I. Introduction
The amount of data generated by various smart devices and sensors deployed in the Internet of Things (IoT) environment has increased manifolds over the past decade. These generated data need to be analyzed and processed closer to the location of the end users, i.e., at the edge of the network, to provide enhanced quality of experience (QoE) to them. The enormous amount of data generated by smart devices and machines, which are transmitted over the underlying network infrastructure, are not known a priori. Therefore, the rule and policies of the underlying network technology need to be designed according to the dynamic requirements of the end users. The traditional transmission-control-protocol/Internet-protocol-based networks may not meet the dynamic requirements of the IoT environment due to interoperability among various smart devices. To handle this issue, software-defined networking (SDN) is one of the popular choices due to its manifold benefits, such as reconfigurability, dynamic traffic management, scalability, and global network visibility [1].