I. Introduction and Problem Statement
Today, it is difficult to underestimate the popularity and importance of using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). However, during the flight of the UAV may occur abnormal situations (NA), in which the state of the technical complex, its components and funds involved, as well as the flight conditions, are not provided by the regular operation program. Occurrence of emergency situations can be connected with the following reasons: unreliability of elements of onboard systems of the UAV and their failure; error of the operational personnel of the mission control center (MCC) when operating the UAV; imperfection of methods and algorithms of UAV control with PMU; incompleteness and inaccuracy of information about the UAV as an object of management; limited ability to control the UAV, etc. One of the main factors leading to the emergency is the unpredictable discharge of the battery (DB). To ensure the trouble-free flight of UAVs, there is a need to develop intelligent systems that use methods of operational monitoring of the state of the AB in real time, which will assess the current state of the AB and predict its duration.