I. Introduction
Risk management in software development projects is a very important strategy to produce high-quality software [1]. Risk management must be considered in the earliest phases of the software development process. Thus, this risk management allows developers to prevent failures in the software project by detecting bugs [2] that could lead to vulnerabilities threatening the software technical assets. Applying early risk management approaches can also help in a better change and patch management processes [3]. Moreover, software quality [4] and software assurance [5] objectives can be reached for project managers and internal stakeholders to earn the trust of the software users, which guarantees software trustworthiness and its efficiency in the long term. Several studies show the various attributes affecting the process of Software bug prediction methodologies [6, 7]. These methods are needed to assist in making quantitative risk management decisions. The bug-fix time also plays an important role in making risk decisions. A project manager wants to know the amount of time needed for developers to fix a certain bug [8], especially if the bug or the error has a high negative impact on the system. Therefore, it is useful for the project manager to focus on what matters first and to have a prior idea on which resources and tasks should be handled and delegated for.