I. Introduction
Mm-Wave wireless technologies serve as a key enabler for 5G and beyond-50 revolutions. To maximize the throughput, capacity, and frequency diversity, wireless standards mandate channels with OHz bandwidth (BW) over multiple noncontiguous mm-Wave bands. As high peak-to-average-power-ratio (PAPR) spectrally efficient modulations. e.g., OFDMs, are widely employed, system dynamic range and linearity are also critical. Moreover, to compensate for the mm-Wave path loss and enable diverse MIMOs, complex high-density arrays with high system energy efficiency are increasingly needed. These requirements pose tremendous challenges on mm-Wave frontends, in particular power amplifiers (PAs). There is a perennial quest for fundamental innovations on PA topologies [1] that can simultaneously deliver high efficiency (at both peak and back-offPBO) and high linearity over a wide BW.