I. Introduction
Image registration is one of the most important method of image processing. It is the process of superimposing two or more images of the same scene or it can be said like this, it is the process of transforming different sets of data into one coordinate system. The method of image registration can be alienated into two types. First one is known as Area Based Image Registration and second one is Feature Based Image Registration. Area Based Image Registration is useful for providing the information about pixel intensity, where as Feature based Image Registration is beneficial for extracting the useful features from an image like Regions, Points and Corners etc. [4]. It Consist four steps [1]. These are Feature Detection, Feature Matching, Transform Model Estimation, Image Resampling and Transformation. In the process of Feature Detection, features can be detected from an image like closed-boundary regions, edges, contours, line intersections, corners, etc. from both targeted and sensed images.