I. Introduction
The upsurge of sophisticated electrical equipment challenges the electrical distribution system. Technology advancement is the main cause of the surge adoption of electrical appliances and the price market from suppliers is falling, causing more sales and the use of electrical equipment [1]. The supply authority must be able to study the load patterns and derive some estimations during load forecasting to keep up with the demand. The energy shortage crisis is a global problem that every country has faced and other countries like South Africa are facing [2] [3]. Power instability is caused by varying load, and the diversity in society brings great instability to the power grid, resulting in power outages. In developing countries, the estimated energy consumption is sectionalized at 62% Industrial, 15% residential, 7% commercial, 15 transportation, and 1% of energy in other sectors [1]. Electrical networks are designed to meet certain demands for a specific and in certain periods [4].