I. Introduction
The evaluation of industrial maturity is a hierarchical evaluation method, which can realize the evaluation and analysis of the life cycle, growth stage or development process of the research problem [1]. Subsequently, maturity evaluation has been widely applied to the energy Internet industry. For example, Sun Xudong (2017) re-elaborated the definition of industrial products by taking advantage of the differences between and transformation and traditional industrial manufacturing, and established the evaluation indicator system of industrial maturity in the energy field from the perspective of multi-technology and multi-product [2]. It can be seen from the literatures that the previous researches mainly focused on the indicators of the development evaluation of the energy Internet industry [3], [4], while the specific evaluation on the development of its emerging industry and special features was relatively lacking. These evaluation methods mainly adopt a combination of Delphi Method, Rough Set and Factor Analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process and Principal Component Analysis, Interpretative Structure Model, Entropy Weight Method or Fuzzy Evaluation Method [5]–[7], which can provide a relatively reasonable evaluation system and evaluation results. However, the researches of the intermediate state and dynamic trend of the transformation of the emerging industry to a certain maturity level remains to be further explored [8]. In fact, the emerging industry of energy Internet is an open and complex ecosystem, and the complexity brought by many components and their interactions increases the difficulty in the construction and evaluation [9]. Entropy weight method helps to improve the objectivity of the evaluation indicators and weights, and the matter-element model considering higher dimensional incompatible indicators [10]. Therefore, establishing a matter-element model to explore the mechanism of development is reasonable for the evaluation of emerging industry. It is helpful to improve reliability and objectivity of evaluation results.