I. Introduction
The growing number of both emerging applications and wireless devices has led to an increasing spectrum demand in modern wireless networks [1]. Underlay cognitive radio (CR) paradigm has been confirmed as an effective technique to improve the spectrum utilization efficiency [2]. The key idea of underlay CR is that secondary transmitters (STs) are allowed to transmit their own information as long as they do not create severe interference to the primary users [3]. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of radio frequency energy harvesting (RF EH) technique, RF-powered underlay CR networks (CRNs) have drawn growing attention [4]. In RF-powered underlay CRNs, STs first harvest energy from the primary signals based on the RF EH technique, and then they utilize the harvested energy to perform the data information when they cause tolerable interference to the primary users. It has been shown that RF-powered underlay CRNs can not only improve the spectrum utilization efficiency, but also enhance the energy efficiency [5].