I. Introduction
We study the problem of Maximal Biclique Enumeration (MBE) from a bipartite graph, which requires to enumerate all maximal bicliques (complete bipartite graphs). A biclique is a dense bipartite subgraph of the original bipartite graph where every vertex in is connected to every vertex in . MBE is a computationally hard problem since the number of maximal bicliques can be of exponential order [1]. However, the number of maximal bicliques in real world graphs is typically small and therefore we can hope for enumerating them all in reasonable amount of time. Sequential algorithm for solving the MBE problem has been studied for more than a decade. Eppstein [2] proposed a linear time sequential algorithm for enumerating all maximal biclique from a simple undirected graph with bounded arboricity using a technique called acyclic orientation. Alexe et al. [3] proposed an output sensitive algorithm based on consensus technique where large bicliques are constructed by combining small bicliques starting with stars. There are many other works on designing sequential algorithms for solving MBE on static graph [4]–[8]. Liu et al. [9] develop a output sensitive branch and bound algorithm MineLMBC for solving the same problem which is also efficient in practice compared to the other algorithms.