I. Introduction
Communication technology has evolved leaps and bounds over the years. From written letters to telephone operators manually connecting the calls to mobile phones and video calling, the development has been nothing short of tremendous. But with the advent of these innovations, the vulnerability of the users to an invasion of privacy has also increased. Thus, the need to have secure and reliable forms of communication is now a need more than ever. Cryptography plays a vital role in communications because it not only helps in secure transmission of data, but also ensures the integrity and authentication of messages. Due to the resource, computing, and environmental constraints, the efficient implementation of cryptographic protocols is a challenging task. Cryptography consists of two types, public key cryptography and symmetric key cryptography. Symmetric key cryptography is a type of cryptography in which the same key is used for encryption as well as decryption. Public key cryptography is a type of cryptography that uses two keys, namely public key and private key where the public key is known to all and private key is kept as secret. Lightweight cryptographic algorithm is used to ensure security in low cost systems like RFID, smart cards, sensors as they are resource constrained devices. In the past years, there has been a tremendous increase in the usage of these low cost systems. Multitude of low cost systems have reached the consumer level. Data threats and security risks associated with it also rises. Instead of conventional cryptographic algorithms, lightweight algorithms must be applied as they utilize only a small amount of gate equivalents.