I. Introduction
The reactive power compensators such as capacitive and inductive banks or synchronous condensers at the three-phase load side are being for many years to improve the power factor at the source [1], [2]. These compensators also help in improving the efficiency of transformers and transmission lines connected between the source and the load. However, these compensators give the best performance only when the load is balanced. A generalized approach for load compensation using symmetrical components for a delta connected unbalanced load is presented in [2]. Detailed derivations and mathematical expressions for load compensator impedances in terms of load impedances are given in [2]. Two compensator impedance estimation methods, namely 1) Averaging method 2) Sampling method was described in the above literature [2], [3]. These methods require at least two current sensors, two voltage sensors, and a data acquisition system (DAS) or complex analog circuits for their implementation. Further, programming is necessary to evaluate the expressions for compensator impedances.