I. Introduction
In a Typical Vehicle to Everything (V2X) setting, vehicles can communicate with other participating vehicles and the underlying infrastructure (e.g. intelligent devices, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices deployed on the streets, buildings and other physical installations) on the go. In other words, V2X includes a connected communication system, comprising vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to infrastructure (V2I). In a conventional V2X system, information such as weather and accident updates, road conditions, and the activities of nearby or passing vehicles is provided to the participating vehicle (and the human driver). However, as autonomous vehicles become increasingly commonplace, the potential reach and impact of V2X communications extend beyond those in a conventional V2X system. For instance, such V2X systems can support self-driving and other activities (e.g. automated toll payment and crowd computing). To support these activities in a V2X scenario, data generated by the vehicles need to be processed in real-time, for example using cloud computing facilities.