I. Introduction
Recent advancements in sensing and actuating technology, along with the developments of innovative intelligent solutions, have realized the realm of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) [1]–[3]. ITS has a number of input streams of data coming through various sources such as traffic control systems, vehicular sensors, and driver-generated data to offer next-generation vehicular services such as maintaining traffic efficiency, offering safety and comfort to drivers and passengers, fleet management, and many others [4]. Vehicular safety against accidents is an imperative aspect that must be considered while designing any ITS service. According to World Health Organization, a large proportion of deaths and injuries all over the world are due to road accidents [5]. In many cases, the deaths are due to lack of coordination with the vehicles or lack of timely alerts generated by the coordinated systems for vehicles. Thus, there is a need for a robust accident alerting framework for improving the road safety by taking into account different streams of data.