I. Introduction
Conventional energy sources such as coal, gas-based thermal stations, cause pollution in nature and their availability are also limited. Hence, the world is moving towards increased uses of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydro energy sources. Among different renewable energy sources available today, the photovoltaic (PV) is non-polluting, maintenance-free and modular [1]. Moreover, the interconnection of the PV to grid interface requires power electronic devices and the control techniques are designed to extract maximum power and transfer to the grid [2]. Ensuring good power quality is also a big challenge in designing appropriate control technique. Advancement in power electronics technology and the use of modern equipment has changed the nature of load characteristics from linear to non-linear [3], [4]. Different types of load which produce harmonics in the distribution system are switch-mode power supplies (SMPS), personal computers (PCs), modern lighting systems and variable speed drives [5]. The practical solution is in the form of SAPF has a promising future and are investigated by several researchers in the world [6].