1. Introduction
Recently, the availability of new 3GPP technical specification [1] for development of Network-assisted Dynamic Adaptive Streaming (SAND) has boosted the potential of network elements for video service providing. Specifically, the capabilities by network elements to access information about the state of ongoing video services are expanded [2], and this paves the way for the development of high quality, high reward video streaming services [3]. In [4], the authors propose a mobile edge computing architecture where the DASH Aware Network Element (DANE) controls scalable video delivery, triggers caching functions, schedules video streams delivery in accordance to cell statistics. In [5], the authors address the problem of mobile video streaming by jointly maximizing the quality perceived by the user, the fairness of service provided to the users and the server load balancing within a multi-server framework by rate adaptation and server selection. In [6], the authors allocate available channel resources to video streaming users according to media data information so as to minimize the stalling probability observed across a lossy network. In [7], the author develop a video control plane aimed at achieving video quality fairness for users with heterogeneous playout devices. In [6], an SDN-based bandwidth broker optimally selects the video quality, the allocated bandwidth and the flow priority based on users' features in terms of actually streamed media, playout device and service priority within a hybrid fiberoptic/coaxial based access network.