1. Introduction
Substrate integrated waveguides (SIWs) [1], [2] have been proposed as a solution to integrate waveguides using PCB technology. In this way, transmission media showing higher quality factors comparing to the transmission lines may be developed. Unfortunately, the losses in SIWs are higher than in the traditional hollow waveguides, due to the losses in the solid dielectric inside the SIW. In order to reduce the dielectric losses or/and to increase the frequency bandwidth of the TE10 dominant mode, different partially dielectric-filled SIW (PDF-SIW) configurations have been analyzed [3]–[7]. Note that in order to realize the via-hole arrays which model the side walls of the SIW, the solid dielectric inside the SIW cannot be completely removed. Usually, the PDF-SIW is analyzed based on the equivalent partially dielectric- filled rectangular waveguide (PDF-RW) which has continuous metallic side walls. If the width of the equivalent PDF-RW is equal to the distance between the centers of the PDF-SIW via-hole arrays, the TE10 cutoff frequencies of the two waveguides are slightly different.