I. Introduction
Perimeter surveillance plays a major role in any security measures employed throughout the world. This is true in both physical and logical security measures. In physical security measure, the system is designed to detect and deny unauthorized access to facilities and protect them from damage or harm [1]. It involves the use of multiple independent systems, i.e., closed-circuit television camera (CCTV) surveillance, security guards, and protective barriers. In logical security measure, a software suite is usually implemented to ensure that only authorized users can gain an access and perform actions as intended while unauthorized access is detected, denied, and recorded. This is usually accomplished through the use of firewalls, username and password authentication. The aforementioned security measures share the same principle, that is, in order to detect potential attacks, one has to monitor the point of ingress. For example, in case of physical security measure, CCTV surveillance and security guards are used for anomaly detection along the perimeter under monitor. Likewise, firewalls and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) are employed in logical security measure for this regard. To this point, it is undeniable that perimeter surveillance is crucial and plays a vital role in maintaining system integrity.