I. Introduction
Magnetic near field measurement technique has been paid more attention in recent years [1]–[6]. Many techniques can be used to realize magnetic field measurement, such as fluxgate (FG) sensors [7], [8], optical pumping (OP) sensors [9], [10], superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) sensors [11], diamond nitrogen-vacancy center (DNVC) sensors [3], [12], and near field probe [2], [4], [13]. They are widely used for shielding effectiveness analysis [14], [15], fault detection of device [1], [16], high sensitivity magnetic field measurement [11], nondestructive inspection of suspicious areas on cryptographic large-scale integration chips [17], electromagnetic interference prediction [18] and electromagnetic emission analysis of integrated circuits in IEC 61967 [19], [20]. In general, FG and OP sensors are more suitable for high sensitivity magnetic field measurement with frequency range below several hundreds kHz. The SQUID sensor based on the principle of low temperature superconductivity is more suitable for high sensitivity magnetic field measurement, its frequency range usually below several hundreds MHz and the spatial resolution is usually several (such as Magma EFI HiRes). The DNVC sensor is usually suitable for high spatial resolution magnetic field measurement, its spatial resolution can reach several tens nm (such as QSM system of Qzabre). Compared with these sensors mentioned above, near field probes in IEC61967 [19], [20] have the advantages of low production cost, simple application configuration and wide detection frequency band. It is mainly used in near field scanning analysis, such as radiation emission evaluation and coupling path analysis of electronic products.