I. Introduction
Human society is rapidly moving towards the era of Industry 4.0 [1]. The global distribution of user equipments (UEs) is widespread and decentralized due to the influence of geographic location. Limited by the costs of transmission media (cables, optical fibers) and communication delays, traditional network infrastructures are not suitable for the development of Industry 4.0 [2]. On the other hand, wireless networks are widely used in Industry 4.0 because of its flexibility and portability. The industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is one key technology to realize Industry 4.0. Many applications of IIoT are based on wireless networks, such as intelligent robots, driverless cars, smart grid, and smart medical [3]. Fig. 1 shows the IIoT scenario under the background of rapid development of social science and technology. A large number of IIoT equipments access to IIoT frequently, which can produce a huge amount of data in a short period of time [4], [5]. How to efficiently manage, store and use these time series data has become an important research topic.