I. Introduction
As a promising earth observation technology, hyperspectral remote sensing has developed rapidly in recent years [1]–[3]. Hyperspectral images (HSIs) are captured by passive spectrometers, which measure the solar radiation reflected by the observation areas and generates data cubes composed of hundreds of narrow and continuous spectral wavelengths [4], [5]. Due to the fine-spectral resolution, HSI has a wide variety of applications in many fields, such as urban planning, mineral exploration, and precision agriculture [6], [7]. However, due to the strong correlations among different spectral bands, HSI contains much redundant information that takes a lot of computing resources and weakens the performance of classifiers [8], [9]. Therefore, it is an urgent issue to achieve the fine classification of land covers by reducing the dimension of spectral features and extracting the intrinsic information in HSI [10]–[12].