Code-division multiple-access (CDMA) is a technology extensively used in multiple-access communications as it allows multiple users to use the same spectral resources simultaneously. As an evolution of single-carrier direct sequence spread spectra, multicarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA), combining the advantages of both orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and CDMA technologies to achieve high capacity, spectral efficiency, and anti-jamming capability, is widely used in professional communication systems and exhibits good prospects for both civil and military applications [1]. Signal detection and time-delay estimation of received MC-CDMA signals are crucial not only to localization [2] and tracking applications, but also to the sampling-instant configuration of demodulator. Unfortunately, they are susceptible to the multipath [3] and multiple-access interference (MAI). Multipath components are generated by reflection, scattering, and diffraction from surroundings [4]. MAI is caused by the imperfect-orthogonality among the signature waveforms assigned to multiple-access users [5].
Some methods, such as data-aided precoding [6] and ultra-wide band (UWB) technique [7], have been utilized for suppressing the multipath and MAI influence from the transmitter side. Other studies mitigated interference from the receiver side via antenna design, making use of spatial diversity [8], [9], signal-quality monitoring accompanied with the removal of affected measurements [10], and baseband signal processing, which is introduced in the following paragraphs.
Matched filters accompanied by peak detection are used to indicate the direct path from multipath components in [11]. This classical approach and its derivative methods (such as the matched subspace filters [12]) discard the detailed information of multipath components, such as the number of paths and their time delays, and are confined by its temporal resolution and therefore available only if the paths are well separated. To enhance performance, two efficient implementations of the maximum likelihood technique are proposed in terms of time-delay estimation under multipath situations [1], in which the exact number of paths is utilized in the algorithm design and is therefore required as a priori information. An iterative cleaning process explored recently [13] stresses on eliminating the multipath components which are stronger than direct path components.
Successive interference cancellation [14] and projection methods [15] have been proposed to mitigate MAI. Successive interference cancellation method is a multistage approach that subtracts MAI estimates from the received signal sequentially. This approach and its variation named parallel interference cancellation both require dedicated MAI reproducer and are sensitive to the performance of MAI estimates. Projection method utilizes the orthogonal or quasi-orthogonal property of the signature codes between the desired signal and MAIs.
The studies mentioned above consider MAI and multipath separately. However, given that the coexistence of MAI and multipath leads to an interaction between their disturbances, a collective mitigation method is expected to be better. Deconvolution algorithm based on iterative computations, such as reiterative minimum mean square error (RMMSE) filter based method [16] and least mean square (LMS) method, is a perspective countermeasure to deal with MAI and multipath, considering that it can cope with the sidelobes-distortion caused by.
The RMMSE filter designed adaptively from the received signal using the MMSE principle for each particular discrete time-delay sample has the merits of statistical optimality, capability of sidelobes suppression, and high resolution in the time-delay dimension. Therefore, it has the potential to simultaneously suppress interference from all nearby multipath components and large MAIs. Similar to LMS methods, the RMMSE filter is basically a mean-square error minimization approach and the delay estimate is obtained as the lag time associated with the largest component of the filter. However, it equips with an open-loop structure rather than the popular closed-loop structure used in the LMS method [17]. Therefore, the performance of RMMSE in terms of both robustness and number of required reiterations is better than that of LMS [18]. The multistatic adaptive pulse compression (MAPC) method and its fundamental APC method [19], which are both related to RMMSE, have been developed for range sidelobe suppression directed at radar pulse signals. However, they have restrictions on target signal model and cannot adequately handle MC-CDMA signals, considering the number of subcarriers, symbol involvement, and waveform continuity. Therefore, the conventional MAPC method cannot adequately handle MC-CDMA signals directly.
In this letter, an algorithm based on a modified RMMSE filter is proposed for MC-CDMA signals to suppress the sidelobe raising collectively caused by strong MAI and multipath, and furthermore, to improve the signal detection performance and the ability to distinguish between multipath components. A proper signal model of the MC-CDMA signal is established. Based on this model, we derive and apply a RMMSE filter to each particular time-delay sample, with a particular focus on fitting directed to MC-CDMA signals. Finally, all the theoretical derivations are verified and a performance comparison among the proposed method, matched filter, LMS, least square estimator (LSE), and existing single-carrier RMMSE (SC-RMMSE) [16], [18] are developed by numerical simulations. The results show that the proposed method can adequately handle MC-CDMA signals and outperforms the other three methods in the presence of MAI and multipath.
Signal Model
The transmitted MC-CDMA signal for the \begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}{s_{k}}\left ({t }\right) = \sum \limits _{i = - \infty }^{ + \infty } {\sum \limits _{n = 1}^{N_{c}} {\sum \limits _{m = 0}^{L - 1} {{b_{k,n}}\left ({i }\right){c_{k}}\left ({m }\right)} } } \\&\qquad \qquad \quad ~ \times {p_{c}}\left ({{\frac {t - m{T_{c}} - i{T_{s}}}{T_{c}}} }\right) {e^{j2\pi \left ({{f_{0} + n\Delta f} }\right)t}}\tag{1}\end{align*}
The sampled version of (1) can be represented as \begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}{s_{k}}\left ({\ell }\right) = \sum \limits _{i = - \infty }^\infty {\sum \limits _{n = 1}^{N_{c}} {\sum \limits _{m = 0}^{L - 1} {{b_{k,n}}\left ({i }\right){c_{k}}\left ({m }\right)}}} \\&\quad \qquad \qquad \times {p_{c}}{\left ({{\frac {{\ell /{f_{s}}} - m{T_{c}} - i{T_{s}}}{T_{c}}} }\right)} {e^{j2\pi \frac {{\left ({{f_{0} + n\Delta f} }\right)}}{f_{s}}\ell }}\tag{2}\end{align*}
The received signal model expressed as a combination of a waveform with known signature and an unknown variable featuring the time-delay information to be estimated is preferred for the convenience of the following derivation of the RMMSE filter. Therefore, we model the received signal in advance. We assumed that without loss of generality, the signals from \begin{align*} y\left ({\ell }\right)=&\sum \limits _{k = 0}^{K - 1} {\sum \limits _{i = - \infty }^\infty {\sum \limits _{n = 1}^{N_{c}} {\sum \limits _{p = 1}^{P} {{A_{k,p}}} } } } \sum \limits _{m' = 0}^{L' - 1} {{b_{k,n}}\left ({i }\right)} c_{k}'(m') \\&\times {p_{c}}\left ({{\frac {{\ell /{f_{s}}} - {\tau _{k,p}} - {m'/{f_{s}}} - i{T_{s}}}{1/f_{s}}} }\right) {e^{j2\pi \frac {n\Delta f}{f_{s}}\left ({{\ell - {\tau _{k,p}}{f_{s}}} }\right)}} \\&+ v\left ({\ell }\right) \\=&\sum \limits _{k = 0}^{K - 1} {\sum \limits _{n = 1}^{N_{c}} {\sum \limits _{m' = 0}^{L' - 1} {c_{k}'(m')} {x_{k,n}}\left ({{\ell - m'} }\right){e^{j{\theta _{n}}m'}}} } + v\left ({\ell }\right) \\=&\sum \limits _{k = 0}^{K - 1} {\sum \limits _{n = 1}^{N_{c}} {{{\left [{ {{\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } x} }}_{k,n}^{}\left ({\ell }\right) \circ {\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } e} }}_{n}^{}} }\right]}^{\mathrm {T}}}{\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } c} }}_{k}^{}} } + v\left ({\ell }\right)\tag{3}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} {x_{k,n}}\left ({{\ell } }\right)=&\sum \limits _{i = - \infty }^\infty {\sum \limits _{p = 1}^{P} {{A_{k,p}}} {b_{k,n}}\left ({i }\right)}{{e^{j2\pi \frac {n\Delta f}{f_{s}}\left ({{\ell - {\tau _{k,p}}{f_{s}}} }\right)}}} \\&\times {p_{c}}{\left ({{\frac {\ell /{f_{s}} - i{T_{s}} - {\tau _{k,p}}}{1/f_{s}}} }\right)} \\=&\begin{cases} {A_{k,p}}{b_{k,n}}\left ({i }\right){e^{j{\theta _{n}}i{T_{s}}{f_{s}}}},\quad \ell = i{T_{s}}{f_{s}}+ {\tau _{k,p}}{f_{s}}\\ \quad \qquad \mathrm {where}\; i\in {\Bbb Z} \; \mathrm {and}\;p=1,2,\ldots,P \\ 0,\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad {\mathrm {others}} \end{cases} \\\tag{4}\end{align*}
The \begin{equation*} {{\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } x} }}_{k,n}}\left ({\ell }\right) = {\left [{ {{x_{k,n}}\left ({\ell }\right)\;\;{x_{k,n}}\left ({{\ell - 1} }\right) \cdots \;{x_{k,n}}\left ({{\ell \!-\! L \!+\! 1} }\right)} }\right]^{\mathrm {T}}}.\tag{5}\end{equation*}
By moving the Hadamard product with the phase-shifts \begin{equation*} y\left ({\ell }\right) = \sum \limits _{k = 0}^{K - 1} {\sum \limits _{n = 1}^{N_{c}} {{\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } x} }}_{k,n}^{\mathrm {T}}\left ({\ell }\right){\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } c} }}_{k,n}^{}} } + v\left ({\ell }\right)\tag{6}\end{equation*}
The vector consisting of \begin{equation*} {\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } y} }}\left ({\ell }\right) = {\left [{ {y\left ({\ell }\right)\;y\left ({{\ell + 1} }\right) \cdots y\left ({{\ell + \left.{ {L - 1} }\right)} }\right.} }\right]^{\mathrm {T}}}\tag{7}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} {\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } y} }}\left ({\ell }\right) = \sum \limits _{k = 0}^{K - 1} {\sum \limits _{n = 1}^{N_{c}} {{\mathbf {X}}_{k,n}^{\mathrm {T}}\left ({\ell }\right){\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } c} }}_{k,n}^{}} } + {\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } v} }}\left ({\ell }\right)\tag{8}\end{equation*}
When the signal for the
Proposed Method
In this section, we proposed an RMMSE method based on the derived MC-CDMA signal model to collectively mitigate MAI and multipath influence.
The complex amplitude estimate obtained using an RMMSE filter is denoted by \begin{equation*} {{\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } w} }}_{k,n}}\left ({\ell }\right) = {\left ({{E\left [{ {{\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } y} }}\left ({\ell }\right){\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } y} }} ^{\mathrm {H}}\left ({\ell }\right)} }\right]} }\right)^{ - 1}}E\left [{ {{\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } y} }}\left ({\ell }\right)x_{k,n}^{*}\left ({\ell }\right)} }\right]\tag{9}\end{equation*}
Furthermore, the cross-correlation and autocorrelation functions can be derived respectively as \begin{equation*} E\left [{ {{\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } y} }}\left ({\ell }\right)x_{k,n}^{*}\left ({\ell }\right)} }\right] = {\rho _{k,n}}\left ({{\ell,0} }\right){{\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } c} }}_{k,n}}\tag{10}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*}&\hspace {-1.1pc}E\left [{ {{\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } y} }}\left ({\ell }\right){\mathbf {\mathord {\stackrel {{\lower 3pt\hbox {$\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup $}} } y} }} ^{\mathrm {H}}\left ({\ell }\right)} }\right] \\=&\sum \limits _{k = 0}^{K - 1} {\sum \limits _{n = 1}^{N_{c}} {E\left [{ {{\mathbf {X}}_{k,n}^{\mathrm T}\left ({\ell }\right){{{\mathbf {\overset {\lower 0.5em\hbox {$\smash {\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup }$}} {c} }}}_{k,n}}{\mathbf {\overset {\lower 0.5em\hbox {$\smash {\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup }$}} {c} }}_{k,n}^{\mathrm H}{\mathbf {X}}_{k,n}^{*}\left ({\ell }\right)} }\right]} } + {\sigma ^{2}}{{\mathbf {I}}_{L}} \\=&\sum \limits _{k = 0}^{K - 1} {\sum \limits _{n = 1}^{N_{c}} {\left [{ {\sum \limits _{j = - L + 1}^{L - 1} {{\rho _{k,n}}\left ({{\ell + j,0} }\right){{{\mathbf {\overset {\lower 0.5em\hbox {$\smash {\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup }$}} {c} }}}_{k,n}}\left ({j }\right){\mathbf {\overset {\lower 0.5em\hbox {$\smash {\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup }$}} {c} }}_{k,n}^{\mathrm H}\left ({j }\right)} } }\right.} } \\&+ \sum \limits _{j = 1}^{L - 1} {{\rho _{k,n}}\left ({{\ell + j, - L} }\right){{{\mathbf {\overset {\lower 0.5em\hbox {$\smash {\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup }$}} {c} }}}_{k,n}}\left ({j }\right){\mathbf {\overset {\lower 0.5em\hbox {$\smash {\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup }$}} {c} }}_{k,n}^{\mathrm H}\left ({{ - L + j} }\right)} \\&+ \left.{ {\sum \limits _{j = - L + 1}^{ - 1} {{\rho _{k,n}}\left ({{\ell + j,L} }\right){{{\mathbf {\overset {\lower 0.5em\hbox {$\smash {\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup }$}} {c} }}}_{k,n}}\left ({j }\right){\mathbf {\overset {\lower 0.5em\hbox {$\smash {\scriptscriptstyle \rightharpoonup }$}} {c} }}_{k,n}^{\mathrm H}\!\!\left ({{L \!+\! j} }\right)} } }\right] \!+\! {\sigma ^{2}}{{\mathbf {I}}_{L}}\tag{11}\end{align*}
Similar assumptions underly existing RMMSE methods [19]: first, the amplitude samples are uncorrelated with noise components (i.e.,
); second, the amplitude samples corresponding to different transmitters are uncorrelated (i.e.,E\left [{ {x_{k,n}\left ({\ell }\right)v ^{*}\left ({\hbar }\right)} }\right] = 0 , whereE\left [{ {x{_{k,n}}\left ({\ell }\right)x_{m,n}^{*}\left ({\hbar }\right)} }\right] = 0 ,k \ne m and\ell are arbitrary integers).\hbar Modified assumptions according to the specific signal modulation: in terms of radar pulse signal shown in [10],
whereE\left [{ {x{_{k}}\left ({\ell }\right)x_{k}^{*}\left ({\hbar }\right)} }\right] = 0 ; in terms of direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) signal with low data rate shown in [12],\ell \ne \hbar whenE\left [{ {x{ _{k}}\left ({\ell }\right)x_{k}^{*}\left ({{\ell + d} }\right)} }\right] = E\left [{ {{{\left |{ {x_{k}\left ({\ell }\right)} }\right |}^{2}}} }\right] is an integer multiple ofd and 0 otherwise; in terms of an MC-CDMA signal with a low data rate, there is an identical phase error between the elements inL with a time delay of a certain times of{{\mathbf {X}}_{k,n}}\left ({\ell }\right) , and thusL ifE\left [{ {x{_{k,n}}\left ({\ell }\right)x_{k,n}^{*}\left ({{\ell + d} }\right)} }\right] = E\left [{ {{{\left |{ {{x_{k,n}}\left ({\ell }\right)} }\right |}^{2}}{e^{ - j{\theta _{n}}d{T_{c}}{f_{s}}}}} }\right] and 0 otherwise; in terms of an MC-CDMA signal with a high data rate, the correlation between the elements ind \in \left \{{ { \pm L,0} }\right \} with a time delay of integer multiple{{\mathbf {X}}_{k,n}}\left ({\ell }\right) is destroyed by the quasi-orthogonality of randomly distributed symbol signs, and thereforeL ifE\left [{ {{x_{k,n}}\left ({\ell }\right)x_{k,n}^{*}\left ({{\ell + d} }\right)} }\right] = E\left [{ {{{\left |{ {{x_{k,n}}\left ({\ell }\right)} }\right |}^{2}}} }\right] and 0 otherwise. In addition, the complex amplitude samples in an MC-CDMA signal corresponding to different subcarriers are uncorrelated owing to the quasi-orthogonality of randomly distributed symbol signs modulated, and therefore,d = 0 , whereE\left [{ {{x_{k,n}}\left ({\ell }\right)x_{k,m}^{*}\left ({{\hbar } }\right)} }\right] = 0 , andn \ne m and\ell are arbitrary integers. In conclusion, the coefficients of RMMSE filters corresponding to different signal models are different from each other.\hbar
The modified RMMSE algorithm is represented in Fig. 1. The main difference between the modified RMMSE and the existing ones [16], [18] is highlighted by the dark blocks, including the estimation of autocorrelation function
Proposed Multiple-Access Interference (MAI) and Multipath Mitigation Method
end for
end for
end for
Schematic of the modified reiterative minimum mean-square error (RMMSE) algorithm.
The performance of the proposed algorithm depends on the produced statistics. Their joint probability density function is difficult to obtain [22]; thus, apart from theoretical derivations, the performance of the adaptive filter is examined using the empirical statistics obtained by simulations as in [18] and [19], as discussed in the following section.
According to [23], computational loads were examined in Table 1. Among the listed five methods, the matched filter is apparently the simplest. In comparison, the complexity of LSE is slightly higher, even with pre-calculated filter coefficients. However, these two methods are only appropriate for solo-transmitter applications and perform poorly in the presence of MAIs [19]. SC-RMMSE and the proposed method calculate the filter coefficients function via direct matrix inversion; therefore, they demand more computational complexity. Furthermore, the complexity of the proposed algorithm is about
Numerical Results
Simulations were conducted to examine the validity the derived signal model and the sidelobe-suppression performance of the proposed algorithm. The simulation conditions are listed in Table 2.
A. Signal Model Validation
Noiseless signals were generated according to the derived signal expression in (8) and the commonly used signal model shown as (1). Both MC-DS-CDMA (
B. Mai and Multipath Mitigation Performance
In this subsection, MC-DS-CDMA is selected without loss of generality as the object of simulations to evaluate the performance of the proposed RMMSE method. The integration time is configured as 1 ms.
The number of reiterations required for the proposed algorithm
In the following simulations, the proposed method is examined in comparison to the existing matched filter, LMS, LSE, and SC-RMMSE methods. According to the investigation above, the RMMSE-based methods reiterate 6 and 10 times respectively for MAI absence and presence scenarios, whereas the number of recursions of LMS method is configured as 100 which is ten times higher.
The simulated results for normalized complex amplitude estimates are illustrated in Fig. 4. Fig. 4(a) is obtained in noise-free environments and the corresponding normalized complex amplitude is obtained from the desired signal. Other figures are obtained under an SNR of 15 dB, and the normalized complex amplitude is obtained from the noise power. The X-axis indicates the time delay normalized by the code period; a locally enlarged image is attached for each subfigure. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the peak locations of the complex amplitude estimates obtained by the existing four methods all coincide with the preset target location marked by a dash-dot line labeled “T”, when there is neither multipath nor MAI. The simulated results obtained by the proposed method points to the same conclusion; furthermore, we obtained much lower sidelobes. Fig. 4(b) illustrates that LSE method becomes invalid due to the corruption by noise, while other methods remain effective. Therefore, the LSE method was no longer examined in the following simulations. The simulation result shown in Fig. 4(c) implies that the multipath component cannot be correctly detected by the matched filter. In contrast, the locations of the secondary peak obtained by the other three methods coincide with the preset time-delay of the multipath component, marked by a dash-dot line labeled “MultiPath.” The proposed method performs the best in terms of the sidelobe mitigation. Therefore, the improvement in ability of the proposed method to distinguish between the direct path signal and the multipath component is verified. Additionally, as shown in Fig. 4(d), with the involvement of multipath and strong MAIs, the sidelobe level of the matched filter output increases greatly and overwhelms the expected peak of the direct path signal and multipath component. Similarly, the performance of SC-RMMSE method degrades dramatically and abnormal large sidelobes yield in this situation, since SC-RMMSE can barely cope with one of the subcarriers of MAI while ignoring the influence of the others. In contrast, accurate time-delay estimates of the direct path signal and the multipath component can be still obtained using the results of the proposed method in presence of MAI and multipath; and the sidelobe level of the proposed method is much lower than that of the other three methods, which reveals its ability to reduce sidelobes caused by the MAI and short-time-delay multipath.
Complex amplitude estimates with and without multiple-access interference (MAI) and multipath: (a)
Similar conclusions can be drawn upon examining the peak location detection probability (PD), shown in Fig. 5. In view of the sensitivity of LSE to SNR, only the matched filter, LMS, SC-RMMSE, and the proposed method are examined hereafter. When the MAI-to-signal power ratio (ISR) is larger than 10 dB, the PD results of matched filter, LMS, and SC-RMMSE decrease greatly and drop to be zero. This means that the expected peak of the desired signal is overwhelmed by the sidelobes of the multipath fading channel and strong MAIs, and hence cannot be detected. In contrast, the proposed method performs well.
Interference mitigation performance under various multiple-access interference-to-signal power ratio (ISR) situations.
Furthermore, the multipath detection performance is examined through simulations in both short- (0.945 chip) and long-delay (10.08 chips) multipath scenarios. The results in Fig. 6 indicate that the multipath detection probability (MPD) drops as the ISR of MAI increases. The proposed method is superior than the matched filter, LMS, and SC-RMMSE methods in terms of the MPD; further, the superiority is more significant for short-delay multipath scenarios. Herein, as the lag time shortens, the direct path and multipath components of the matched filter output merge into one peak, which hinders the multipath detection even in low ISR condition.
A method based on the RMMSE filter is proposed to mitigate the MAI and multipath influence for MC-CDMA signals. The RMMSE filter is modified for better adaptability to multicarrier modulation and symbol involvement characteristics. Numerical results show that the proposed method has superiority in respect to sidelobes suppression, as compared with the existing matched filter, LMS, LSE, and SC-RMMSE methods in large MAI and multipath scenarios. The improvement in terms of the detection performance of the direct path signal and the ability to distinguish multipath components are both verified by simulations. This study provides a new perspective to solve MAI and multipath problems in future professional communication systems, and in ranging and navigation applications using MC-CDMA signals. The dynamic robustness of the proposed method and complexity reduction will be the focus of future work.