Forest fire is one of the most destructive disasters to the ecological environment, and the forest fire protection is receiving more and more attention from the governments of the world [1]. Thus, it is very meaningful to carry out prevention and control of the forest fire, and how to make use of high-tech means to monitor forest fire has become a hot topic [2], [3].
At present, there are mainly two kinds of high-tech means for forest fire monitoring. The first high-tech means are based on the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) surveillance. It is easier for a fixed-wing UAV to get a large range of ground information because of its top-view and high mobility [4], [5]. It has been increasingly applied in monitoring missions, which can be regarded as curvature-constrained path planning problems. In some research, the path planning of UAV is simplified as the traveling salesman problem (TSP) [6]–[10]. However, it is very important to consider the kinematic constraints from the practical aspects, and the Dubins vehicle model is usually used to approximate the dynamic model of UAV [11]–[14]. In the path planning, a UAV circularly collects images above the forest and detects the fire source through image analysis [15]–[18]. The second high-tech means are based on wireless sensor network (WSN). Multiple wireless sensors are distributed in the forest and form a monitoring network [19]. These sensors continuously monitor the surrounding environment and collect environmental data to achieve forest fire monitoring.
Both means have advantages and disadvantages. For the UAV-based means, a UAV can quickly obtain a large range of ground information, but its monitoring effectiveness is greatly affected by the image quality, which is easily affected by weather factors, such as dust, fog, etc. In addition, in the early stage of the forest fire, the fire is so small that there is no obvious burning phenomenon, so it is difficult to monitor the fire at a high altitude. For the WSN-based means, WSN can quickly detect the possible fire area in the early stage of the fire by monitoring the temperature, humidity, and harmful gases. But in the deep forest of the mountainous area, the transmission signal may be very poor, and a large number of sensors need to be arranged to cover the forest. This will bring great economic costs and maintenance difficulties.
This paper combines the advantages of the two means. Multiple wireless-based, low-power, and self-sustaining detection nodes (DNs) are distributed in high-risk areas of the forest to perceive the surrounding environment and record environmental data. Because of their poor signal transmission condition in the mountain forest, they have limited communication capability and can only perform short-range communication. Thus, a small, low-altitude, and low-cost fixed-wing UAV which is equipped with a transceiver device is adopted to circularly collect the latest data of DNs, as shown in Fig. 1.
At the beginning of the forest fire monitoring, the command center will plan a data collection tour for the UAV, and command the UAV to circularly collect the latest data from all DNs to obtain the information of monitoring areas. When the UAV arrives at the planned collection position of each DN, it sends an application to the DN to receive the latest data. After receiving the application, the DN sends the data to the UAV. Then the UAV transmits the data back to the command center, and flies to the next planned collection position.
In this sense, UAV needs to enter the communication range of each DN with an appropriate sequence to collect data, and its flight path is constrained by curvature, so the data collection task planning for a UAV in forest fire monitoring can be generally formulated as a Dubins traveling salesman problem with neighborhood (DTSPN) [20], [21].
A. Related Work
As mentioned above, the UAV data collection task planning in forest fire monitoring is formulated as a DTSPN which can be regarded as a generalized variant of the classic TSP. In addition, there are two other generalized variants of TSP. On one hand, if the traveling salesman in TSP becomes a mobile agent which can be treated as a Dubins vehicle, the resulting TSP variant is called Dubins TSP (DTSP) [22], [23]. In the DTSP, the distance between two neighboring targets to be visited is not Euclidean distance. It should be measured by the Dubins paths which rely not only on the visiting positions but also on the headings of the vehicle at the positions [12]. On the other hand, if the targets to be visited are extended from points to regions, TSP will be transformed into its well-known variant, named the traveling salesman problem with neighborhood (TSPN) [24]–[26]. DTSPN shares the characteristics of DTSP and TSPN, and also inherits their difficulties.
Similar to DTSP and TSPN, the DTSPN is also an NP-hard optimization problem with mixed variables [27], [28]. Solving the DTSPN involves optimizing the discrete collection sequence, the continuous communication positions, and the UAV headings simultaneously, which makes it more challenging.
The existing methods for solving this class of problems can be mainly grouped into four categories: decoupling methods, transformation methods, unsupervised learning methods, and direct search methods. In the decoupling methods, mixed variables are optimized separately [11], [22], [28]–[31]. To some extent, the decoupling method reduces the difficulty of solving the problem. However, the effectiveness of decoupling methods mainly relies on the similarity between problems, which makes them unsuitable for the situations where the Euclidean distance between two points is obviously shorter than the minimal turning radius of UAV when solving DTSP and DTSPN [32]. In the transformation methods, positions and headings are uniformly sampled to construct the generalized traveling salesman problem (GTSP) firstly, and then the GTSP is converted into an asymmetric traveling salesman problem (ATSP) by the Noon-Bean transformation [33]–[37]. The transformation method can obtain a global optimum when taking a large number of samples, but it greatly increases the amount of calculations. Decoupling methods and transformation methods share the similarity that an efficient TSP solver like the LKH can be used to provide a high-quality solution [38]. In the unsupervised learning methods, the solution of the sequencing part of the problem is combined with the online sampling of the suitable positions and headings [39], [40]. The unsupervised learning method can be regarded as a kind of constructive algorithm, which can find a solution with high efficiency. However, the initialization and competition of neurons have a great influence on the solution in different cases. In the direct search methods, the mixed variables are optimized simultaneously and many optimization algorithms can be used as search engine [26], [32], [41]–[46]. In this method, the model has no sacrifice in accuracy, but the solution space is complex, which makes it difficult to find the optimal solution.
Many scholars devote themselves to the research of the DTSPN. Obermeyer proposed a genetic algorithm (GA) that uses a hybrid encoding scheme for mixed variables [20]. In addition, the authors also proposed the other two methods to solve a polygon visiting Dubins traveling salesman problem (PVDTSP), and both of them belong to the transformation method [36], [37]. Under certain technical assumptions, the algorithms are resolution-complete, and can converge to a global optimum as the number of samples grows but consumes more computing time. Macharet proposed a three-stage evolutionary method that optimizes mixed variables independently [44]. The authors also proposed a heuristic method for optimizing visiting positions within the target’s neighborhood and connecting them with Dubins paths [47], [48]. Pěnička proposed a variable neighborhood search (VNS) algorithm for solving the Dubins Orienteering Problem with Neighborhoods (DOPN), which can be regarded as a variant of the DTSPN [45]. A set of neighborhood operators are designed to perform a well combinatorial optimization. Zhang proposed a memetic algorithm in which a relaxed DTSPN model is used to obtain an approximated optimal solution, and a local search based on an approximated gradient is adopted to improve the quality of the solution [32].
B. Main Contributions
In view of two typical high-tech means in forest fire monitoring, this paper combines their advantages, and regards the UAV data collection task in forest fire monitoring as a DTSPN. Because the DTSPN is a mixed-variable optimization problem with extremely complex solution space, this paper deliberates the algorithm design to reduce the complexity of problem solving, and makes the following innovations and contributions:
In the proposed bi-level hybridization-based metaheuristic algorithm (BLHMA), differential evolution (DE) is adopted to evolve a group of continuous communication positions and UAV headings which are metaphorize as multiple individuals. Besides, a constructive heuristic based on self-organized multi-agent competition (SOMAC) is proposed to generate the discrete collection sequence by solving an asymmetric traveling salesman problem (ATSP) corresponding to the combination of the positions and headings generated by DE. In such a cooperative way, a data collection tour can be generated. Because SOMAC is a deterministic constructive heuristic, it avoids a large amount of blind search in the mixed-variable space and leads to better convergence. Compared with the transformation method [36], the huge amount of computation caused by a large number of samplings is avoided.
A local search based on a multistage approximate gradient is developed to improve the communication positions and UAV headings during the iteration of DE, which can lead to a better trade-off between exploration and exploitation in the solution space. Compared with the strategy proposed in the literature which does not optimize UAV headings [32], the proposed local search can achieve precise adjustment of the communication positions and UAV headings. This is helpful to accelerate the convergence of the BLHMA.
This paper provides an effective method for the UAV data collection task planning in forest fire monitoring, which is conducive to the efficient execution of the task and the energy saving of UAV.
This papaer organized as follows. Section II presents the formulation of the UAV data collection task planning. Section III gives a detailed description of the proposed algorithm. Section IV evaluates the proposed algorithm through a series of computational experiments and analyses. Section V concludes the paper.
Problem Formulation
In this paper, it is assumed that multiple wireless-based, low-power, and self-sustaining DNs are deployed in high-risk areas of the forest. Because of their poor signal transmission condition in the mountain forest, DNs can only perform short-range communication. Each DN can continuously monitor the temperature, humidity, and harmful gas of the surrounding environment, and record environmental data. Then, a fixed-wing UAV circularly inspects each DN to obtain the monitoring data.
In this situation, neighborhoods of DNs should be defined to fit the effective communication range between UAV and the DN. For the sake of clarity, the neighborhood of each DN is specified as a disk centered at the DN. For the UAV, the Dubins vehicle model is used to approximate its kinematic model [12], and the model is described as follows:\begin{align*} \begin{cases} \displaystyle \dot {x} = \upsilon \cdot \text {cos} \theta,\\ \displaystyle \dot {y} = \upsilon \cdot \text {sin} \theta,\\ \displaystyle \dot {\theta } = \frac {\upsilon }{r} \cdot u, u\in \{-1,0,1\}. \\ \displaystyle \end{cases}\tag{1}\end{align*}
Based on the model, Dubins gave an important conclusion that there are at most six possible shortest paths for any transition from one Dubins state to another [12], as shown in Fig. 2.
Based on the above description, the optimization model of the UAV data collection task planning is shown as (2). Detailed descriptions of parameters and variables used in the model are shown in Table 1.\begin{equation*} min ~J(\mathbf {S},\mathbf {Y})=\sum _{i=1}^{n-1} d(Y_{s_{i}},Y_{s_{i+1}})+d(Y_{s_{n}},Y_{s_{1}})\tag{2}\end{equation*}
By using the boundary-based encoding scheme [32], a Dubins state can be further simplified from \begin{align*} x_{i}=&c_{x_{i}}+R\cdot \text {cos} \varphi _{i} \\ y_{i}=&c_{y_{i}}+R\cdot \text {sin} \varphi _{i}\tag{3}\end{align*}
In this way, the optimization scale is effectively reduced from
Remark 1:
In order to simulate the UAV data collection planning in forest fire monitoring with different scales and scenarios, instances with different minimum distance constraints
Bi-Level Hybridization-Based Metaheuristic Algorithm
In this section, a bi-level hybridization-based metaheuristic algorithm (BLHMA) is proposed to solve the UAV data collection task planning in forest fire monitoring. An outline of the BLHMA is illustrated in Fig. 3. First of all, only the communication positions and UAV headings are encoded to form multiple individuals in the initialization of DE. By using the information of an individual, including communication positions and UAV headings, a Dubins distance matrix that represents Dubins distances between all DNs can be calculated to form an ATSP. While the ATSP is addressed by SOMAC to obtain the collection sequence. Then a data collection tour is obtained by introducing the collection sequence, communication positions, and UAV headings into (2). With the iteration of the BLHMA, communication positions and UAV headings are constantly updated in the process of DE, and new ATSPs are constantly constructed and handled, which leads to new data collection tours. Then, a high-quality data collection tour can be obtained by the way of iterative competition.
Moreover, to achieve a desirable trade-off between exploration and exploitation of the algorithm, a modified local search based on the previous work [32] is integrated after the selection operator of DE, which includes three stages: the full-dimensional and local-dimensional approximate gradient descents, and the diversification mechanism. As mentioned above, the so-called BLHMA is constructed, and the details are described as follows.
A. The Optimization of Communication Positions and UAV Headings by Differential Evolution
In this paper, DE is used to optimize communication positions and UAV headings, and the following gives a detailed introduction from the aspects of the encoding, decoding, mutation, crossover, and selection.
Remark 2:
Generally, GA is good at dealing with discrete search domain. DE is an efficient and effective global optimizer in the continuous search domain, and its variants also have excellent performance [50]. Compared with classical population-based optimizers, such as GA, particle swarm optimization (PSO), etc., DE has outstanding performance in many studies [51], [52]. Besides, DE and its variants also have been applied to the international contest on evolutionary optimization (ICEO) many times, and they all have excellent performance.
1) Encoding and Decoding
Because when UAV flies to a DN to collect data, it must pass through the boundary of the DN’s neighborhood, so only the communication positions and headings of the UAV at each DN’s neighborhood need to be determined. Based on the boundary-based encoding scheme described in Fig. 4, any position and heading on the boundary can be expressed by the polar angle, and the coordinates of the communication position can be transformed by using (3).
Based on the encoding scheme, an individual can be described as (4), a population is formed by randomly generating multiple individuals.\begin{equation*} \mathbf {x}_{i}=[\varphi _{i}^{1},\varphi _{i}^{2},\cdots,\varphi _{i}^{n},\theta _{i}^{1},\theta _{i}^{2},\cdots,\theta _{i}^{n}]\tag{4}\end{equation*}
As for the decoding, in addition to communication positions and UAV headings, the collection sequence is also needed, and all of them form a solution, as (5) shows. Take them together into (2) to obtain the data collection tour and complete the individual evaluation. The next section will introduce how to use SOMAC to get the collection sequence.\begin{align*} SOL_{\mathbf {x}_{i}}= \left \{{ \begin{array}{lr} \mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {x}_{i}}\\[0.5pc] \boldsymbol {\varphi }_{\mathbf {x}_{i}}\\[0.5pc] \boldsymbol {\theta }_{\mathbf {x}_{i}} \end{array} }\right \} = \left \{{ \begin{array}{lr} s_{\mathbf {x}_{i}}^{1},s_{\mathbf {x}_{i}}^{2},\cdots,s_{\mathbf {x}_{i}}^{n}\\[0.5pc] \varphi _{\mathbf {x}_{i}}^{1},\varphi _{\mathbf {x}_{i}}^{2},\cdots,\varphi _{\mathbf {x}_{i}}^{n}\\[0.5pc] \theta _{\mathbf {x}_{i}}^{1},\theta _{\mathbf {x}_{i}}^{2},\cdots,\theta _{\mathbf {x}_{i}}^{n}\\ \end{array} }\right \}\tag{5}\end{align*}
2) Mutation Operator
After the decoding, all individuals have been evaluated. Then DE employs the differential mutation to produce a mutant vector
DE / rand / 1
\begin{equation*} \mathbf {u}_{i}=\mathbf {x}_{r1}+F\cdot (\mathbf {x}_{r2}-\mathbf {x}_{r3})\tag{6}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} \mathbf {u}_{i}=\mathbf {x}_{r1}+F\cdot (\mathbf {x}_{r2}-\mathbf {x}_{r3})\tag{6}\end{equation*}
DE / current-to-rand / 1
\begin{equation*} \mathbf {u}_{i}=\mathbf {x}_{i} + F\cdot (\mathbf {x}_{r1}-\mathbf {x}_{i})+F\cdot (\mathbf {x}_{r2}-\mathbf {x}_{r3})\tag{7}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} \mathbf {u}_{i}=\mathbf {x}_{i} + F\cdot (\mathbf {x}_{r1}-\mathbf {x}_{i})+F\cdot (\mathbf {x}_{r2}-\mathbf {x}_{r3})\tag{7}\end{equation*}
DE / best / 1
\begin{equation*} \mathbf {u}_{i}=\mathbf {x}_{best}+F\cdot (\mathbf {x}_{r1}-\mathbf {x}_{r2})\tag{8}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} \mathbf {u}_{i}=\mathbf {x}_{best}+F\cdot (\mathbf {x}_{r1}-\mathbf {x}_{r2})\tag{8}\end{equation*}
DE / best / 2
\begin{equation*} \mathbf {u}_{i}=\mathbf {x}_{best}+F\cdot (\mathbf {x}_{r1}-\mathbf {x}_{r2})+F\cdot (\mathbf {x}_{r3}-\mathbf {x}_{r4})\tag{9}\end{equation*} View Source\begin{equation*} \mathbf {u}_{i}=\mathbf {x}_{best}+F\cdot (\mathbf {x}_{r1}-\mathbf {x}_{r2})+F\cdot (\mathbf {x}_{r3}-\mathbf {x}_{r4})\tag{9}\end{equation*}
3) Crossover Operator
After the mutation, a crossover operator, shown as (10), is developed to produce a trial vector \begin{align*} v_{i,d}= \begin{cases} \displaystyle u_{i,d},~if~rand_{i}^{d} \le CR ~or ~d=rn_{i}\\ \displaystyle x_{i,d},~otherwise\\ \displaystyle \end{cases}\tag{10}\end{align*}
4) Selection Operator
After the evaluation of the trial individual \begin{align*} \mathbf {x}_{i}=&\begin{cases} \displaystyle \mathbf {v}_{i},& if~J(\mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {v}_{i}},\mathbf {v}_{i}) \le J(\mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {x}_{i}},\mathbf {x}_{i}) \\ \displaystyle \mathbf {x}_{i},& otherwise\\ \displaystyle \end{cases} \tag{11}\\ SOL_{\mathbf {x}_{i}}=&\begin{cases} \displaystyle SOL_{\mathbf {v}_{i}},~if~J(\mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {v}_{i}},\mathbf {v}_{i}) \le J(\mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {x}_{i}},\mathbf {x}_{i}) \\ \displaystyle SOL_{\mathbf {x}_{i}},~otherwise\\ \displaystyle \end{cases}\tag{12}\end{align*}
B. Collection Sequence Obtained by SOMAC
Solving the collection sequence based on the communication positions and UAV headings generated by DE is essentially an ATSP problem. Black arrows on the boundary of each DN’s neighborhood shown in Fig. 5 represents the communication positions and UAV headings at all DNs. The positions and headings are used to calculate a Dubins distance matrix, as (13) shows, which leads to an ATSP. Then, the ATSP is solved by SOMAC. \begin{align*} \mathbf {D}= \left [{ \begin{array}{ccccc} inf &\quad d_{12} &\quad d_{13} &\quad \cdots &\quad d_{1n}\\ d_{21} &\quad inf &\quad d_{23} &\quad \cdots &\quad d_{2n}\\ \vdots &\quad \vdots &\quad \vdots &\quad \cdots &\quad \vdots \\ d_{n1} &\quad d_{n2} &\quad d_{n3} &\quad \cdots &\quad inf\\ \end{array} }\right]\tag{13}\end{align*}
Solving the collection sequence based on the communication positions and UAV headings.
For solving the ATSP, a directed graph \begin{align*}&\text {min} \sum _{i=1}^{n}\sum _{j=1,j\ne i}^{n}d_{ij}\cdot y_{ij},\tag{14}\\&s.t.~\sum _{i=1,i\ne j}^{n}y_{ij}=1,\quad i=1,2,\cdots,n,\tag{15}\\&\hphantom {s.t.} \sum _{j=1,j\ne i}^{n}y_{ij}=1,\quad j=1,2,\cdots,n,\tag{16}\\&\hphantom {s.t.}\sum _{i\in K}\sum _{j\in K,j\ne i} y_{ij}\le |K|-1,\quad K \varsubsetneqq V,~K \ne \varnothing \qquad \tag{17}\\&\hphantom {s.t.}y_{ij} \in \{0,1\}, \quad i,j=1,2,\cdots,n,i\ne j.\tag{18}\end{align*}
Then, the solution of the data collection planning can be obtained by solving the ATSP. Figure 5 also shows the solution of the simulation scenario of the UAV data collection in forest fire monitoring. The ATSP can be regarded as an inner-loop subproblem embedded in DE for determining the collection sequence. Here, an efficient constructive heuristic is expected to address it, rather than an iterative algorithm with a large amount of computations. Thus, SOMAC is proposed to handle the ATSP.
In SOMAC, the Dubins state of UAV at each DN’s neighborhood shown in Fig. 5 is regarded as an independent agent. Those agents connect with each other through self-organized competition. It is noted that each agent can only connect to other agents once, and it can only be connected once. Because the connection among all agents is simultaneous, it is possible that a certain agent is connected by many other agents. In addition, some agents may connect with each other, which leads to a local loop. A local objective function is designed to eliminate the above conflicts. The details are shown as follows.
1) Initialization of All Agents
Because each agent can only connect to other agents once, and it can only be connected once, an outgoing edge and an incoming edge are defined for each agent. At the beginning, all agents have neither outgoing edges nor incoming edges.
2) Local Objective Function and Selection Operation
Each agent will gather information from other agents, and select the one with the shortest Dubins distance. The local objective function of the connected agent can be denoted as follows:\begin{align*} f_{a_{j}}(C^{j},a_{j})= \begin{cases} \displaystyle inf,& C^{j}=\varnothing \\ \displaystyle d_{c_{q}^{j}a_{j}},& C^{j}\ne \varnothing \end{cases}\tag{19}\end{align*}
In determining
3) Conflict Resolution Operation
Because the connection among all agents is simultaneous, a certain agent may be connected by multiple agents. The agent will be disconnected proactively from its connected agents one by one according to the local objective function value until the conflict is resolved.
An example is shown in Fig. 6. Agent 2 is connected by agents 1 and 10, and agent 6 is connected by agents 5, 7, and 8. According to (19), for agent 2, two candidate incoming edges can be obtained. Then, agent 1 leads to the best local objective function value of agent 2. Thus, the connection between agents 1 and 2 is retained, and agents 2 and 10 are disconnected. The conflict resolution of agents
It can be observed that there is a local loop between agents 6 and 7, then the longest Dubins path (dotted line) in the loop is disconnected.
4) Termination Criteria
When all the agents have selected two agents without conflict, a complete directed graph emerges, and the complete data collection tour can be obtained by sequentially connecting the Dubins path in the digraph.
Based on the above, the agents can link with each other to form a feasible solution, and the collection sequence is obtained. Then the sequence is combined with the positions and headings generated by DE in the previous section, and an individual
5) Pseudo-Code of the SOMAC
In order to understand SOMAC more intuitively, some key sets are defined to store agents with different connection states and some concepts are explained in Fig. 8.
The pseudo-code of the SOMAC is presented in Algorithm 1. In line 1, the sets
Algorithm 1 Heuristic Based on Self-Organized Multi-Agent Competition (SOMAC) for Solving the Collection Sequence
Two sets
Find all agents in
Built the connection chain
end for
Find all agents in
For the agent
end for
Remove the connected agents from
Find the agents that have been connected by multiple agents, and form the set
For the agent
end for
Find the agents that are neither in
For an agent in
if the connection chain is looped and does not contain all agents then
Disconnect the two agents in the loop with the longest Dubins Distance and put them back into
end if
Find agents that exist in both the connection chain and
end while
end while
Get the connection chain of all agents, and output the collection sequence.
In line 9, for an agent
The time complexity of the SOMAC is analyzed as follows. Denote the number of agents by
The time complexity of the SOMAC mainly depends on the number of loop execution shown in lines
C. Local Search
In the process of population evolution, the local search is triggered at a certain interval
When the local optimal Dubins path shown in Fig. 9 appears, the diversification mechanism and the local approximate gradient descent are applied to each component of these variables. In this way, the communication positions and UAV headings are further improved, and the quality of the data collection tour is further enhanced.
1) Full-Dimensional Approximate Gradient Descent
An approximate gradient on a certain dimension of continuous variables can be calculated by two solutions, as shown in the following example:\begin{align*} SOL_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}=&\left \{{ \begin{array}{lr} \mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}\\[0.5pc] \boldsymbol {\varphi }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}\\[0.5pc] \boldsymbol {\theta }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}} \end{array} }\right \} = \left \{{ \begin{array}{lr} s_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{1},s_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{2},\cdots,s_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{n}\\[0.5pc] \varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{1},\varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{2},\cdots,\varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{n}\\[0.5pc] \theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{1},\theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{2},\cdots,\theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{n}\\ \end{array} }\right \} \tag{20}\\ ^{*}SOL_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}=&\left \{{ \begin{array}{lr} \mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}\\[0.5pc] ^{*} \boldsymbol {\varphi }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}\\[0.5pc] \boldsymbol {\theta }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}} \end{array} }\right \} = \left \{{ \begin{array}{lr} s_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{1},s_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{2},\cdots,s_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{n}\\[0.5pc] \varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{1},\cdots,\varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{q}+\Delta \sigma,\cdots,\varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{n}\\[0.5pc] \theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{1},\theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{2},\cdots,\theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}^{n}\\ \end{array} }\right \}\tag{21}\end{align*}
Then, an approximate gradient of the \begin{align*} g_{q} \!\approx \! \frac {J(\mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}},(\boldsymbol {\varphi }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}, \boldsymbol {\theta }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}))\!-\!J(\mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}},(^{*} \boldsymbol {\varphi }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}, \boldsymbol {\theta }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}}))}{\Delta \sigma }, ~q \in \{1,2,\cdots,n \} \\{}\tag{22}\end{align*}
Based on (20)–(22), the gradient vector of the \begin{equation*} \mathbf {g}=[g_{1},g_{2},\cdots,g_{2n}]\tag{23}\end{equation*}
After deriving the approximate gradient vector, the corresponding update equation of the \begin{equation*} [\boldsymbol {\varphi }_{k+1}, \boldsymbol {\theta }_{k+1}]=[\boldsymbol {\varphi }_{k}, \boldsymbol {\theta }_{k}]-\rho \cdot \frac {\mathbf {g}}{|\mathbf {g}|}\tag{24}\end{equation*}
2) Local-Dimensional Approximate Gradient Descent
Due to the full-dimensional approximate gradient descent has strong directionality, the local optimal Dubins path caused by an improper heading shown in Fig. 9 may exist. The diversification mechanism is adopted firstly, and the reverse operation is performed for each dimension of the UAV headings to jump out of the local optimal Dubins path. Then the updated
Thus, a local solution
Taking the first dimension of \begin{align*} SOL_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local}=&\left \{{ \begin{array}{lr} \mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local}\\[0.5pc] \boldsymbol {\varphi }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local}\\[0.5pc] \boldsymbol {\theta }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local} \end{array} }\right \} = \left \{{ \begin{array}{lr} s_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j-1},s_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j},s_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j+1}\\[0.5pc] \varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j-1},\varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j},\varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j+1}\\[0.5pc] \theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j-1},\theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j},\theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j+1}\\ \end{array} }\right \} \tag{25}\\ ^{*}SOL_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local}=&\left \{{ \begin{array}{lr} \mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local}\\[0.5pc] ^{*} \boldsymbol {\varphi }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local}\\[0.5pc] \boldsymbol {\theta }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local} \end{array} }\right \} = \left \{{ \begin{array}{lr} s_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j-1},s_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j},s_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j+1}\\[0.5pc] \varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j-1},\varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j}+\Delta \sigma,\varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j+1}\\[0.5pc] \theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j-1},\theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j},\theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j+1}\\ \end{array} }\right \}\tag{26}\end{align*}
Then, the gradient of the first dimension of \begin{align*} g_{\varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j}} \!\approx \! \frac {J(\mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local},(\boldsymbol {\varphi }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local}, \boldsymbol {\theta }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local}))\!-\!J(\mathbf {S}_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local},(^{*} \boldsymbol {\varphi }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local}, \boldsymbol {\theta }_{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{local}))}{\Delta \sigma } \\{}\tag{27}\end{align*}
Based on the above, the gradient of \begin{align*} [\varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j}(k+1),\theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j}(k+1)]=[\varphi _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j}(k),\theta _{\mathbf {\hat {x}}^{,}{}}^{j}(k)]-\rho \cdot \frac {\mathbf {g}^{local}}{|\mathbf {g}^{local}|} \\{}\tag{28}\end{align*}
Remark 3:
It is easy to see from (24) and (28) that the upper bound of the iteration number is
The time complexity of the local search is analyzed below. For the full-dimensional approximate gradient, the gradients on
D. Complexity Analysis of the BLHMA
The pseudo-code of the BLHMA is presented in Algorithm 2, and the time complexity and space complexity are analyzed in Table 2. The evaluation operation has the highest time complexity because the time complexity of the construction of the Dubins distance matrix is
Algorithm 2 Bi-Level Hybridization-Based Metaheuristic Algorithm (BLHMA) for the UAV Data Collection Planning
Initialize a population based on (4);
Pertaining to each individual generated by DE, SOMAC is used to determine the sequence which mentioned in subsection III-B. Take them into (2) to complete the individual evaluation, and record the solution as (5);
Set the number of iterations
while the stopping criterion is not satisfied do
According to the adaptive selection strategy mentioned in the literature [50], mutate
Evaluate the trial vector
Update the population based on the selection operator shown as (11), and update the solution by (12);
end for
All solutions are sorted, and one of the first 30% solutions is randomly selected as the competitive solution. Then the multistage local search mentioned in subsection III-C is conducted to improve its parts of positions and headings;
Re-evaluate the improved positions and headings by using the methods in line 2, and update the corresponding solution;
end if
end while
Output the best solution and the corresponded data collection tour.
Computational Experiments
For the UAV data collection planning in forest fire monitoring, it is assumed that the installation height of each DN is 5m, and the maximum communication distance of DN is 200m. A small and low-altitude UAV cruises 110m above the ground at a speed of 40m/s, and its maximum communication distance is more than 200m. UAV circularly flies to all DNs to obtain their data, as Fig. 10 shows, and the effective communication radius (\begin{align*} \frac {\mathcal {F}_{hori}}{\mathcal {F}_{vert}}=&\frac {\mathcal {L}\cdot sin(\beta)}{\mathcal {L}\cdot cos(\beta)}=\frac {M\cdot \frac {V^{2}}{r}}{M\cdot \mathfrak {g}}=tan(\beta) \tag{29}\\ r=&\frac {V^{2}}{\mathfrak {g}\cdot tan(\beta)}\tag{30}\end{align*}
Based on the above assumptions, to verify the performance of the BLHMA in solving the UAV data collection planning, two-part computational experiments are conducted in this section. In addition, three state-of-the-art algorithms identified in the literature are involved in the computational experiments (denoted by transformation method [36], VNS [45], and MA [32], respectively).
Firstly, general analyses on a series of random instances with different minimum distance constraints are given, including
All algorithms were implemented on a personal computer with Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4114 CPU 2.20GHz, 32GB RAM. BLHMA, VNS, and MA were implemented by the MATLAB R2019b. For the transformation method, a GTSP was formed by the uniform sampling of communication positions and UAV headings firstly, and then the GTSP was converted to an ATSP by the Noon-Bean transformation [36], which was implemented by the MATLAB. At the last, LKH Ver.2.0.9 was applied for solving the ATSP to obtain a data collection tour, which was implemented by the Visual Studio 2019 (C++). Thus, for the fairness of comparison, the solution obtained by the transformation method is only regarded as a reference value. The code of LKH can be downloaded from the website:
The parameter settings of the BLHMA are shown in Table 3, and the selection of some key parameters is analyzed. Here, the framework of the SADE is adopted [50], and the four mutation operators shown in (6)–(9) are selected. In order to ensure the best performance of the SADE, the setting of all parameters in SADE was consistent with the original literature, except for population size
To find a suitable value of
Convergence curves of the BLHMA under different population sizes on 10-DNs instance.
Convergence curves of the BLHMA under different population sizes on 20-DNs instance.
Convergence curves of the BLHMA under different population sizes on 30-DNs instance.
In the local search,
In order to determine the step size (
After determining the step size, the execution frequency of the local search was analyzed, and it also affects the convergence of the BLHMA. It can be adjusted to achieve a better tradeoff between exploration and exploitation in the solution space by changing the value of
Comparison of different execution frequencies of the local search strategy in BLHMA.
After analyzing the parameter setting of the BLHMA, the parameter setting of the competitors is explained as follows. For the transformation method, in order to get high-quality solutions, the highest sample counts are used according to the numerical study of Obermeyer [36]. The sample counts of the transformation method are set as 1100, 1600, and 2100 corresponding to the 10, 20, and 30-DNs instances, respectively. The mean runtimes on these three kinds of instances are 210s, 420s, and 850s, respectively. In addition, in order to get a better balance between position samples and heading samples in the designed instances in this paper, the weighting parameter which determines how many heading samples there will be per position is set to 68. For the other algorithms, the parameter settings are consistent with the original works of literature, and the maximum runtime is defined as the stop condition. Those algorithms will be terminated when the time of the transformation method is exhausted. It is worth noting that in order to make MA generate the cyclic data collection tour, the optimization of the position and UAV heading at the first DN is considered without changing the key framework and the idea of the algorithm.
In addition, to verify the performance of the SOMAC algorithm, the nearest neighbor rule (NNR) is used which can also solve the ATSP quickly and stably [54], and the bi-level hybridization-based metaheuristic algorithm with the nearest neighbor rule (BLHMA-NNR) is formed. Because the time complexity of the SOMAC and NNR is less than that of calculating the Dubins distance matrix, the influence of replacing SOMAC with NNR on the time complexity of the collection sequence obtaining can be ignored.
A. Comparison in Random Instances With Different Minimum Distance Constraints and Scales
A series of random simulated UAV data collection instances with different minimum distance constraints and scales are designed and used for analyzing the performance of all algorithms. The tested instances are labelled as
BLHMA, BLHMA-NNR, VNS, and MA were run 20 times, and the processing time of each algorithm is the same among all 20 attempts. Then, the length of the data collection tours can be calculated by the objective function, as shown in (2). The results were evaluated from four aspects including the mean value (avg), the maximum value (max), the minimum value (min), and the standard deviation (std). The Wilcoxon rank-sum test is also used for analyzing the significance of the difference of results [55], and the confidence level is set as 0.95. Besides, the data collection tours obtained by the transformation method are regarded as references.
From the statistical results, for most instances, BLHMA is the best one as it can find high-quality data collection tours in all aspects as compared with MA, VNS, and even the reference value. BLHMA-NNR also performed well in most instances. For
With the increase of the number of DNs and the enhancement of the constraint, in most cases, data collection tours found by MA are better than that of the VNS. In addition, tours obtained by BLHMA are obviously better than those of its competitors in all aspects, including BLHMA-NNR and the other three algorithms. It can be observed that the difference between BLHMA and BLHMA-NNR is not significant from the Wilcoxon rank-sum test results, but BLHMA can find better tours than BLHMA-NNR in most cases.
By summarizing the results of the experiments on the simulated instances of the UAV data collection task in forest fire monitoring, it can be obviously observed that MA is hard to find a satisfactory data collection tour in most cases. Because the Dubins path is relaxed, resulting in incomplete solution space. VNS can achieve a good balance between exploration and exploitation by using a neighborhood structure composed of different actions to the mixed variables. However, due to the large amount of optimization variables, the solution space is still very complex. Supported by an efficient solver for the ATSP, the sampling-based transformation method can find a better approximate optimal data collection tour. However, the extensive calculation caused by a large number of samplings usually consumes a large amount of time, and uniform sampling is not conducive to finding the optimal tour. In contrast, BLHMA proposed in this paper can decompose the solution space and search cooperatively in different subspaces, which significantly reduces the difficulty of searching, and it can obtain significantly shorter data collection tours in most cases. The data collection tours generated by BLHMA, BLHMA-NNR, MA, VNS, and the transformation method in different instances are presented in Fig. 17. It can be seen intuitively that the tours generated by BLHMA, BLHMA-NNR, and the transformation method are almost coincident in most cases, and BLHMA wins BLHMA-NNR and the reference tours with a slight advantage.
The data collection tours generated by different algorithms in different instances.
In addition to the simulated UAV data collection instances, this paper also considers an instance in a real-world case. According to historical experience, there are several high-risk areas in the Xishuangbanna forest, and it is necessary to implement the fire monitoring mission in these areas. As Fig. 18 shows, 25 DNs are distributed in the high-risk areas of the forest around the scenic spot, and a UAV is used to perform a data collection task in forest fire monitoring. BLHMA, BLHMA-NNR, VNS, and MA were run 20 times. The mean runtime of the transformation method is 718s, and BLHMA, BLHMA-NNR, VNS, and MA stop running at 718s as termination conditions. The best data collection tours obtained by the four algorithms are 13906.2m (BLHMA), 14038.9m (BLHMA-NNR), 17986.3m (VNS), 17406.2m (MA), and 13930.3m (Reference). The tours generated by BLHMA, BLHMA-NNR, and the transformation method are also almost coincident. By observing the regions marked by the blue dot line in Fig. 18, it can be observed that BLHMA also wins BLHMA-NNR and the reference tours with a slight advantage, so the data collection tour obtained by BLHMA is more conducive to the efficient mission execution and the energy saving of the UAV.
B. Convergence and Mechanism Analysis
In this subsection, the convergence of the BLHMA is discussed and compared with its competitors. Each algorithm runs 20 times on a 10-DNs instance repeatedly and independently. During the runtime, the length of the so-far-best tour is stored every 5s, then the mean value at each time is calculated, as shown in Fig. 19. The mean runtime of the transformation method is 210s, and the data collection tour obtained by the transformation method is regarded as a reference. All the other algorithms run the same time.
It can be observed intuitively from Fig. 19 that BLHMA converges in a very short time, and the obtained data collection tour is better than that of the transformation method. MA also converges quickly, but due to the incomplete solution space, it cannot converge to a better solution. It can be seen from the mean curve that the convergence rate of the BLHMA is the fastest. BLHMA can obtain a comparable tour to the transformation method in a very short time.
To verify the contribution of the local search to BLHMA, Fig. 20 shows the comparison of the BLHMA and its version without the local search (BLHMAxLS). Each algorithm runs 20 times on a 10-DNs instance repeatedly and independently, the length of the so-far-best tour is stored every 5s, then the mean value at each time is calculated. It can be seen that the mean curve of the BLHMA tends to be flat in about 15 seconds, while BLHMAxLS reaches the same level in about 70 seconds.
For further verifying the performance of the local search, different search strategies were used to improve a poor data collection tour shown in Fig. 21 (black line). Fig. 21 and Table 5 show the improvement of the tour by different search strategies. Although multistage approximate gradient descent strategy proposed in this paper consumes a little more time, its improvement to the tour is better than that of the two sub-strategies.
In this paper, a bi-level hybridization-based metaheuristic algorithm is proposed for the UAV data collection task planning in forest fire monitoring. At the first hybridization level, DE and the proposed SOMAC act on continuous and discrete variables respectively to produce data collection tours in a cooperative way, which avoids a large amount of blind search in complex solution space. To enhance the quality of the tours and accelerate the convergence of the algorithm, at the second level, a local search strategy based on a multistage approximate gradient is incorporated to improve the communication position and UAV heading at each DN. Finally, numerical results based on the simulated and real-world UAV data collection instances demonstrate that the algorithm proposed in this paper, compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms, can generate shorter data collection tours in most cases. It is conducive to the efficient execution of a UAV data collection task in the fire monitoring, and effectively reduces the energy consumption of the UAV. This paper provides favorable technical support for the UAV data collection in forest fire monitoring, and the idea can be extended to many other applications, such as electric power inspection, pipeline detection, mobile edge computing, etc.