I. Introduction
Process tomography has an attractive development prospect in industrial measurement and medical monitoring. With the development of industry, there is an increasing demand for the visual detection of two-phase flow parameters in pipelines. Electrical resistance tomography (ERT) and electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) are two of the most mature process tomography technologies. ERT measures the resistivity distribution of the imaging area, while ECT measures the permittivity distribution by detecting the capacitance values [1], [2]. ERT and ECT have the following advantages over other process tomography techniques, such as X-ray tomography, gamma ray tomography, ultrasound tomography: low cost, noninvasive, simple structure and safety, and so on [3]–[5]. ERT already has many applications. Ren et al. [6] investigated the feasibility of using ERT to visualize the surface deposit during a cleaning-in-place (CIP) process. Wang et al. [7] demonstrated that ERT is a reliable imaging tool for the real-time measurement of complex two-phase flows in the packed bubble column reactors.