I. Introduction
The demand for high data rate has increased rapidly in the last decade. This rapid growth in mobile data traffic should be accompanied with the same growth in the energy efficiency (EE) and spectral efficiency (SE) of the network [1]. To this end, several technologies have been introduced. One of the most promising technologies is millimeter-Wave (mmWave) communication which provides wide bandwidth and high SE. However, the deployment of mmWave in long-range communications is challenging due to the high path loss, low penetration, and high sensitivity to blockage. As stated in [2], SE and EE improvement of the network can also be afforded by resorting to the deployment of small-cell networks (SCNs). Short-range SCNs complement the macro-cell networks to provide coverage for both indoor and outdoor wireless networks [3], [4]. SCN is also an effective technology for deploying mmWave, therefore, a promising approach in 5G for supporting high data rate demand is combining SCNs and mmWave [5]. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has been introduced as well for enhancing SE in 5G [6], [7]. The key concept in power domain NOMA is allocating each orthogonal resource block with different power levels to more than one user [6], where at the receiver side of NOMA systems, successive interference cancelation (SIC) is applied to detect the desired signal [8], [9]. Moreover, to improve the transmission reliability of users with poor channel gain, cooperative NOMA was introduced. Cooperative NOMA enhances the SE of the network by increasing the diversity gain [10]. Furthermore, the limited power of the mobile devices has attracted lots of attention when focusing on their impact in the cooperative wireless networks.