In millimeter-wave (mmWave) cellular systems, how to take full advantage of the spatial sparsity of the mmWave channel and the vast amount of frequency resources in the mmWave band is an open problem [1]–[3]. For a conventional system, there are three principal antenna array configurations: analog, digital, and hybrid respectively [4], [5]. The analog beamforming structure, known as phased array, has been widely applied in electronically scanned radar systems over the past few decades. With the development of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) array [6] and large-scale array [7], [8], digital beamforming structure is used to flexibly harmonize the amplitude and direction of the main beam and sidelobes [9], without considering the costs and power consumption of the mmWave array. By exploiting the sparse nature of the mmWave channels, more reasonable multi-beam antenna arrays [10], [11], hybrid analog-digital structures have been proposed [12], [13]. The two suggested hybrid architectures in mmWave systems of today are (i) array of phased subarrays, and (ii) array of a fully-connected array. Option (i) suffers from the very limited field-of-view and formation of grating lobes, while (ii) is terrible in terms of efficiency due to Radio Frequency (RF) combination losses and RF complexity.
For the fully connected hybrid structure that can be interpreted as a fully connected multi-beam analog array [14] with extra processing capability in the digital domain, the number of the RF chains is usually no more than the number of antennas and no less than the number of the signal streams in the baseband [13]. Arguably, this hybrid structure can provide at most as many effective beams as the number of RF chains. More recently, the work in [15]–[19] tries to transmit more signal streams than the number of RF chains, even transmitting one more signal stream than the number of RF chains with a complicated design [18] is challenging and encouraging. On the other hand, the work in [12], [17], [20] considers imitating digital domain beamforming in the RF domain, using twice as many RF chains as the number of signal streams [12], and even further paralleling two phase shifters to the RF chain of an antenna to save the number of RF chains [17], [20]. Although combining two phase shifters in the RF domain to simulate the digital processing by varying the amplitude and phase of the signal is relatively novel, it relies on the range of continuous values of the phase shifter and its refresh rate [17]. In fact, this violates the original design intent of a phase shifter and may require the design of more specialized RF components.
The hybrid structure is promising for the fact that the RF chain is much more expensive than the phase shifter, that the mmWave RF chain consumes excessive power, and that the large-scale antenna array is a trend for mmWave systems. When it comes to the wideband, as the abundant frequency resources in the mmWave band, the RF chain and phase shifter are more expensive and more power consuming than the corresponding narrowband components. So the wideband hybrid structure should be streamlined to some extent.
On the other hand, antenna arrays encounter new challenges in wideband scenarios, namely, the assumption of half-wavelength spacing between array elements is not suitable for very wide bandwidths directly. Fractal antennas have been an active research interest, due to their compact size, frequency-independent multi-band nature [21], and ability to realizing thinning or low sidelobe beams. It has two main areas [22]–[24]: (i) design of individual fractal shaped antenna elements, and (ii) design of antenna arrays that exploit the fractal concepts. The first approach has been extensively studied, such as using Sierpinski triangle [25] and Sierpinski carpet [26], or even combining several fractal structures in one antenna [27]. While the design methods and advantages of the second way are still being explored and developed [22].
In the literature on wideband hybrid precoding, a number of efforts are based on the OFDM-based structure, with multi-sub-frequency baseband precoders and a uniform RF precoder for each RF chain [28]–[30]. However, the unified RF precoder implies the use of ideal phase shifters, which will inevitably result in beam squinting [31]. This will degrade the performance of beam-based systems, and the feasibility of OFDM-based systems can be an issue for very wideband systems. Some work has paid attention to the effect of beam squint [32]–[39], fixing it in the digital domain [40], with codebooks [41], or utilizing the ideal time delay phase shifters [42]–[45].
However, the harnessing of beam squinting to generate independent multi-beam is unexplored in the literature. With squint beams, it is also possible to serve multi-user with just one wideband RF chain, with one individual signal stream for each user. Meanwhile, the hybrid beamforming structure should adapt to the new situation, the enhanced analog structure with one wideband RF chain and wideband phase shifters is one option, it also keeps the baseband processing ability for multi-data-stream with multi-sub-frequency. Moreover, thanks to the subarrays structure with multi-RF-chain in each subarray [46], this kind of structure is easy to extend to a large wideband antenna array with one RF chain each subarray.
While from the perspective of cost-saving, the function of phases shifters in the array could be achieved by a group of wideband cells [47], which could be recognized as an implementation for finite resolution phase shifters (FRPS) [48]–[50] while with non-integers quantization bits. Moreover, the time modulated array (TMA) [51] can produce a virtual phase shifter for each antenna in the array. For these virtual phase shifters are not true time delays (TTDs), beam squinting is also achieving.
In this article, we investigate wideband antenna arrays that employ spatial squint beams for cellular communications. Our research is based on overly idealistic assumptions and is in its infancy, both the non-isotropic pattern and the mutual coupling of the array elements should be considered for implementing a realistic antenna array [52]. The main contributions of the paper can be summarized as follows:
We design a compact multi-band ultra-wideband planar array structure for mmWave communication, using the Sierpinski carpet topology and the beam squinting property to serve multi-user.
We utilize a group of cells to implement the functionality of the phase shifter in the array and give a derivation of the number of cells required for the planar array.
We reveal that the squint beams cannot cover all angles of the hemisphere through the planar array when determining the value of the phase shifters in the array.
We use multi-subarray to form a larger array which further cuts the number of cells of the larger array by compensating for the phase difference of the subarrays in the digital domain.
We validate the usage of the proposed array with simulations in a multi-user scenario, where the proposed algorithm calculates the number of cells of the virtual phase shifters and the working frequencies of the steering beams for the users.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we present the beam property of the narrowband array and derive the beam property for the wideband array. In Section III, we present a multi-wideband planar array structure with the Sierpinski carpet fractal. In Section IV, we derive the cell number needed in the planar array, where we reveal that this array can only change the vertical angle of the steer main beam direction with beam squinting. In Section V, we present a scenario of one base station (BS) and multi-user, where the BS is with a big array composed of four subarrays and each user is with one subarray, we give the algorithm manifesting the usage of the proposed array in this scenario. In Section VI, simulation results showing the performance of the proposed algorithm for the proposed array, before concluding the paper in Section VII.
The following notations are adopted throughout this article: Boldface uppercase letters, boldface lowercase letters, and lowercase letters are used to denote matrices, vectors and scalars, respectively; The superscripts
Wideband Phase Shifter and Beamforming
Phase shifters are microwave network modules that can change the phase of incident RF signals [53]. A phase shifter with value
On the one hand, the time delay property of the Fourier transform (FT) pair \begin{equation*} x(t-\tau _{0})\longleftrightarrow X(j\omega)e^{-j\omega \tau _{0}}.\tag{1}\end{equation*}
On the other hand, while
For narrowband systems, the phase shifter and the time delay have the same effect. At a particular working frequency \begin{equation*} \varphi _{i}=2\pi f_{i}\tau _{i},\tag{2}\end{equation*}
A. The Fundamentals of Narrowband Array Beamforming
Formula derivations for both beam direction and beamwidth could be found in [54, chap.6], [55, chap.2], which can be easily extended to wideband array scenarios. We will illuminate this with a linear antenna array in this subsection. In addition, we will take care of the required attributes of planar arrays when needed in Section IV.
For a uniform linear array of
According to (6–10) in [54], when the first element of an array is chosen as a reference, the AF can be written as \begin{equation*} \mathrm {A\!F}=\frac {\sin {\left ({{\frac {N}{2}}\psi }\right)}}{\sin \left ({{\frac {1}{2}}\psi }\right)}\,e^{j(N-1)\psi /2}.\tag{3}\end{equation*}
On the other hand, from (6–10a) in [54], if the center point of the array is chosen as a reference, the AF is then given by \begin{equation*} \mathrm {A\!F}=\frac {\sin {\left ({{\frac {N}{2}}\psi }\right)}}{\sin \left ({{\frac {1}{2}}\psi }\right)},\tag{4}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \psi =kd\sin \theta -\beta,\tag{5}\end{equation*}
Notice from (3) and (4) that the reference point in the array does not change the amplitude of AF. If we choose the first antenna as the reference with a phase-shifting value
The AF in (4) can be written in normalized form as \begin{equation*} \left ({\mathrm {A\!F}}\right)_{n}=\frac {1}{N}\left [{{\frac {\sin {\left ({{\frac {N}{2}}\psi }\right)}}{\sin \left ({{\frac {1}{2}}\psi }\right)}}}\right].\tag{6}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \frac {1}{2}\psi =\pm m\pi,\quad m=0,1,2,\cdots.\tag{7}\end{equation*}
Regardless of the ratio of antenna spacing d to working wavelength \begin{equation*} \theta _{m}=\arcsin \frac {\beta }{kd}.\tag{8}\end{equation*}
When \begin{equation*} \left ({\mathrm {AF}}\right)_{n}\approx \left [{{\frac {\sin {\left ({{\frac {N}{2}}\psi }\right)}}{\left ({{\frac {N}{2}}\psi }\right)}}}\right].\tag{9}\end{equation*}
The 3 dB direction of the main beam \begin{equation*} \theta _{h}\approx \arcsin \left [{\frac {1}{kd}\left ({\beta \pm \frac {2.782}{N}}\right)}\right],\tag{10}\end{equation*}
In addition, the direction of the maxima of minor lobes in (6) can be approximated by letting \begin{align*} \frac {N}{2}\left ({kd\sin \theta -\beta }\right)|_{\theta =\theta _{s}}=&\pm \frac {2s+1}{2}\pi,\quad s=0,1,2,\cdots,\quad \\ \tag{11}\\ \theta _{s1}=&\arcsin \left \{{{\frac {\lambda }{2\pi d}\left [{ \beta \pm \frac {3\pi }{N} }\right]} }\right \}.\tag{12}\end{align*}
B. Categories of Wideband Phase Shifters
Wideband phase shifters can be roughly classified into four types [47], [56]: true phase shifters (TPSs), TTDs, true time delays with group delays and other types. For convenience, it also refers to TPS as ideal phase shifter and TTD as ideal time delay in this article.
1) Ideal Phase Shifter
In a narrowband system, the phase shifter always works at a specific center frequency. In Fig. 2a, points A and B are the states of a narrowband phase shifter working at center frequency
2) Ideal Time Delay
The TTD implies that the phase shifter maintains the same time delay over the operating frequency range. In (2), the phase
3) Ideal Time Delay with Group Delay
As shown in Fig. 2c, the group phase delay of this phase shifter is
4) Other Types of Non-Ideal Phase Shifters
Fig. 2d depicts a hypothetical other type of phase shifter. To the authors’ knowledge, the design of such a phase shifter does not yet exist. However it is interesting when the function
C. Main Beam Direction
A phase shifter in the narrowband antenna array can be represented as
For wideband arrays, the phase may vary with frequency, there is \begin{equation*} \beta _{i}=2\pi f_{i}\tilde {\tau }_{i},\tag{13}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \theta _{m}\left ({f_{i}}\right)=\arcsin \frac {c\tilde {\tau }_{i}}{d}.\tag{14}\end{equation*}
Formulas for the main beam direction in this subsection are summarized in Table 1.
1) Antenna Arrays Using Ideal Time Delays
For an array with ideal time delays, where the phase shifter has the same delay \begin{equation*} \theta _{m}\left ({f_{i}}\right)=\arcsin \frac {c\tilde {\tau }}{d}.\tag{15}\end{equation*}
2) Antenna Arrays Using Ideal Phase Shifters
For beam steering arrays with equal array element spacing, if ideal phase shifters are used, there is a constant progressive phase difference of \begin{equation*} \theta _{m}\left ({f_{i}}\right)=\arcsin \frac {c \beta }{2\pi df_{i}}.\tag{16}\end{equation*}
3) Antenna Arrays Using Ideal Time Delays With Group Delays
From Fig. 2c, the value of a phase shifter in the form of the ideal time delay with group delay at frequency \begin{equation*} \varphi _{i}=-\frac {\varphi _{f=0}}{f_{\varphi =0}}\left ({f_{i}-f_{\varphi =0}}\right).\tag{17}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \beta _{i}=-\frac {\beta _{f=0}}{f_{\varphi =0}}\left ({f_{i}-f_{\varphi =0}}\right),\tag{18}\end{equation*}
Precisely, we can obtain the relationship between \begin{equation*} \theta _{m}\left ({f_{i}}\right)=\arcsin \left [{-\frac {c \beta _{f=0}}{2\pi df_{\varphi =0}}\left ({1-\frac {f_{\varphi =0}}{f_{i}}}\right)}\right].\tag{19}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \theta _{m}\!\left ({f_{i}}\right)=\arcsin \!\left \{{\sin \theta _{0}\!\left [{\frac {f_{0}}{f_{0}-f_{\varphi =0}}\!\cdot \!\left ({1-\frac {f_{\varphi =0}}{f_{i}}}\right)\!}\right]}\right \}.\tag{20}\end{equation*}
4) Antenna Arrays Using Other Types of Phase Shifters
Fig. 2d describes the transfer function for a normal kind of phase shifter. In the first-order Taylor approximation, the relationship between phase and frequency near a certain frequency [47] is \begin{align*} \theta _{m}\left ({f_{i}}\right)\!|_{f_{i}=f_{0}+\Delta f}\!\approx \!\arcsin \!\left [{\!\sin \theta _{0}\!\left ({\!1\!+\!\frac {f_{\varphi =0}}{f_{0}-f_{\varphi =0}}\!\cdot \!\frac {\Delta f}{f_{0}+\Delta f}\!}\right)\!}\right]\!, \\ {}\tag{21}\end{align*}
D. Beamwidth of the Main Beam
Substituting (13) into (10) we get the 3 dB direction of the main beam, where \begin{equation*} \theta _{\pm h}\left ({f_{i}}\right)\approx \arcsin \left ({\frac {c}{d}\tilde {\tau }_{i}\pm \frac {2.782c}{2\pi dNf_{i}}}\right).\tag{22}\end{equation*}
Leveraging Fig. 3, we can shed light on the relationship of beam direction and beamwidth in (22). In Fig. 3 the x-axis describes the beam direction, whereas the y-axis represents the beam domain.
The relationship of beam direction and beamwidth in (22) by the function
For the function \begin{equation*} \Theta _{h}=\left |{\theta _{-h}-\theta _{+h}}\right |.\tag{23}\end{equation*}
From (22), the following conclusions can be drawn for wideband arrays:
The broadside beam has the same beam orientation at all operating frequencies,
as in Fig. 1, regardless of the phase shifter used in the array. Also, the broadside beam has a minimum HPBW at all frequencies, the higher the frequency, the smaller the beamwidth.\theta _{m}\!\left ({f_{i}}\right)\!=\!0 For a particular frequency
, the beamwidth of the angular domain increases as the beam directionf_{i} rises.\theta _{m} With the same direction of the main beam, the larger the frequency, the smaller the beamwidth.
In the beam domain, the beamwidth is independent of the beam direction and is inversely proportional to the number of antennas
, the spacing between antennas{N} and the operating frequency.{d} For an array with ideal time delays, all frequencies have the same main beam direction
.\theta _{m} The main beam direction
and the beamwidth in the beam domain decrease with increasing frequency for arrays with ideal phase shifters, as shown in (10).\theta _{m}
In addition, the HPBW remains unchanged when the value of
E. First Side Lobe Direction
Comparing (12) with (10), the structures are similar, so the conclusions for 3 dB direction also hold for first sidelobe direction as well.\begin{equation*} \theta _{s1}\left ({f_{i}}\right)=\arcsin \left ({\frac {c\tilde {\tau }_{i}}{d}\pm \frac {3c}{2dNf_{i}}}\right).\tag{24}\end{equation*}
F. Direction of the Grating Lobe
Grating lobes occurs when (7) has other solutions, except when \begin{equation*} \theta _{g}\left ({f_{i}}\right)=\arcsin \left ({\frac {c\tilde {\tau }_{i}}{d}\pm \frac {\lambda _{i}}{d} m}\right),\quad m=1,2,\cdots.\tag{25}\end{equation*}
Comparing (25) with (10), their structures are very similar. Thus the conclusion of the grating lobe is similar to that of HPBW, except for the following properties:
The beam direction of the grating lobe is independent of the antenna number
and is determined by the main beam direction{N} and the ratio of antenna spacing to working wavelength.\theta _{m} For antenna arrays with fixed element spacing, if there is a grating lobe, the angle between the grating lobe and the main beam decreases as the frequency increases. This property holds for both arrays with ideal phase shifters and arrays with ideal time delays.
G. The Generation of Beam Squinting
TTDs allow an antenna array to maintain a consistent main beam direction at different frequencies. In the example of the received beam of the linear array in Fig. 1, the delay difference between the array elements does not change with frequencies when the incidence angles of the beams are the same. So by exploiting the transceiver equivalence, it is possible to generate a wideband beam for this array that maintains a consistent main beam direction between different frequencies through TTDs. On the other hand, beam squinting between different frequencies is unavoidable for any wideband array employing other types of phase shifters. There are two main strategies to deal with beam squinting: (1) force squint beams of different frequencies into the same main beam direction to increase the performance of the point-to-point communication, and (2) exploit the spatial degrees of freedom of beam squinting to form multi-beam for multi-user. While both approaches are interesting, we are currently intrigued by the second one. Consequently, we will attempt to exploit the squinting characteristics of the array with ideal phase shifters in the following sections.
Millimiter-Wave Multi-Tier Wideband Antenna Array Design
For an antenna array, the phase distribution of each antenna controls the direction of the main beam, while the amplitude distribution governs the beamwidth of the main beam and the amplitude level of the sidelobes [54, Chap. 1.5.1, Chap. 16.7.2], [57]. For all antenna array structures in Fig. 4,
A. The Effect of Wide Bandwidth on Antenna Array and Beamforming
1) The Effect of Wide Bandwidth on Antenna Element Spacing
Due to the abundance of frequency resources in the mmWave band, with wavelengths spanning nearly 10 times (in the frequency range of about 30~300 GHz), there is a rather intuitive challenge in the design of wideband beamforming arrays with such large bandwidths, namely, the mismatch between the extremely wide working frequency range and the fixed distance of the antenna elements. The traditional narrowband structure with half-wavelength spacing between elements implies that the design of antenna arrays serving very wide frequency bands should be reconsidered.
2) The Effect of Wideband Phase Shifters on Beamforming
From (16), it is known that wideband arrays using ideal phase shifters encounter the problem of squinting of the main beam direction. Taking OFDM-based wideband hybrid structures as an example, the work in [28]–[30] assumes the use of separate digital precoders for each sub-carrier in the digital domain and a unified analog precoder in the RF domain. Thus, it forms a hybrid digital-analog precoding structure for each sub-carrier, while multiple sub-carrier in the analog domain share same RF chains and phase shifters. However, uniform wideband phase shifters imply the use of ideal phase shifters. In this case, each sub-band has its own main beam direction and its own HPBW, and a user may receive sub-carrier beams at different power levels or even only a portion of these beams. Thus, in mmWave ultra-wideband scenarios, antenna arrays using ideal phase shifters suffer from the beam squinting phenomenon.
3) The Effect of Wide Bandwidth on Cost and Performance
From a cost savings perspective, wideband phase shifters and wideband RF chains are more expensive than the corresponding narrowband elements. So for a fully connected wideband hybrid structure, each RF chain is connected with a wideband phase shifter for each antenna, which may be overpriced and redundant for many wideband scenarios.
A solution may exist that takes advantage of the multi-band and compact nature of the fractal antenna array and the squinting multi-beam of the wideband array to serve multi-user. By dividing the antenna array into multi-tier through the concept of fractals, the array as a whole can operate over a very large wideband frequency range. Each of these tiers, as shown in Fig. 4d, has a wideband analog array operating in a relatively small wideband frequency range, which is structurally similar to a conventional analog beamforming array as shown in Fig. 4a. Although only one wideband phase shifter is connected to each antenna, and the array requires only one wideband RF chain, this structure can produce multi-beam with beam squinting, which is somewhat similar to the multi-beam capability of hybrid arrays. However, it is different from the traditional array structures used for communications today, and a number of technical details and shortcomings need to be addressed in the design and application.
B. The mmWave Wideband Antenna Array Design
Traditional wideband antennas, such as log-periodic antennas, cannot electrically change the direction of the beam and are too large to be used as elements for antenna arrays. There is an old Chinese proverb: “A hurricane starts with the slightest shaking of clover leaves, an awesome wave arises from wavelets.” Combining the interesting self-similarity properties of fractals with the powerful beams produced by a large number of low-gain antenna elements may be worth trying. We exploit the concept of the Sierpinski carpet fractal [22], [58] to form a multi-tier wideband antenna array structure, with each tier supporting a different wideband frequency region. Although this antenna array can have many tiers, we use only the first three tiers as in Fig. 5 (also the right half of Fig. 6) and the first four tiers as in Fig. 7a as an alternative. For arrays with more than four tiers, the patch antenna elements in the array may not be feasible and work beyond the mmWave band. While the gain per patch element is small, higher gains can be obtained with a large-scale microstrip patch antenna array.
1) Ultra Wideband Antenna Array
The Sierpinski carpet antenna array is a compact, multi-band, and wideband planar array. For the Sierpinski carpet fractal as in Fig. 5a, one-ninth of the tier area are cut off from the carpet in each tier, we regard the cut-off parts of the carpet as patch antennas and the grey lattice elements in Fig. 5c and Fig. 5d indicate missing elements in the rectangular planar arrays of tier-2 and tier-3. With half-wavelength spacing of the center frequency, the scale of center frequency between two neighboring tiers is threefold. In addition, the square patch elements in the Sierpinski carpet array have an edge length of one-sixth of the wavelength, which we assume to be reasonable even though their size is smaller than the usual edge lengths between one-third and half-wavelength [54, Chap.14]. On the other hand, the Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) [59]–[61] could be used as element in the array for its smaller size, larger antenna gain, and relatively wider bandwidth compared with the Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA).
The transceiver structure in Fig. 6 is a Sierpinski carpet antenna array using three tiers of wideband analog arrays. The center frequency of the array is determined by the spacing of the elements in each tier. In this structure, a wideband RF chain is connected to each antenna element separately via a wideband phase shifter. In addition, since each antenna element belongs to a specific array tier and each wideband phase shifter has its own determined operating frequency range, then although three tiers share a wideband RF chain, each tier can operate independently in a different frequency range through filter 1, 2, and 3 of tier-1, tier-2, and tier-3, respectively.
As stated above, the spacing scale of the elements between two adjacent tiers of the Sierpinski carpet antenna array is tripled. When the array operates in narrowband mode, each tier uses a precise half-wavelength antenna spacing, assuming that the first three tiers operate at frequencies
2) The First Tier for Low Rate Communication
As in Fig. 5b, the first tier has only one antenna and no array gain to compensate for the high attenuation. So we can place here an antenna that operates at frequencies below 5 GHz, with a center frequency that is not one-third that of tier-2. In this case, the array length depends on the frequency of tier-2. Because the lower frequency band has less air attenuation and good scattering performance, but a relatively narrow bandwidth, this tier is suitable for low-rate data communications and information feedback for users. It should be noted that the first tier has only one antenna connected to the RF chain, so there is no need for an analog phase shifter. If there are multiple Sierpinski carpet arrays forming a large array, this tier forms the digital baseband array structure of Fig. 4b.
3) The Wideband Analog Structure in Tier-2 and Tier-3
Tier-2 and tier-3 can each form a wideband analog array operating in different frequency bands. In the tier-2 array shown in Fig. 5c, there are eight antenna elements, each of which is connected to the wideband RF chain with a separate wideband phase shifter. By employing ideal phase shifters to give the wideband array the beam squinting characteristic, multi-beam can thus be formed simultaneously. As shown in Fig. 5d, tier-3 has a total of 64 antenna elements, which is eight times the number of antennas in tier-2. Because there are more antenna elements at this tier, it is reasonable to use lower radiated power and less expensive antenna elements at tier-3 to obtain similar array gain as tier-2. The wideband analog structure in Fig. 4d is substantially different from the narrowband analog beamforming structure in Fig. 4a. First, in Fig. 4d RF chains and phase shifters are wideband components. Second, in the digital baseband domain, it is more complicated to combine multiple signal streams into a single RF chain, whereas in Fig. 4a there is only one signal stream. Finally, the wideband analog structure can form multiple squint beams, while the narrowband analog structure can only form an individual beam.
C. The Sierpinski Carpet Arrays of Different Sizes and Their Possible Application Scenarios
Fig. 8 shows the atmospheric absorption properties of the electromagnetic waves. In the frequency range of mmWave, there are about three mountaintops with high atmospheric attenuation, 60, 120, and 180 GHz, and not far from mmWave are 22 GHz and 322 GHz. The attenuation at 60, 180, and 322 GHz is comparable to about 20 dB/Km, and at 120 GHz is about 2 dB/Km. In addition, the attenuation at 45 GHz is about 0.2 dB/Km.
There are also large atmospheric windows suitable for long-range communications [63]: (1) the attenuation in the window range from 210 to 300 GHz is close to the line from 1 to 2 dB/Km, (2) the attenuation in the window range from about 73 to 110 GHz is close to the line from 0.2 to 0.3 dB/Km, and (3) the attenuation in the window range from about 124 to 160 GHz can be approximated to the line from 0.4 to 0.6 dB/Km. Although the attenuation of about 1 to 2 dB/Km is high, the large frequency bandwidth of 210 to 300 GHz is also very attractive.
1) The 20, 60, and 180 GHz Array for Short-Range Secure Communication
When the element spacing is half wavelength of the center frequency, the side length of the square array is 7.5 mm because the wavelength of the first tier at 20 GHz is 15 mm. At 60 GHz, the element spacing of tier-2 is 2.5 mm, and the spacing of the tier-3 at 180 GHz is about 0.833 mm.
2) The 30, 90, and 270 GHz Array
The array utilizes two large air windows, a window around 90 GHz and a window around 240 GHz. In addition, arrays with center frequencies of 28, 84, and 252 GHz are more appropriate.
3) The 5, 15, 45, and 135 GHz Array
With the four tiers Sierpinski carpet fractal structure shown in Fig. 7a, it is possible to design a square array of 5, 15, 45, and 135 GHz with side lengths of 3 cm.
4) The 5, 15, 45, and 225 GHz Array
As shown in Fig. 7b, the array at tier-4 can operate at 225 GHz using the Wallis sieve concept, and because of the large atmospheric window in this band, this array may be suitable for short-range communications that require large bandwidths.
D. mmWave Multi-Subarray Design
The Sierpinski square structure in Fig. 6 is suitable for forming larger antenna arrays. Fig. 9a shows a large array with four Sierpinski subarrays. In the first tier, there is a digital baseband array structure, so sophisticated digital beamforming techniques can be used in this tier. Fig. 9b shows a similar structure for tier-2 and tier-3, although the center frequency and operating frequency range are different for these two tiers. This large array can operate in either subarray mode or large array mode. In the subarray mode, each subarray can perform beam steering independently. Whereas, in large array mode, phase compensation in the digital domain is used to save the cost of the phase shifters in each subarray, as will be explained in Section V.
How Many Cells Are Needed in a Planar Array?
When a wideband phase shifter is implemented by cascading wideband cells [47], and each cell has the same ideal phase-shifting frequency-phase characteristics as in Fig. 2a, we can obtain a uniformly quantized ideal phase shifter. Further, in order to reduce the cost and simplify the design, all the phase shifters in the array can be implemented by selecting cells from the cascade of cells as shown in Fig. 10. Arrays with this design can still enable steering beams, and the important parameters of the wideband array design become the design of the frequency-phase characteristics of the cells and the selection of the total number of cells in the array. In addition, since the number of cells required for this design is not affected by the missing elements in the array, the number of cells required for tier-2 and tier-3 in Fig. 5 can also be derived using the planar array with no missing array elements in this section.
For a planar array placed on the x-y plane, as in Fig. 11, there are
Rewrite (6–93a) and (6–93b) in [54] to obtain \begin{align*} \beta _{x}=&kd_{x}\sin \theta _{m}\cos \phi _{m}, \tag{26}\\ \beta _{y}=&kd_{y}\sin \theta _{m}\sin \phi _{m},\tag{27}\end{align*}
From (26) and (27) we have \begin{align*} \phi _{m}=&\arctan \left ({\frac {\beta _{y}d_{x}}{\beta _{x}d_{y}}}\right), \tag{28}\\ \theta _{m}=&\arcsin \left ({\frac {c}{2\pi f_{i}}\sqrt {{\left ({\frac {\beta _{x}}{d_{x}}}\right)}^{2}+{\left ({\frac {\beta _{y}}{d_{y}}}\right)}^{2}}}\right).\tag{29}\end{align*}
From (28), the angle
As mentioned above in this section, in order to save the cost of the phase shifters, the phase shifters in the array share a number of cascaded phase shift cells, as shown in Fig. 10. The values of progressive phase shifts can also be written as \begin{align*} \phi _{m}=&\arctan \frac {n}{m}, \tag{30}\\ \theta _{m}=&\arcsin \left ({\frac {c\beta _{cell}}{2\pi df_{i}}\sqrt {m^{2}+n^{2}}}\right).\tag{31}\end{align*}
From (30) and (31) we have \begin{align*} m=&\frac {2\pi df_{i}\sin \theta _{m}\cos \phi _{m}}{c\beta _{cell}}, \tag{32}\\ n=&\frac {2\pi df_{i}\sin \theta _{m}\sin \phi _{m}}{c\beta _{cell}},\tag{33}\end{align*}
The HPBWs \begin{align*} \Theta _{h}=&\left.{1 \big /\sqrt {\cos ^{2}\!\theta _{m}\left [{\Theta _{x0}^{-2}\cos ^{2}\!\phi _{m}+\Theta _{y0}^{-2}\sin ^{2}\!\phi _{m}}\right]}}\right.,\qquad ~\tag{34}\\ \Psi _{h}=&\left.{1 \big /\sqrt {\Theta _{x0}^{-2}\sin ^{2}\!\phi _{m}+\Theta _{y0}^{-2}\cos ^{2}\!\phi _{m}}}\right.,\tag{35}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} \Theta _{x0}\left ({f_{i}}\right)\approx 2\arcsin \left ({\frac {2.782c}{2\pi dMf_{i}}}\right).\tag{36}\end{equation*}
When designing an antenna array, the maximum phase shifts of the phase shifters in the array should be within the phase range represented by all cascading cells in the array, that is, \begin{equation*} (M-1)m+(N-1)n\leq N_{c}.\tag{37}\end{equation*}
From the perspective of beam angular coverage, the main beam should cover all the angle range. When the array spacing is one-half of working wavelength, setting the maximum \begin{equation*} m^{2}+n^{2}=\left ({\frac {\pi \sin \theta _{max}}{\beta _{cell}}}\right)^{2}.\tag{38}\end{equation*}
We can obtain the smallest
Table 2 shows the maximum cell number needed in each tier of the Sierpinski carpet array calculated from (37) and (38). When
From the perspective of cost-saving, in this section, we use a group of cells to substitute the phase shifters in the array. In addition, the cell number in an array could be decreased by limiting the maximum perpendicular angle of the main beam. Furthermore, by compensating in digital domain, it is feasible to form large arrays for beam steering without increasing the number of cells per subarray. The disadvantages of this design are that the assumption of the cascaded cell-based phase-shifting network is well idealized without considering the way of feeding in the RF design and that we only leverage the beam steering without considering the more complicated beam pattern synthesis methods for the FRPS.
Beam Steering and Beam Adapting Algorithm
We consider the downlink beamforming of a system with a BS and
For each subarray of the BS, it is possible to work for a primary user at tier-2 and tier-3, respectively. These two tiers may also operate for a single primary user only, by using two scattering paths to increase the overall rate or reduce the probability of communication outages of the user. Besides, all subarrays of the BS can also operate uniformly in the large array mode, which can provide higher array gain compared to the subarray mode. This mode can be used in the channel estimation stage where channel conditions are uncertain, or to further improve the transmission performance for users with poor channel conditions. In addition, when the beams of the primary users at tier-2 and tier-3 are determined, there may be one or more scattering paths suitable for the secondary users, in which case the required operating frequencies of the beams in the direction of scattering paths can be calculated and the array response vector of the primary user can be multiplexed by the beam squinting method.
The first stage is the channel estimation or path angle-of-departure (AoD) and angle-of-arrival (AoA) estimation stage, which is assumed to be completed. Then there is the data transmission stage using beam steering, where beam adaptive algorithms are used to establish or maintain the link. A significant difference between this process and previous work is that the operating frequency of the secondary user will change as the beam direction varies.
A. Channel Model
For a planar antenna array with \begin{align*} \mathbf {A}(\phi _{m},\!\theta _{m})=&\mathbf {A}(\beta _{x},\beta _{y}) \\=&\mathbf {a}(\beta _{x},M)\mathbf {a}(\beta _{y},N)^{T} \\=&\mathbf {a}(\beta _{x},M)\otimes \mathbf {a}(\beta _{y},N)^{T} \\\stackrel {(a)}{=}&\frac {1}{\sqrt {MN}} \begin{bmatrix} e^{-j\varphi _{11}} &\cdots & e^{-j\varphi _{1N}} \\ \vdots &\ddots &\vdots \\ e^{-j\varphi _{M1}} &\cdots & e^{-j\varphi _{MN}} \end{bmatrix} \\=&\frac {\begin{bmatrix} 1 \!&\!\cdots \! & e^{-j(N-1)\beta _{y}} \\ \vdots \!&\ddots \! &\vdots \\ e^{-j(M-1)\beta _{x}} \!&\cdots \! & e^{-j((M-1)\beta _{x}+(N-1)\beta _{y})} \!\end{bmatrix}}{\sqrt {MN}},\tag{39}\end{align*}
The array response in (39) could be rewritten into vector form as \begin{align*} \mathbf {a}(\phi _{m},\theta _{m})=&\mathbf {a}(\beta _{x},\beta _{y}) \\=&vec(\mathbf {A}(\phi _{m},\theta _{m})) \\=&[e^{-j\varphi _{11}}, {\dots },e^{-j\varphi _{M1}}, {\dots }, \\&{\dots },e^{-j\varphi _{1N}}, {\dots },e^{-j\varphi _{MN}}]^{T}/\sqrt {MN}.\tag{40}\end{align*}
For arrays with omnidirectional radiated antenna elements, the radiation amplitude beam pattern can be approximated by AF. Therefore, the steering beam power pattern of a planar array with progressive phase shift \begin{align*} \mathrm {AF}(\phi,\theta)\stackrel {(b)}{=}&\mathrm {A\!F}(\psi _{x}) \, \mathrm {A\!F}(\psi _{y}) \\=&\mathbf {a}(\phi,\theta)^{H}\mathbf {a}(\phi _{m},\theta _{m}) \\=&\mathbf {a}(\phi,\theta)^{H}\mathbf {a}(\beta _{x},\beta _{y}) \\=&\sum _{i=1}^{M}\sum _{j=1}^{N}\{\mathbf {A}(\phi,\theta)^{*}\ast \mathbf {A}(\beta _{x},\beta _{y})\}_{ij},\tag{41}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} \psi _{x}=&kd_{x}\sin \theta \cos \phi -\beta _{x}, \tag{42}\\ \psi _{y}=&kd_{y}\sin \theta \sin \phi -\beta _{y}.\tag{43}\end{align*}
Extending to mmWave scenario [13] with the Saleh-Valenzuela model [69], there are \begin{equation*} \mathbf {H}=\sum _{c=1}^{N_{c}}\sum _{l=1}^{N_{pc}}\alpha _{cl}\mathbf {a}_{r}(\phi _{cl}^{r},\theta _{cl}^{r})\mathbf {a}_{t}(\phi _{cl}^{t},\theta _{cl}^{t})^{H}.\tag{44}\end{equation*}
In this article, it is assumed that the BS maintains only one beam path with each user, so it is reasonable to assume that each scatterer contributes one possible beam path under this condition. Thus the possible channel model for any user in (44) can be rewritten as \begin{align*} \mathbf {H}_{i}(f)=&\sum _{l=1}^{N_{ci}}\alpha _{l}(f)\mathbf {a}_{r}(\phi _{l}^{r},\theta _{l}^{r})\mathbf {a}_{t}(\phi _{l}^{t},\theta _{l}^{t})^{H}, \tag{45}\\ \mathbf {H}_{i}(f)=&\sum _{l=1}^{N_{ci}}\!\alpha _{l}(f)\mathbf {a}_{r}\!\left ({\beta _{xl}^{\phantom {1}r}(f),\beta _{yl}^{\phantom {1}r}(f)}\right)\mathbf {a}_{t}\!\left ({\beta _{xl}^{\phantom {1}t}(f),\beta _{yl}^{\phantom {1}t}(f)}\right)^{H}\!. \\ {}\tag{46}\end{align*}
In fact only one beam path is selected in (45). Also implicit in (45) is the main beam direction in relation to the operating frequency for an array response of an antenna array employing ideal phase shifters, as shown by (46).
B. Beam Steering
We derive in Appendix B the conditions for point-to-point communication using two non-line-of-sight (NLoS) beams at either tier-2 or tier-3, however it is very demanding for the location of the scatterers. But the conditions are somewhat relaxed when the planar array shown in Fig. 11 uses squint beams to communicate with two users. The favored two users only need to have scatterers with similar
For analog precoding matrices in traditional hybrid structures, as in Fig. 4c, the number of rows represents the number of antennas and the number of columns is the group of phase shifters connected to the antenna array. In fact, the position relationship of antenna elements in a planar array can also be represented by a matrix, which is often rewritten in vector form as an array response vector for convenience.
The BS uses four Sierpinski carpet subarrays to form a larger square array, as shown in Fig. 9a. \begin{align*} \mathbf {X}=&\begin{bmatrix} \mathbf {F}_{11} \; \mathbf {F}_{12} \\ \mathbf {F}_{21} \; \mathbf {F}_{22} \end{bmatrix} \odot \left ({\begin{bmatrix} e^{-j\varphi _{_{11}}^{B}} & e^{-j\varphi _{_{12}}^{B}}\\ e ^{-j\varphi _{_{21}}^{B}} & e^{-j\varphi _{_{22}}^{B}} \end{bmatrix} \ast \begin{bmatrix} s_{11} \; s_{12}\\ s _{21} \; s_{22} \end{bmatrix} }\right) \\=&\begin{bmatrix} \mathbf {F}_{11}e^{-j\varphi _{_{11}}^{B}} & \mathbf {F}_{12}e^{-j\varphi _{_{12}}^{B}} \\ \mathbf {F}_{21}e^{-j\varphi _{_{21}}^{B}} & \mathbf {F}_{22}e^{-j\varphi _{_{22}}^{B}} \end{bmatrix} \odot \begin{bmatrix} s_{11} \; s_{12}\\ s _{21} \; s_{22} \end{bmatrix} \\=&\begin{bmatrix} \mathbf {X}_{11} & \mathbf {X}_{12} \\ \mathbf {X}_{21} & \mathbf {X}_{22} \end{bmatrix},\tag{47}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} \mathbf {X}_{mn}=&\mathbf {F}_{mn}e^{-j\varphi _{mn}^{B}}s_{mn}, \quad m,n=1,2, \tag{48}\\ \mathbf {F}=&\begin{bmatrix} \mathbf {F}_{11}e^{-j\varphi _{_{11}}^{B}} & \mathbf {F}_{12}e^{-j\varphi _{_{12}}^{B}} \\ \mathbf {F}_{21}e^{-j\varphi _{_{21}}^{B}} & \mathbf {F}_{22}e^{-j\varphi _{_{22}}^{B}} \end{bmatrix}.\tag{49}\end{align*}
1) Beam Steering in Large Array Mode
In this article, it is assumed that the phase shifter is composed of cascading cells, in which case the number of cells in the phase shifter should be increased to achieve a higher phase shift or time delay. Thus, when a beam in the same main direction is realized through a large array, the phase shifter of some of the antennas requires more cells than a small array. In order to save the number of cells in the subarray and to simplify the precoding in the analog domain, in the large array mode, all subarrays have the same analog precoding matrix, which is
The processed signal received by the user \begin{align*} y_{i}=&vec\left ({\mathbf {W}_{i}}\right)^{H}\,r_{i}(f) \\\stackrel {(c)}{\approx }&vec\left ({\mathbf {W}_{i}}\right)^{H}\left \{{\sqrt {\rho }\mathbf {H}_{i}(f) vec(\mathbf {X}(f))+n_{i}(f)}\right \} \\=&\sqrt {\rho } vec(\mathbf {W}_{i})^{H}\mathbf {H}_{i}(f) \,vec\!\left ({\begin{bmatrix} e^{-j\varphi _{11}^{B}} \!&\! e^{-j\varphi _{12}^{B}}\\ e^{-j\varphi _{21}^{B}} \!&\! e^{-j\varphi _{22}^{B}} \end{bmatrix} \otimes \mathbf {F}_{11}\!}\right)s_{i} \\&+\,vec(\mathbf {W}_{i})^{H}n_{i}(f) \\\stackrel {(d)}{=}&\sqrt {\rho }\mathbf {w}_{i}^{H} \mathbf {H}_{i}(f)\,\mathbf {f}\,s_{i}+\mathbf {w}_{i}^{H} n_{i}(f) \\\stackrel {(e)}{\approx }&\sqrt {\rho }\alpha _{l}(f)\! \left \{{vec(\mathbf {w}_{i})^{H} \mathbf {a}_{r}(\phi _{l}^{r},\theta _{l}^{r})}\right \}\!\left \{{\mathbf {a}_{t}(\phi _{l}^{t},\theta _{l}^{t})^{H} \, \mathbf {f}s_{i}}\right \} \\&+\,\mathbf {w}_{i}^{H}n_{i}(f),\tag{50}\end{align*}
The net result of (\begin{align*} \mathrm {R}_{i}=&log_{2} \bigg (1+\frac {\rho \alpha _{l}^{2}(f)}{ \sigma _{n}^{2}\mathbf {w}_{i}^{H}\mathbf {w}_{i} } \mathbf {w}_{i}^{H} \mathbf {a}_{r}(\phi _{l}^{r},\theta _{l}^{r}) \mathbf {a}_{t}(\phi _{l}^{t},\theta _{l}^{t})^{H} \mathbf {f} \\&\times \mathbf {f}^{H}\mathbf {a}_{t}(\phi _{l}^{t},\theta _{l}^{t}) \mathbf {a}_{r}(\phi _{l}^{r},\theta _{l}^{r})^{H} \mathbf {w}_{i} \bigg) \\\stackrel {(f)}{=}&log_{2}\left({\! 1\!+ \!\frac {\rho \alpha _{l}^{2}(f)|\mathbf {w}_{i}^{H} \mathbf {a}_{r}(\phi _{l}^{r},\theta _{l}^{r}) \mathbf {a}_{t}(\phi _{l}^{t},\theta _{l}^{t})^{H} \mathbf {f} |^{2}}{\sigma _{n}^{2}}\!}\right),\tag{51}\end{align*}
In subarray mode, each subarray at the BS operates independently with a single wideband RF chain, respectively. Besides, the derivation of the beam steering rate in subarray mode is omitted since it is not used in the simulation.
C. Adaption Algorithms With Beam Squinting
Algorithm 1 gives the steps for system initialization or beam adaption as the primary user moves. The primary user operates at frequency
Algorithm 1 System Initialization Or Beam Adaption When the Primary User is Moving
The BS gets the new AoD
The BS updates the transmitting phase shifters by the new AoD \begin{align*} &\widetilde {m}_{t}\!=\!\left \lfloor{ \!\frac {2\pi df_{c}\sin \theta _{new}^{t}\cos \phi _{new}^{t}}{c\beta _{cell}}}\right \rfloor,\\ &\widetilde {n}_{t}\!=\!\left \lfloor{ \!\frac {2\pi df_{c}\sin \theta _{new}^{t}\sin \phi _{new}^{t}}{c\beta _{cell}}}\right \rfloor. \end{align*}
The primary user updates the transmitting phase shifters by the new AoA \begin{align*} &\widetilde {m}_{r}\!=\!\left \lfloor{ \!\frac {2\pi df_{c}\sin \theta _{new}^{r}\cos \phi _{new}^{r}}{c\beta _{cell}}}\right \rfloor,\\ &\widetilde {n}_{r}\!=\!\left \lfloor{ \!\frac {2\pi df_{c}\sin \theta _{new}^{r}\sin \phi _{new}^{r}}{c\beta _{cell}}}\right \rfloor. \end{align*}
Update the frequency of the squint beam for this secondary user based on (31):
This secondary user computes the virtual AoA
This secondary user updates the receiving phase shifters by \begin{align*} &\widetilde {m}_{s}\!=\!\left \lfloor{ \!\frac {2\pi df_{c}\sin \theta _{c}^{r}\cos \phi _{c}^{r}}{c\beta _{cell}}}\right \rfloor,\\&\widetilde {n}_{s}\!=\!\left \lfloor{ \!\frac {2\pi df_{c}\sin \theta _{c}^{r}\sin \phi _{c}^{r}}{c\beta _{cell}}}\right \rfloor.\end{align*}
The BS terminates or rejects the enhanced beam service for this secondary user, reports and provides feedback.
end if
for all other secondary users in the request enhanced beam list do
Update the AoD
goto step 3.
end for
Algorithm 2 shows the beam adapting steps when the secondary user moves, where the main body of Algorithm 2 could be recognized as steps 4 to 7 in Algorithm 1. Comparing Algorithms 1 with 2, it is more complicated when the primary user moves for the reason that the secondary users share the phase shifters of the primary user at the BS. Thus, when the beam of the primary user is updated, all the secondary users should adapt their working frequencies to the new array response vector.
Algorithm 2 Beam Adaption When a Secondary User Moves
The BS gets the new AoD
Update the frequency of the squint beam based on (31):
This secondary user computes the virtual AoA
This user updates the receiving phase shifters by \begin{align*}&\widetilde {m}_{s}\!=\!\left \lfloor{ \!\frac {2\pi df_{c}\sin \theta _{c}^{r}\cos \phi _{c}^{r}}{c\beta _{cell}}}\right \rfloor,\\&\widetilde {n}_{s}\!=\!\left \lfloor{ \!\frac {2\pi df_{c}\sin \theta _{c}^{r}\sin \phi _{c}^{r}}{c\beta _{cell}}}\right \rfloor.\end{align*}
else if
The BS terminates the enhanced beam service for this secondary user, reports and provides feedback.
end if
In the next section, we only use Algorithm 1 to simulate the initialization stage of the system, while omitting the movement of the primary or secondary users.
Simulation Results
In this section, we present simulation results to demonstrate the feasibility of combining the arrays presented in Section III with the algorithms presented in Section V to serve multi-user. We consider the case where there is only one BS and multi-user, where the BS has four subarrays as shown in Fig. 9a and one subarray per user as shown in Fig. 6. As described in Section V, the first tier is used for channel information feedback and tier-2 and tier-3 are used to transmit the data streams of the users. To illustrate the use of this array and to reduce the design complexity, the BS only works in the large array mode consisting of four subarrays, as shown in Fig. 9, although larger arrays with more subarrays are acceptable, and each subarray can also work separately.
We leverage the extended Saleh-Valenzuela model for modeling users’ channels [13]. Each user works at a particular frequency, and its channel contains several uniformly distributed clusters, each consisting of multi-path whose angles conform to a Laplacian distribution, where each path can be represented by the array response vector at that frequency with the path’s AoA, AoD angle information, and a path gain coefficient. For a path in each cluster, its AoA and AoD angles obey a Laplacian distribution with standard variance corresponding to the spread of angles in that cluster, respectively. For the channel of any user, satisfying
In the simulation of [13], each user has
In this simulation, the center working frequency of the tier-1, tier-2, and tier-3 are 15, 45, and 135 GHz respectively. To reflect the differences in the scattering environment experienced by each user, the random number of clusters
The maximum number of achievable steering beams is determined by the power constraint of the BS and is not limited in the simulation. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is defined as
Fig. 12 shows the spectral efficiency achieved by tier-2 when
Fig. 14 and 15 show the spectral efficiency achieved by tier-3. When
Comparing Fig. 12 and 14, the number of users served in tier-3 is less than in tier-2 due to the selection of suitable secondary users within the HPBW in step 3 of Algorithm 1. From (35) and (36), it can be seen that
In summary, when the value of
In this article, we considered the design of mmWave multi-user communication schemes that exploit compact multi-wideband antenna arrays and squinting multi-beam characteristics. First, we derived the beam properties of the wideband array. Then, using the concept of fractals we designed a coplanar array that can work over three frequency bands in the mmWave frequency range. Afterwards, we replaced the phase shifter in the array with a cell-based design. Finally, based on the beam squinting property of the wideband array with ideal phase shifters, we designed the squinting multi-beam algorithm that supports multi-user communications and demonstrated its performance through simulation. For future work, it would be interesting to consider the application of the proposed array structure to mmWave small cell dense networks, as it is possible to avoid the problem of restricted azimuth of the squint beam by selecting a suitable small BS. In addition, more realistic channel models that can represent the differences in scattering environments between tiers due to atmospheric absorption would need to be addressed. Also, both the non-isotropic pattern and the mutual coupling of the antenna elements would need further analysis when implementing the realistic wideband squinting array. And last but not least, more practical fractal array architectures suitable for mmWave and sub-mmWave communication scenarios would be of great interest.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful and constructive comments that greatly contributed to improving the quality of this article.
Appendix AArray Factor for Tier-2 and Tier-3
Array Factor for Tier-2 and Tier-3
In [22], the Sierpinski carpet array is considered as a two-dimentional Cantor set with a generator of \begin{align*} \mathbf {G}= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 \end{bmatrix}.\tag{52}\end{align*}
In order to establish a connection with the ordinary rectangular antenna array, we define a set of mask matrices \begin{equation*} \mathbf {M}_{p}=\mathbf {M}_{p-1}\otimes \mathbf {G}, \quad p=2,3,\cdots.\tag{53}\end{equation*}
By setting \begin{align*} \mathbf {M}_{2}=&\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 \end{bmatrix}, \tag{54}\\ \mathbf {M}_{3}=&\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \end{bmatrix}.\tag{55}\end{align*}
The zero elements in
Then, the array response3 for a Sierpinski carpet tier could be written as \begin{equation*} \widetilde {\mathbf {A}}_{p}(\phi _{m},\theta _{m})=\mathbf {A}_{p}(\phi _{m},\theta _{m})*\mathbf {M}_{p},\quad p=2,3,\cdots,\tag{56}\end{equation*}
Note that from the viewpoint of the array antennas, the array response of the Sierpinski carpet array tier in (56) is normalized by the total number of antennas containing the missing array elements, and appropriate adjustments need to be made if the number of array elements of the Sierpinski carpet array tier is used for normalization.
Afterwards, substituting (56) into (40) and (41) gives the AF of the Sierpinski carpet array tier.
Appendix BPrerequisite for the Enhanced Point-to-Point Communication by Two Scatterers at Tier-2 or Tier-3
Prerequisite for the Enhanced Point-to-Point Communication by Two Scatterers at Tier-2 or Tier-3
In point-to-point NLoS mmWave communications, both the transmitter and the receiver use a planar array, as in Fig. 11, and we attempt to exploit the two scatterers between them by means of the beam squinting approach.
Suppose there are two path,
If there exist two squint beams pairs at frequencies
Furthermore, from (31) we get \begin{align*} \sin \theta _{1}^{t}=&\frac {c\beta _{cell}}{2\pi df_{1}}\sqrt {m_{t}^{2}+n_{t}^{2}}, \tag{57}\\ \sin \theta _{1}^{r}=&\frac {c\beta _{cell}}{2\pi df_{1}}\sqrt {m_{r}^{2}+n_{r}^{2}}, \tag{58}\\ \sin \theta _{2}^{t}=&\frac {c\beta _{cell}}{2\pi df_{2}}\sqrt {m_{t}^{2}+n_{t}^{2}}, \tag{59}\\ \sin \theta _{2}^{r}=&\frac {c\beta _{cell}}{2\pi df_{2}}\sqrt {m_{r}^{2}+n_{r}^{2}}.\tag{60}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} \frac {\sin \theta _{1}^{t}}{\sin \theta _{2}^{t}}=\frac {\sin \theta _{1}^{r}}{\sin \theta _{2}^{r}}.\tag{61}\end{equation*}
Only when (61) holds can we choose the appropriate frequencies