Index modulation (IM) is an emerging technique that exploits indices of active resources (such as spatial, time, and frequency resources) to convey information in addition to conventional
As pointed out in [8], OFDM-IM inherited the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) problem from the classical OFDM. It is widely known that the high PAPR causes in-band distortion and out-of-band radiation when the OFDM-IM signal passes through high power amplifier (HPA). Lots of PAPR reduction methods have been researched in OFDM literatures [9]. To solve the high PAPR problem in OFDM-IM, to borrow the methods for OFDM may work. However, those methods are not efficient because they do not consider the unique characteristic of OFDM-IM structure such as the presence of the inactive subcarriers [10]. At this point, there are only few works dealing with the large PAPR problem in OFDM-IM systems. For example, in [10]–[12], the dither signals are used in the inactive subcarriers for PAPR reduction, but they induce in-band distortion inevitably.
Selected mapping (SLM) is a promising PAPR reduction technique that is distortionless, has good PAPR reducing capability, and can be easily adapted in OFDM-IM systems. The conventional SLM scheme is proposed in [13]. The SLM scheme has a probabilistic approach, where total
It is obvious that the PAPR reduction performance of the SLM scheme depends on the property of the used PSS. The authors in [17]–[20] investigated the optimal condition for PSS in the SLM scheme for the classical OFDM system. In summary, the element-wise multiplication of two phase sequences needs to be aperiodic. Therefore, the randomly generated PSS gives the sub-optimal PAPR reduction performance because the random sequence has aperiodicity with high probability. Also, the PSS using the rows of the cyclic Hadamard matrix constructed from an maximum length sequence (MLS) provides the better PAPR reduction performance than the randomly generated PSS case. This is because the circular autocorrelation of an MLS is a Kronecker delta function. Although the works in [17]–[20] cannot boost the PAPR reduction performance of the SLM scheme, the theoretical investigation on the PSS in SLM is meaningful because they provide the reasonable criteria for good PSS. Also, using the deterministic PSS based on the criteria is necessary in practical systems because of the PAPR reduction performance guarantee.
The conventional SLM scheme in [13] can be easily applied to the OFDM-IM systems, but the analytical results for the desirable PSS in [17]–[20] cannot be naively applied to the OFDM-IM system because the OFDM-IM system has inactive subcarriers. Also, in [21], permutation procedure in the frequency domain has been proposed in the SLM scheme for OFDM-IM systems in order to make the subcarrier activation pattern (SAP) in the frequency domain diverse. This is because the envelope distribution of the OFDM-IM signal in the time domain depends on the SAP [22]. However, there is no work to investigate the permutation procedure in SLM in depth, which includes the rigorous analysis on the efficiency of the permutation and the condition for desirable permutation functions. To the author’s best knowledge, this is the first work to analyze the efficiency of permutation and the desirable PSS and permutation functions in SLM for OFDM-IM systems, which has a theoretical meaning. In this paper, the SLM scheme with permutation is considered for OFDM-IM systems. Then, our contribution includes;
The efficiency of the permutation procedure is analyzed. Especially, the efficiency of permutation is derived as a function of the number of active subcarriers.
The optimal conditions for PSS and the permutation functions are derived.
The rest of the paper can be summarized as follows. In Section II, OFDM-IM, PAPR, and the conventional SLM scheme is reviewed. In Section III, we introduce the conventional SLM with permutation procedure for OFDM-IM systems and investigate the efficiency of the permutation procedure. The optimal conditions for PSS and permutation functions are derived in Section IV. In Section V, we remark our contributions. Then, computer simulation results are presented to support the contributions in Section VI. Finally, Section VII concludes the paper.
A. Notations
Vectors are denoted by boldface letters
We consider an OFDM-IM system [2], where \begin{equation*} \mathbf {X}^{g} = [X^{g}(0)X^{g}(1) \cdots X^{g}(n-1)]\end{equation*}
After the formation of the \begin{align*} \mathbf {X}=&[X(0) X(1) \cdots X(N-1)]\\=&[X^{0}(0)\cdots X^{G-1}(0)\cdots X^{0}(n-1)\cdots X^{G-1}(n-1)]\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} X(r\cdot G + g) = X^{g}(r)\end{equation*}
Fig. 1 shows an example of an OFDM-IM block when \begin{equation*} \mathcal {I}^{g} = \{g,G+g,\cdots,(n-1)G+g\}\cap \mathcal {I}.\end{equation*}
An example of an OFDM-IM block generation when
After generation of the OFDM-IM block \begin{equation*} \mathbf {x} = \text {IFFT}\{\mathbf {X}\}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} x(m) = \frac {1}{\sqrt {N}}\sum _{i=0}^{N-1}X(i)e^{\frac {j2\pi im}{N}}\end{equation*}
In the classical OFDM case, for a large \begin{equation*} \text {PAPR}(\mathbf {x}) = \frac {\max _{m=0,\cdots,N-1}|x(m)|^{2}}{E[|x(m)|^{2}]}\end{equation*}
B. The Conventional SLM Scheme
The conventional SLM scheme for OFDM systems is proposed in [13] and the conventional SLM for OFDM-IM systems is straightforward, which is depicted in Fig. 2. To generate \begin{equation*} \tilde {u}=\underset {u=1,\cdots,U}{\arg \min }{~\text {PAPR}}(\mathbf {x}_{u}).\end{equation*}
The SLM Scheme With Permutation for OFDM-IM Systems
Note that the SAP of an OFDM-IM block affects the envelope distribution of the corresponding OFDM-IM signal in the time domain and thus its PAPR [22]. Therefore, in OFDM-IM systems, the permutation procedure followed by the multiplication of the phase sequence has been newly introduced in [21]. That is, the SLM with permutation is depicted in Fig. 3. Note that the permutation procedure can be implemented with a negligible computational complexity because it does not need multiplications or additions.
The PAPR reduction performances of the SLM scheme with
In particular, total \begin{equation*} X_{u}(d_{u}(i)) = X(i)\tag{1}\end{equation*}
From now on, the remaining procedures are the same as the conventional SLM in subSection II-B. Specifically, the \begin{equation*} {\mathbf x}_{u}= \text {IFFT}\{ \mathbf {P}_{u} \circ \mathbf {X}_{u} \}\end{equation*}
Information about the selected phase sequence and permutation,
A. Efficiency of Permutation in the SLM Scheme for OFDM-IM Systems
Now we investigate whether the permutation procedure in the SLM scheme in Fig. 3 helps to improve the PAPR reduction performance or not. First, in each group, the number of possible SAPs is
It is widely known that the \begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}Pr\{\text {PAPR}(\mathbf {x}_{\tilde {u}}) >\gamma \} \\[3pt]=&\sum _{\omega =1}^{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}} Pr\{\text {PAPR}(\mathbf {x}_{\tilde {u}})>\gamma |\mathcal {I}=I_\omega \}Pr\{\mathcal {I}=I_\omega \} \\[3pt]=&\frac {1}{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}}\sum _{\omega =1}^{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}}Pr\{\text {PAPR}(\mathbf {x}_{\tilde {u}})>\gamma |\mathcal {I}=I_\omega \} \\[3pt]=&\frac {1}{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}}\sum _{\omega =1}^{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}}Pr\left \{{\bigcap _{u=1}^{U}\text {PAPR}(\mathbf {x}_{u})>\gamma |\mathcal {I}=I_\omega }\right \} \\[3pt]=&\frac {1}{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}}\sum _{\omega =1}^{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}}\prod _{u=1}^{U} Pr\{\text {PAPR}(\mathbf {x}_{u})>\gamma |\mathcal {I}_{u}=I_{\omega,u}\} \\[3pt]=&\frac {1}{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}}\sum _{\omega =1}^{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}}\prod _{u=1}^{U} F(I_{\omega,u},\gamma)\tag{2}\end{align*}
1) Without Permutation
Without permutation, the \begin{align*} Pr\{\text {PAPR}(\mathbf {x}_{\tilde {u}})>\gamma \}_{\text {woP}}=&\frac {1}{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}}\sum _{\omega =1}^{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}}\left ({F(I_{\omega },\gamma)}\right)^{U} \\=&E\left [{\left ({F(\mathcal {I},\gamma)}\right)^{U}}\right].\tag{3}\end{align*}
2) With Permutation
With permutation, (2) becomes \begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}Pr\{\text {PAPR}(\mathbf {x}_{\tilde {u}})>\gamma \}_{\text {wP}} \\=&\frac {1}{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}}\sum \limits _{\omega =1}^{({}_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k})^{G}}\prod _{u=1}^{U} F(I_{\omega,u},\gamma) \\=&E\left [{\prod _{u=1}^{U} F(\mathcal {I}_{u},\gamma)}\right].\tag{4}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} Pr\{\text {PAPR}(\mathbf {x}_{\tilde {u}})>\gamma \}_{\text {wP}}\!\simeq \!\prod _{u=1}^{U}E\left [{F(\mathcal {I}_{u},\gamma)}\right] =\left ({E\left [{F(\mathcal {I},\gamma)}\right]}\right)^{U}\!\!\!\!\! \\\tag{5}\end{align*}
By Jensen’s inequality with (3) and (5), we have \begin{equation*} \underbrace {Pr\{\text {PAPR}(\mathbf {x}_{\tilde {u}})>\gamma \}_{\text {woP}}}_{E\left [{\left ({F(\mathcal {I},\gamma)}\right)^{U}}\right]}\geq \underbrace {Pr\{\text {PAPR}(\mathbf {x}_{\tilde {u}})>\gamma \}_{\text {wP}}}_{\left ({E\left [{F(\mathcal {I},\gamma)}\right]}\right)^{U}}\tag{6}\end{equation*}
B. Quantifying the Efficiency of Permutation
In this subsection, we quantify the efficiency of permutation in SLM. Since the closed form of
The correlation coefficient between \begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}\rho _{\mathcal {I}}(l,l+m) \\=&\frac {E[x(l) x^{*}(l+m)]-E[x(l)]E[x^{*}(l+m)] }{k/n} \\=&\frac {1}{N}\frac {E\left [{\left ({\sum _{i_{1}=0}^{N-1}X(i_{1})e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{1} l}{N}}}\right)\left ({\sum _{i_{2}=0}^{N-1}X(i_{2})e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{2} (l+m)}{N}}}\right)^{*}}\right]}{k/n}\!\!\!\!\!\!\! \\=&\frac {1}{Gk}\sum _{i\in \mathcal {I}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i m}{N}} \tag{7}\end{align*}
The correlation coefficient \begin{align*} \rho _{\mathcal {I}}(m)=&\frac {1}{Gk}\sum _{i\in \mathcal {I}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i m}{N}} \\=&\frac {1}{Gk}\left ({\sum _{i_{0}\in \mathcal {I}^{0}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{0} m}{N}}+\cdots +\sum _{i_{G-1}\in \mathcal {I}^{G-1}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{G-1} m}{N}}}\right) \\=&\frac {1}{Gk}\left ({A_{0} + e^{-\frac {j2\pi m}{N}}A_{1} + \cdots +e^{-\frac {j2\pi (G-1)m}{N}}A_{G-1}}\right)\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} A_{g} = \alpha _{g}+\alpha _{g+G}e^{-\frac {j2\pi Gm}{N}}+\cdots +\alpha _{g+(n-1)G}e^{-\frac {j2\pi (n-1)Gm}{N}}\tag{8}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} \alpha _{i} = \begin{cases} 1, & \text {if } X(i) \in \mathcal {S} \\ 0, & \text {otherwise} \end{cases}\tag{9}\end{align*}
As we explained, if \begin{align*} \text {var}(\rho _{\mathcal {I}}(m))=&\frac {1}{G^{2}k^{2}}\left ({\text {var}(A_{0})+\cdots +\text {var}(A_{G-1})}\right) \\=&\frac {1}{Gk^{2}}\text {var}(A_{0}). \tag{10}\end{align*}
1) m = 0
mod n
From (8), we have \begin{equation*} A_{0} = \alpha _{0}+\alpha _{G}+\cdots +\alpha _{(n-1)G} =k\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \text {var}(A_{0})=0.\tag{11}\end{equation*}
2) m \neq 0
mod n
Since \begin{align*} E[A_{0}]=&E[\alpha _{0}]+E[\alpha _{G}]e^{-\frac {j2\pi Gm}{N}} \\&+\,\cdots +E[\alpha _{(n-1)G}]e^{-\frac {j2\pi (n-1)Gm}{N}}=0 \tag{12}\end{align*}
\begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}E[|A_{0}|^{2}] \\=&E\left [{\left ({\alpha _{0}+\alpha _{G}e^{\frac {j2\pi Gm}{N}}+\cdots +\alpha _{(n-1)G}e^{\frac {j2\pi (n-1)Gm}{N}}}\right)}\right. \\&\cdot \left.{\left ({\alpha _{0}+\alpha _{G}e^{-\frac {j2\pi Gm}{N}}+\cdots +\alpha _{(n-1)G}e^{-\frac {j2\pi (n-1)Gm}{N}}}\right)}\right] \\=&E\left [{\sum _{i_{0}=0,G,\cdots,(n-1)G}\alpha _{i_{0}}^{2}e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{0}m}{N}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{0}m}{N}}}\right. \\&\left.{+\,\sum _{i_{1}\neq i_{2}}\alpha _{i_{1}}\alpha _{i_{2}}e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{1}m}{N}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{2}m}{N}} }\right].\tag{13}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} E[\alpha _{i_{0}}^{2}] = \frac {k}{n}\tag{14}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} E[\alpha _{i_{1}}\alpha _{i_{2}}] = \frac {_{n-2}\mathrm {C}_{k-2}}{_{n}\mathrm {C}_{k}} = \frac {k(k-1)}{n(n-1)}\tag{15}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} E[|A_{0}|^{2}]=&\frac {k}{n}\sum _{i_{0}=0,G,\cdots,(n-1)G}e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{0}m}{N}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{0}m}{N}} \\&+\,\frac {k(k-1)}{n(n-1)}\sum _{i_{1}\neq i_{2}}e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{1}m}{N}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{2}m}{N}}.\tag{16}\end{align*}
Then, we can rewrite (16) as \begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}E[|A_{0}|^{2}] \\=&\left ({\frac {k}{n}-\frac {k(k-1)}{n(n-1)}}\right)\sum _{i_{0}=0,G,\cdots,(n-1)G}e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{0}m}{N}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{0}m}{N}} \\&+\,\frac {k(k-1)}{n(n-1)}\left ({\sum _{i_{0}=0,G,\cdots,(n-1)G}e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{0}m}{N}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{0}m}{N}}}\right. \\&\left.{+\,\sum _{i_{1}\neq i_{2}}e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{1}m}{N}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{2}m}{N}}}\right) \\=&\frac {k(n-k)}{n-1} \\&+\,\frac {k(k-1)}{n(n-1)}\left ({e^{\frac {j2\pi 0m}{N}}+e^{\frac {j2\pi Gm}{N}}+\cdots +e^{\frac {j2\pi (n-1)Gm}{N}}}\right) \\&\cdot \,\left ({e^{-\frac {j2\pi 0m}{N}}+e^{-\frac {j2\pi Gm}{N}}+\cdots +e^{-\frac {j2\pi (n-1)Gm}{N}}}\right) \tag{17}\\=&\frac {k(n-k)}{n-1} \tag{18}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} \text {var}(A_{0})=\frac {k(n-k)}{n-1}.\tag{19}\end{equation*}
In conclusion, plugging (11) and (19) into (10) gives \begin{align*} \text {var}(\rho _{\mathcal {I}}(m))=\begin{cases} \dfrac {1}{N}\dfrac {n}{n-1}\left ({\dfrac {n}{k}-1}\right), & m\neq 0\!\mod n \\ 0, & m = 0\!\mod n \end{cases}\tag{20}\end{align*}
The Optimal Condition for PSS and Permutation Functions
In this section, we will derive the optimal condition for phase sequences and permutation functions in the SLM scheme for OFDM-IM systems. For simplicity, we will investigate the conditions for two alternative OFDM-IM signals
In [24], it is known that \begin{align*}&\hspace {-1.7pc}\text {cov}(x_{1} (l) x_{2} (m)) \\[5pt]=&E[x_{1} (l) x_{2}^{*} (m)]-E[x_{1} (l)]E[x_{2}^{*} (m)] \\[5pt]=&\frac {1}{N}E\left [{\left ({\sum _{i_{1}=0}^{N-1}P_{1}(i_{1})X_{1}(i_{1})e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{1} l}{N}}}\right)}\right. \\[5pt]&\cdot \,\left.{\left ({\sum _{i_{2}=0}^{N-1}P_{2}(i_{2})X_{2}(i_{2})e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{2} m}{N}}}\right)^{*}}\right] \\[5pt]=&\frac {1}{N}E\left [{\sum _{i_{1}=0}^{N-1}\sum _{i_{2}=0}^{N-1}P_{1}(i_{1})P_{2}^{*}(i_{2})X_{1}(i_{1})X_{2}^{*}(i_{2})e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{1} l}{N}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{2} m}{N}}}\right]\!\!\!\!\end{align*}
\begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}E[X_{1}(i_{1})X_{2}^{*}(i_{2})]\\=&\begin{cases} 1, & \text {if} ~i_{1} = d_{1}(i)~ {\mathrm {and}}~ {i_{2} = d_{2}(i)}~{\mathrm {for~all}}~ {i\in \mathcal {I}}\\ 0, & \text {otherwise}. \end{cases}\end{align*}
\begin{align*}&\hspace {-0.5pc}|\text {cov}(x_{1} (l) x_{2} (m))| \\&\quad {{\displaystyle {= \frac {1}{N}\left |{\sum _{i\in \mathcal {I}}P_{1}(d_{1}(i))P_{2}^{*}(d_{2}(i))e^{\frac {j2\pi d_{1}(i) l}{N}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi d_{2}(i)m}{N}}}\right |.} }}\tag{21}\end{align*}
A. Optimal Condition for PSS Without Permutation
As we analyzed, the efficiency of permutation is small if \begin{align*} |\text {cov}(x_{1} (l) x_{2} (m))|=&\frac {1}{N}\left |{\sum _{i\in \mathcal {I}}P_{1}(i)P_{2}^{*}(i)e^{\frac {j2\pi i (l-m)}{N}}}\right | \\=&\frac {1}{\sqrt {N}}\left |{\underset {i\in \mathcal {I}}{\text {IDFT}}\{P_{1}(i)P_{2}^{*}(i)\}}\right | \tag{22}\end{align*}
To satisfy the condition, one of the sub-optimal solutions is to use the randomly generated PSS because random sequence has aperiodicity with high probability. Also, using the rows of the cyclic Hadamard matrix constructed from an MLS for
Suppose that we use the PSS satisfying \begin{equation*} \frac {1}{N}\left |{\sum _{i=0}^{N-1}P_{1}(i)P_{2}^{*}(i)e^{\frac {j2\pi i m}{N}}}\right |\leq c\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \frac {1}{N}\left |{\sum _{i\in \bar {\mathcal {I}}}P_{1}(i)P_{2}^{*}(i)e^{\frac {j2\pi i m}{N}}}\right |\leq \frac {N-K}{N}.\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} |\text {cov}(x_{1} (l) x_{2} (m))|\leq&\frac {1}{N}\left |{\sum _{i=0}^{N-1}P_{1}(i)P_{2}^{*}(i)e^{\frac {j2\pi i m}{N}}}\right | \\&+ \,\frac {1}{N}\left |{\sum _{i\in \bar {\mathcal {I}}}P_{1}(i)P_{2}^{*}(i)e^{\frac {j2\pi i m}{N}}}\right | \\\leq&c+\frac {N-K}{N} = c + 1-\frac {k}{n}. \tag{23}\end{align*}
B. Optimal Condition for PSS With Permutation
Now we consider the SLM scheme with permutation procedure as in Fig. 3. Using the substitution \begin{align*}&\hspace {-1.8pc}|\text {cov}(x_{1} (l) x_{2} (m))| \\=&\frac {1}{N}\left |{\sum _{i'\in \mathcal {I}'}P_{1}(d_{1}(d_{2}^{-1}(i')))P_{2}^{*}(i')e^{\frac {j2\pi d_{1}(d_{2}^{-1}(i')) l}{N}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i'm}{N}}}\right | \\=&\frac {1}{\sqrt {N}}\left |{\underset {i'\in \mathcal {I}'}{\text {DFT}}\left \{{P_{1}(d_{1}(d_{2}^{-1}(i')))P_{2}^{*}(i')e^{\frac {j2\pi d_{1}(d_{2}^{-1}(i')) l}{N}}}\right \}}\right |\tag{24}\end{align*}
C. Optimal Condition for Permutation Functions D_{U}(I)
In this subsection, we will investigate the optimal condition for permutation functions in the SLM scheme in Fig. 3. As we mentioned in subsubSection III-A2, permutation functions should be designed to lower the dependency between \begin{align*}&\hspace {-1.8pc}G^{2}k^{2}\text {cov}(\rho _{\mathcal {I}_{1}}(l)\rho _{\mathcal {I}_{2}}(m)) \\=&E\left [{\left ({\sum _{i_{1}\in \mathcal {I}_{1}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{1} l}{N}}}\right)\left ({\sum _{i_{2}\in \mathcal {I}_{2}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{2} m}{N}}}\right)^{*}}\right] \\&-\,E\left [{\left ({\sum _{i_{1}\in \mathcal {I}_{1}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{1} l}{N}}}\right)}\right]E\left [{\left ({\sum _{i_{2}\in \mathcal {I}_{2}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{2} m}{N}}}\right)^{*}}\right] \!\tag{25}\end{align*}
\begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}G^{2}k^{2}\text {cov}(\rho _{\mathcal {I}_{1}}(l)\rho _{\mathcal {I}_{2}}(m)) \\=&E\left [{\left ({\sum _{i_{1,0}\in \mathcal {I}_{1}^{0}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{1,0} l}{N}}+\cdots +\sum _{i_{1,G-1}\in \mathcal {I}_{1}^{G-1}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{1,G-1} l}{N}}}\right)}\right.\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\! \\&\cdot \,\left.{\left ({\sum _{i_{2,0}\in \mathcal {I}_{2}^{0}}e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{2,0} m}{N}}+\cdots +\sum _{i_{2,G-1}\in \mathcal {I}_{2}^{G-1}}e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{2,G-1} m}{N}}}\right)}\right] \!\!\!\!\! \\\tag{26}\end{align*}
Since two distinct groups are independent, the cross terms in (26) is \begin{align*}&\hspace {-3pc}E\left [{\sum _{i_{1,g_{1}}\in \mathcal {I}_{1}^{g_{1}}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{1,g_{1}}l}{N}}}\right]E\left [{\sum _{i_{2,g_{2}}\in \mathcal {I}_{2}^{g_{2}}}e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{2,g_{2}}m}{N}}}\right]\\=&\frac {k^{2}}{n^{2}}\sum _{i_{1,g_{1}}=g_{1},G+g_{1},\cdots,(n-1)G+g_{1}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{1,g_{1}}l}{N}}\\&\cdot \,\sum _{i_{2,g_{2}}=g_{2},G+g_{2},\cdots,(n-1)G+g_{2}}e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{2,g_{2}}m}{N}}\end{align*}
\begin{align*}&\hspace {-0.5pc}G^{2}k^{2}\text {cov}(\rho _{\mathcal {I}_{1}}(l)\rho _{\mathcal {I}_{2}}(m)) \\&\qquad {{\displaystyle {= \sum _{g=0}^{G-1}\underbrace {E\left [{\sum _{i_{1,g}\in \mathcal {I}_{1}^{g}}e^{-\frac {j2\pi i_{1,g} l}{N}}\sum _{i_{2,g}\in \mathcal {I}_{2}^{g}}e^{\frac {j2\pi i_{2,g} m}{N}}}\right]}_{B_{g}}. } }}\tag{27}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} B_{g}=&E\left [{\left ({\alpha _{g} e^{-\frac {j2\pi d_{1}(g) l}{N}}+\alpha _{G+g} e^{-\frac {j2\pi d_{1}(G+g) l}{N}}}\right.}\right.\\&+\,\cdots +\left.{\alpha _{(n-1)G+g} e^{-\frac {j2\pi d_{1}((n-1)G+g) l}{N}}}\right) \\&\cdot \,\left ({\alpha _{g} e^{\frac {j2\pi d_{2}(g) m}{N}}+\alpha _{G+g} e^{\frac {j2\pi d_{2}(G+g) m}{N}}}\right.\\&+\,\cdots +\left.{\left.{\alpha _{(n-1)G+g} e^{\frac {j2\pi d_{2}((n-1)G+g) m}{N}}}\right)}\right].\end{align*}
Since the permutation is done in each group individually, we have \begin{align*}&\hspace {-0.5pc}\{d_{u}(g),d_{u}(G+g),\cdots,d_{u}((n-1)G+g)\} \\&\quad\quad\qquad\qquad\qquad {{\displaystyle {=\{g,G+g,\cdots,(n-1)G+g\}.} }}\tag{28}\end{align*}
\begin{align*}&\hspace {-1.7pc}B_{g} \\=&\frac {k(k-1)}{n(n-1)}\left ({e^{-\frac {j2\pi gl}{N}}+e^{-\frac {j2\pi (G+g)l}{N}} +\cdots +e^{-\frac {j2\pi ((n-1)G +g)l}{N}}}\right)\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\! \\&\cdot \,\left ({e^{\frac {j2\pi gm}{N}}+e^{\frac {j2\pi (G+g) m}{N}}+\cdots +e^{\frac {j2\pi ((n-1)G+g)m}{N}}}\right) \\&+\,\underbrace {\left ({\frac {k}{n}-\frac {k(k-1)}{n(n-1)}}\right)\sum _{i=0,G,\cdots,(n-1)G}e^{\frac {j2\pi (d_{2}(i+g)m-d_{1}(i+g)l)}{N}}}_{D_{g}} \\=&C_{g} + D_{g}. \tag{29}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} C_{g} = \begin{cases} \dfrac {k(k-1)}{n(n-1)}n^{2}, & \text {if } l = 0 \mod n {~\text {and }} m = 0 \mod n\\ 0, & \text {otherwise}. \end{cases}\!\!\!\!\! \\\tag{30}\end{align*}
\begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}G^{2}k^{2}\text {cov}(\rho _{\mathcal {I}_{1}}(l)\rho _{\mathcal {I}_{2}}(m)) \\=&\sum _{g=0}^{G-1}D_{g} \\=&\frac {k(n-k)}{n(n-1)}\sum _{g=0}^{G-1}\sum _{i=0,G,\cdots,(n-1)G}e^{\frac {j2\pi (d_{2}(i+g)m-d_{1}(i+g)l)}{N}} \\=&\frac {k(n-k)}{n(n-1)}\sum _{i=0}^{N-1}e^{\frac {j2\pi (d_{2}(i)m-d_{1}(i)l)}{N}} \\=&\frac {k(n-k)}{n(n-1)}\sum _{i'=0}^{N-1}e^{\frac {j2\pi (i'm-d_{1}(d_{2}^{-1}(i'))l)}{N}} \\=&\frac {k(n-k)}{n(n-1)}\sqrt {N}\underset {i'=0,\cdots,N-1}{\text {IDFT}}\left \{{e^{-\frac {j2\pi d_{1}(d_{2}^{-1}(i'))l}{N}} }\right \} \tag{31}\end{align*}
In conclusion, the optimal condition for the permutation functions is that (31) should have low envelope fluctuation or variance for all
We remark the contributions of our work before simulation results are presented. For the conventional SLM scheme with permutation in OFDM-IM systems;
We derived the efficiency of permutation and found that the efficiency of the permutation increases as
decreases. (subSection III-B)k If
is large compared tok , we may not use permutation. Without permutation, the optimal condition for the PSS is derived. Also, the deterministic PSS using the rows of the cyclic Hadamard matrix provides the sub-optimal PAPR reduction performance. (subSection IV-A)n With permutation, the optimal condition for the PSS is also derived, and the randomly generated PSS is the sub-optimal solution. (subSection IV-B)
The optimal condition for permutation functions is derived, where using the randomly generated permutation functions is the sub-optimal solution. (subSection IV-C)
The derivation of the optimal conditions for PSS and permutation functions is meaningful because in practical systems using the deterministic PSS and permutation functions based on the derived criteria is necessary because of memory saving and PAPR reduction performance guarantee.
Simulation Results
In this section, simulation results are presented to support the remarks in the previous section. Here, the following simulation parameters are used in all plots;
The PAPR reduction performances of the SLM scheme with
Fig. 4 depicts the CCDFs of OFDM-IM systems using the SLM scheme with
Fig. 5 depicts the CCDFs of OFDM-IM systems using the SLM scheme with
Fig. 6 depicts the CCDFs of OFDM-IM systems using the SLM scheme with
The PAPR reduction performances of the SLM scheme with
Fig. 7 depicts the CCDFs of OFDM-IM systems using the SLM scheme with
Fig. 8 depicts the CCDFs of OFDM-IM systems with
The PAPR reduction performances of the SLM scheme with
Fig. 8 shows that the permutation functions with small
OFDM-IM has become a promising technique whereby the specific activation of the frequency domain subcarriers is used for implicitly conveying extra information. Unfortunately, OFDM-IM has inherited a large PAPR problem from the classical OFDM system. To solve the large PAPR problem, SLM scheme is one of the promising schemes, but there are no works to analyze the optimal condition for phase sequences and permutation functions in the SLM scheme for OFDM-IM systems.
In this paper, useful aspects of the SLM scheme using permutation for OFDM-IM systems are described. First, there is a benefit of introducing the permutation procedure in the SLM scheme only if