I. Introduction
We live in the age of data. Everyday, massive volumes of data are analyzed to extract meaningful information. This task is generally referred to as data analysis or data mining. Data analysis has grown over the past few decades to be a vast and interdisciplinary field of study encompassing statistics, mathematics, and computer science. Numerous methods have been developed to analyze large and complex data sets to extract useful knowledge. An emerging method of data analysis is based in the mathematical field of topology. Topology is the study of the properties of space that are preserved under certain types of deformations [1]. Over the last 15 years, substantial efforts have been put together to use topological methods for solving problems related to large and complicated data sets. This gave birth to a field of study called Topological Data Analysis (TDA) [2] –[6]. The fundamental idea is that topological methods can be used to study patterns or shapes that are preserved despite the presence of noise and variations in the data. The ability of TDA to identify shapes under certain deformations renders it immune to noise and leads to discovering properties of data that are not discernible by conventional methods of data analysis [3], [4].