more severely. In this sense, even if the proposed planner does not find a valid optimum within predefined runtime limit or iterations, the result can still be passed on to the next planning frame for further improvements provided that the near-future segment of the resultant trajectory is found to be kinematically feasible.
Experimental Results and Discussions
Simulations and experiments are conducted to show the efficiency, solution speed, and closed-loop tracking performance of the proposed trajectory planner. Concretely, simulations are deployed to show our proposal can outperform other state-of-the-art planners in the same community whereas experiments are conducted to show the planned trajectories are easy to track and the planning runtime is short.
Typical simulation and experimental results are reported in
A. Simulation Setup
Simulations are executed on an i9-9900 CPU that runs at
A typical curvy road scenario containing a right-turn and two U-turns is defined, wherein the social vehicles are randomly set as static or moving. The velocity of each moving vehicle is assumed to be constant, which is determined randomly.
B. On the Efficiency of the Proposed Planner
This subsection shows the performance of our proposed trajectory planner when tested on a simple case with 6 randomly defined static obstacles. The optimized trajectory, together with the footprints are depicted in Fig. 5, which indicates that the trajectory is collision-free. Fig. 6 shows the velocity and steering angle profiles associated with the optimized trajectory, which stay in the allowable bounds and appear to be smooth.
Optimized trajectory and footprints derived by using Alg. 1 to handle a simulation case with 6 static obstacles. This figure can be seen more clearly if zoomed in.
The velocity and steering angle profiles in association with the optimized trajectory illustrated in Fig. 5.
To see the details in the iterative framework of Alg. 1, Fig. 7 depicts the optimized trajectory together with the intermediate OCP solutions. In this figure, the reference trajectory derived by sampling and search can be taken as the intermediate trajectory at iteration 0. The reference trajectory is refined in 2 extra iterations. Since the reference trajectory in each iteration is different, our efforts to re-construct the corridors make sense.
To leverage the effect of the iterative framework, a comparison is made with simply solving OCP (12) for once. However, the numerical solution process fails after consuming 5.374s. By contrast, Alg. 1 only takes 0.378s to output an optimized trajectory. This comparison clearly shows that deploying an iterative framework is efficient to get rid of the low-quality reference trajectory and the side effects of the corridors initially.
To evaluate the feasibility of the final output of Alg. 1, we define a variant of Alg. 1 (denoted as Alg. 2), which is the same as Alg. 1 except that the softened nonlinear constraints in the last intermediate OCP are formulated in their nominal forms again, i.e., hard constraints. Through this, the output of Alg. 2 would strictly satisfy all of the constraints. The results of Algs. 1 and 2 are illustrated in Fig. 8, which shows that the results differ at a level of 0.01 m. Recall that the output of our proposed planner violates the softened nonlinear constraints at most by
Comparative simulation results to show the feasibility of the proposed trajectory planner’s outputs.
As a conclusion of this subsection, designing an iterative framework in Alg. 1 has validated intention and has obvious benefits in solution efficiency and real-time performance.
C. Comparison With a Frenet-Based Planner
This subsection investigates the benefit of planning in the Cartesian frame. For comparison, a well-known on-road trajectory planner in the Frenet frame called Apollo EM planner [14] is adopted as the competitor. The EM planner is featured by implementing path planning and velocity planning alternately until a converged trajectory is derived. In either EM planner or our proposed Alg. 1, the cost function is about minimizing the control profiles and encouraging the optimized trajectory close to the coarse trajectory derived by DP. The resultant trajectories have minor differences as shown in Fig. 9a. Particularly, the EM planner consumes only 0.046s to finish, which is quite fast. To take a further insight into the results, we evaluate the trajectory curvature via the following criterion:\begin{equation*} \kappa (s)=\frac {x'(s){y}''(s)-{y}'(s){x}''(s)}{\left [{ {\left ({{x'(s)} }\right)^{2}+\left ({{y'(s)} }\right)^{2}} }\right]^{\frac {3}{2}}},\tag{15}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} -\frac {\tan (\Phi _{\max })}{\textrm {L}_{\textrm {W}}}\le \kappa (s)\le \frac {\tan (\Phi _{\max })}{\textrm {L}_{\textrm {W}}}.\tag{16}\end{equation*}
D. Comparison With Other Cartesian-Based Planners
In this subsection, Alg. 1 is compared with an existing Cartesian-based planner proposed by Liniger et al. [27], which is denoted as an MPC-based planner. Like Alg. 1, the MPC-based planner also facilitates the trajectory planning process by decoupling the vehicle kinematic constraints and collision-avoidance constraints, which are nominally coupled together. In more details, the MPC-based method linearizes the nonlinear kinematic constraints, relaxes the collision-avoidance constraints via the introduction of extra slack variables, and thus builds an OCP with the slack variables minimized. The OCP is iteratively solved until convergence.
Consequently, the MPC-based method takes 5 iterations to complete. The runtime of the MPC-based method is 0.956s, which is much longer than our Alg. 1. The reason for the low speed of the MPC-based method may be that the optimization in each iteration is only done in a small-scale trust region, thus the step length in the gradient-based optimization becomes small, which calls for more iterations. Like most of the MPC-like methods that linearize the vehicle kinematics, getting a good solution relies highly on a near-feasible Taylor expansion point. More iterations would be needed if a good Taylor expansion point is not available initially.
Another side effect of using the MPC-based planner is that the slack variables enable to alter the homotopy class during the iterations, which brings about risks to make the planned trajectory inconsistent with the decision made in a higher-level module. Similar to the MPC approach, there have been large numbers of sequential QP (SQP) or sequential convex program (SCP) based methods with linearization operations. The proposed method shows that making each intermediate OCP contains purely box constraints has its merits when compared with the predominant solution facilitation strategies.
E. Experimental Setup and Results
In addition to the aforementioned simulations, real-world experiments were also conducted to investigate the tractability of the trajectories planned by Alg. 1 as well as its time efficiency.
Experiments were conducted on a small-size autonomous vehicle platform QCar produced by Quanser® (Fig. 11). The signals from a single-beam LiDAR and an IMU are integrated for indoor localization [34]. The LiDAR is also responsible for static obstacle detection (no moving obstacles are deployed for the indoor experiments, thus the obstacle prediction module can be safely discarded). The proposed trajectory planning method is written in C++ for fast onboard implementation. Regarding the closed-loop control module, a P-controller tracks in the longitudinal direction whereas an LQR-controller tracks in the lateral direction. A U-shape road scenario is set up, wherein multiple cone barrels are placed for the small vehicle to evade.
Comparative simulation results to show the superiority of Alg. 1 against another Cartesian-based trajectory planner.
A typical result is depicted in Fig. 12, wherein the open-loop trajectory is planned in a receding horizon way (the duration of each planning horizon is set to 1000ms). As shown in Fig. 12a, the open-loop and closed-loop trajectories differ not much, which indicates that the trajectories proposed by our proposed Alg. 1 are easy to track. As a comparison, we sent the reference trajectory roughly searched by DP to the low-level controllers. The result depicted in Fig. 12b indicates that a kinematically infeasible trajectory would be difficult to track. To conclude, the trajectory planning resulted derived by Alg. 1 are easy to track.
Closed-loop tracking performances tested on the QCar platform in an in-door U-shape road scenario: (a) tracking the optimized trajectories provided by Alg. 1; and (b) tracking the reference trajectories provided by DP search.
Among the planning frames from the starting instance to the end, the DP search procedure consumed 0.732ms, and Alg. 1 consumed 273.630ms on average. Either runtime is well below the entire planning horizon length, which indicates that the proposed planner is capable of handling on-road trajectory planning tasks in the real world.
This paper has proposed an optimization-based trajectory planning method in the Cartesian frame for autonomous driving on a curvy road. In contrast with the prevalent Frenet-based planners that run fast but cannot accurately reflect the vehicle kinematics, our proposed planner models the vehicle kinematics and collision avoidance in the real-world Cartesian frame where the ego vehicle actually lives in. The choice of Cartesian frame renders several challenges in the problem formulation and problem-solving procedures, which are systematically addressed by the proposed iterative optimization framework. Simulations have been conducted to show that 1) the Frenet frame has its limitations to describe the vehicle kinematics, 2) a Cartesian-based planner is promising to provide accurate solutions rapidly if being well designed, and 3) the predominant optimization facilitation strategies that commonly involve convexification or linearization via Taylor expansion points are not perfect in the runtime.
It deserves to emphasize here that a Frenet-based planner does have its natural advantages to describe the traffic-rule-related constraints on the road [24] while modeling these constraints is not easy for a Cartesian-based planner. Our future work is focused on how to describe the spatially constrained on-road autonomous driving scenarios within a Cartesian-based trajectory planner. Also, it deserves to develop a unified method that integrates both the Cartesian and Frenet frames and switches between them adaptively as the on-road scenario changes.
Appendix A
Appendix A
This section lists the typical disadvantages in modeling the trajectory planning problems in the Frenet frame.
Excessive Reliance on Reference Line
The establishment of a Frenet frame relies on a reference line to reflect the road trend. The reference line should be curvature- continuous; otherwise, even a curvature-continuous trajectory derived in the Frenet frame becomes curvature-discontinuous after being converted back into the Cartesian frame. This argument is validated by the following analysis. Suppose that the curvature of a trajectory in the Frenet frame is \begin{align*} \kappa _{\textrm {x}} \!=\! \left \{{{\frac {\left [{ {\kappa _{\textrm {f}} +({\kappa }'_{\textrm {r}} l+\kappa _{\textrm {r}} {l}')\tan \Delta \theta } }\right]\cos ^{2}\Delta \theta }{1-\kappa _{\textrm {r}} l}+\kappa _{\textrm {r}}} }\right \}\cdot \frac {\cos \Delta \theta }{1-\kappa _{\textrm {r}} l}, \\{}\tag{A1}\end{align*}
Schematics on the conversion between Cartesian and Frenet frames: (a) geometric notations related to reference line and a to-be-converted trajectory; and (b) a typical case reflects the trajectory discontinuity caused by frame conversion.
Inconsistent Conversion From Cartesian to Frenet Frame
The coordinate conversion from the Cartesian frame to the Frenet frame is valid when the lateral offset away from the reference line is smaller than a threshold \begin{equation*} P_{\textrm {ref}} =\mathop {\arg \min }\limits _{(x_{i}^{\textrm {w}},\textrm {y}_{i}^{\textrm {w}})\in {\mathbf { ref}}} \left \|{ {(x_{i}^{\textrm {w}} -x_{\textrm {p}},\textrm {y}_{i}^{\textrm {w}} -\textrm {y}_{\textrm {p}})} }\right \|.\tag{A2}\end{equation*}
1) Ignorance of Vehicle Shape Distortion:
When a road in the Cartesian frame is standardized as a tube in the Frenet frame, the ego vehicle’s shape would no longer be a rectangle after the frame conversion. Regarding the vehicle shape, the gap between the two frames would be large if the road is curvy. However, quite few studies have considered this problem [38].
2) Disability to Support Cooperative Planning:
Since a Frenet frame is built along a single reference line, it cannot support cooperative planning for multiple vehicles if they have different reference lines. Thus prevailing intelligent transportation functions such as cooperative lane change and autonomous intersection management cannot be realized in the Frenet frame [39], [40].
Appendix B
Appendix B
This section presents the principle to identify the local boxes which are used to construct a corridor [41].
Suppose that the reference trajectory is denoted as
With each waypoint
Recall that the
Schematics on the principle to construct corridors: (a) a static map containing footprints of obstacles in a short period; (b) map dilation; (c) searching process for an alternative disc center; (d) expansion process to identify a local box.
The remaining local boxes can be identified in the same way. All the local boxes form a spatio-temporal corridor along the reference trajectory traj