I. Introduction
A brain tumor is formed by uncontrolled increase of and development of cells in the skull. Since the brain is the control center of the human body, developing tumors can put pressure on the skull and cause negative human health [1]. The number of deaths due to brain tumors are increasing day by day. Therefore, early diagnosis is important for all brain tumors, as in all diseases. Early diagnosis of brain tumor is often made by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [2]. MRI is a noninvasive diagnostic technique, that does not require any medication to cause sensitization in the human body, painless and does not use radioactive x-ray. In brain tumors, MRI is usually performed in three different planes: axial, coronal and sagittal. Thanks to the MRI imaging, the three different planes provides more precise information about the shape, tissue and volume of the brain tumors. MRI imaging in three different planes is given in Figure 1.