I. Introduction
Interconnected autonomous vehicles have the capability to reduce stop-and-go waves propagation and traffic oscillations via the concept of String Stability [1]–[6]. This concept relies on the idea that disturbances acting on an agent of the cluster should not amplify backwards in the string. Although String Stability is a property proven for the overall set of agents, in vehicular scenario traffic jamming transitions strongly depend on the amplitude of fluctuations of the leading vehicle [7]. In the case of vehicular platooning, disturbances may be due to reference speed variation, external inputs acting on each vehicle, wrong modeling, etc. To improve the platoon stability, several cases of information sharing have been considered for each leader-follower interaction, but a common characteristic is that some microscopic variables are always shared among the whole platoon, e.g. the acceleration of the platoon’s leading vehicle (see [5]) or its desired speed profile (see [8]). Indeed, Vehicle-to-Infrastucture (V2I) and Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication technologies are nowadays a reality in the smart transportation domain [9], and their utilization in Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) is widely expected to improve traffic conditions.