I. Introduction
Robot motion planning is to plan collision-free motions for a robot from a start to a goal state among a set of obstacles [1]. Although it can be considered as a geometric path planning problem for simplicity, the computation is still complex [2]. When taking into account differential constraints and sensing uncertainties, this problem becomes further complicated. In the past few decades, many algorithms have been presented to address the motion planning problem, such as combinatorial roadmap [3], potential fields [4] and sampling-based methods [5], [6]. Combinatorial roadmap and potential field algorithms can efficiently solve a series of motion planning problems. However, both of them do not scale well in the general case since they rely on the complex construction of configuration space. Sampling-based algorithms can avoid the precise geometric modeling of configuration space and efficiently search the whole state space. Therefore, they have become relatively popular for a very general class of problems. They implement a random sampling strategy to organize collision-free states concerning robot kinematics and dynamics. Probabilistic roadmap (PRM) [5] utilizes a graph to store the sampled states while rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) [6] utilizes a tree. Then a feasible solution can be computed by querying the constructed graph or tree. PRM is suitable for multi-query problems, while RRT for single-query problems. Single-query approaches have seen a significant advance in recent years and have been widely applied into many robotic applications. In this article, we also focus on the single-query motion planning problem.