I. Introduction
Nowadays, the high demand for low-cost, voice-based communication services has a great impact on the growth of the mobile VoIP (Voice over IP) market. According to a recent Ericsson research [1], VoLTE (Voice over LTE) subscriptions will reach 5.5 billion by the end of 2023. This unprecedented growth is sustained by an ever decreasing cost of Internet-based services, including VoIP, and flat-rate packages. However, by contrast to conventional IP services, which operate on a best-effort model, VoIP sessions pose real-time constraints on the network Quality of Service (QoS) metrics, aiming at acceptable levels of user Quality of Experience (QoE). VoIP sessions typically require a one-way latency between the callers of no more than 150 milliseconds, average jitter (that is the delay variation) under 30 msec, and packet loss rates not exceeding 1% [2].