I. Introduction
Surface integral equation-based characteristic mode analysis (SIE-CMA) draws increasing in antenna design as it reveals the intrinsic nature of a radiating or scattering structure effectively and efficiently [1], [2]. Nevertheless, for dielectric-based antennas, though the well-known plight caused by spurious modes has been conquered [3], SIE-CMA is hardly applied. Widely applied commercial SIE-CMA solvers are either unable to handle dielectric structures or ineffective in identifying characteristic modes of the main dielectric object in complex circumstances [4]. For instance, even for the simplest case, i.e. a dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) on a finite ground plane (GP), common SIE-CMA cannot accurately extract the CM unless the GP is assumed infinitely large [5]. Metallic antennas also suffer more or less from the similar problem [6].