I. Introduction
After literatures review from previously published database, CMOS LC-VCO designs have been reported and released, commonly as cross-coupled pairs architectures. The proposed low phase noise [1], the multi-band VCO [2], [5], Colpitts VCO [3] and QVCO [4] have achieved excellence performances, consumes optimized chipset size and low power dissipation. The Fig. 1 depicts resonance and impedance matching from the parallel component in the inductor of L1 and capacitor of C1 with series resistor Rs. The Fig. 2 depicts the put forward negative resistor −Rp of active circuit for oscillation structure delivered resistor Rp attenuation and heating loss. The Fig. 3 depicts the recommend CMOS -tank VCO and equivalent circuit. The proposed feedback of cross-coupled pair, M1 and M2 produced negative resistor −Rp to cover loss of parasitic resistance.
(a) -tank amplifier schematic of ideal load (b) -tank amplifier equivalent of real load (c) -tank amplifier of real load in parallel.