I. Introduction
Wide bandgap semiconductors, e.g., SiC mosfets, draw extensive attention from the power electronics [1]–[3]. This mainly comes from their highlighted characteristics include high voltage rating, high-speed switching, and low drain–source on-state resistance. Usually, a lower drain–source on-state resistance [4] reduces the conduction losses of a power converter significantly, in comparison with that of the Si mosfets. Besides, the enhanced high-frequency performance decreases the switching losses as well. Consequently, the size and cost of the heat sink will be reduced. In the SiC devices, the increased switching frequency can lead to a reduction in the number of passive components [5]. This will be very useful to diminish the volume of the converter. Based on the superiorities of the SiC mosfets above, it is evident that the power density can be enhanced significantly [6], [7]. Moreover, the thermal reliability of electronic devices can be further improved because of the high-temperature feature of SiC mosfets. The operation voltage of power devices can also be increased by using high-voltage SiC mosfets [8].