I. Introduction
Civil infrastructures, like dams and bridges, are susceptible to deterioration over time, so Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) techniques are essential to maintain the structure health conditions for a safely daily use [1]. To achieve assurance of safety in dam structure, it requires a series of concomitant, continuous, and organized activities to mitigate the potential risk of collapse, which leads to social, economic, and environmental disasters. Ideally, dam control and inspection operations must contain redundant protocols to guarantee that they extrapolate beyond operational risks [2] and must be done in many and different levels. Monitoring and evaluating the safety of a concrete dam structure is a challenging task, as many uncontrollable variables can influence a dam structure’s, such as temperature, humidity, rain, river level. For this reason, it is relevant to identify indicators that may reflect the dam structure’s health through different sources, as sensors and visual inspection.