I. Introduction
Traditional vehicular networks are expansion of mobile networks for providing communication services to various applications such as autonomous vehicle, traffic management, and road safety etc. [1]. Nowadays, apart from the services related to the management and safety measures for road traffic, the interest of most autonomous vehicle users are focusing more towards entertainment services. An unprecedented growth in user’s requests on internet is mainly caused by multimedia streaming, usually encompassing watching and sharing of video, audio and image on different platforms. The seamless content delivery is essential in order to have better quality of experience (QoE). However, it is difficult to achieve long term vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) connections in highly dynamic environment. Moreover, the short transmission range of infrastructure components such as Road side units (RSU) and Base Stations (BS) will provide inefficient solutions for V2I communication (refer Fig. 1). The frequent connection loss and connection re-establishment due to limited range and high mobility will introduce heavy network traffic overhead and content retrieval delay [2]. Besides, the condition will get worse for users with constrained resources such as battery and storage etc. In this scenario, it is not feasible to provide current IP based services which establishes end to end connection for communication among V2I and V2V. This paper incorporated Information Centric Networking (ICN) with vehicular environment to reduce network traffic load which provides support for anytime, anywhere delivery of content. Caching the content replicas by the network nodes is inbuilt feature of the ICN [4] with its various associated benefits such as less content retrieval delay, shorten path stretch, reduced network traffic and, optimal resource utilization etc. However, how to cache multimedia content replicas to achieve the most benefit is a challenge [5]. The challenge of caching actually revolves around three questions: 1) which location should be preferred for caching replicas, 2) what content should be cached and 3) How the cached content needs to be distributed to user.
Vehicular network architecture [3].