Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with limited energy and computing capabilities make the scheduling strategy of data transmission less complicated. Unbalanced energy allocation method shortens the life cycle of WSNs [1], [2]. Traditional network architecture and data scheduling strategies are difficult to save limited physical resources. Therefore, the network architecture, data processing and forwarding mechanisms need to be redesigned [3].
There are some breakthroughs in the scheduling algorithms of wireless sensor networks. The proposed flow split optimization (FSO) algorithm in [4] selects the relay nodes with the smallest redundant data flow as the optimal transmission path, which can minimize the traffic load of software defined wireless sensor networks (SDWSNs). And the profit maximization multi-round auction (PMMRA) algorithm in [5] is introduced for matching users with resource providers and determining the final payment. The mechanism consists of a bidding strategy, user matching, payment determination, and online mechanism. The PMMRA mechanism can more effectively guarantee the profit of the resource provider and the benefit of the perceived device.
Although these scheduling strategies [4], [5] can improve network performance to a certain degree, but they have certain limitations in network architecture and data processing. Among the above two strategies, novel software definition and edge computing techniques are used separately. This inspired us to combine these two novel technologies to propose a new network architecture and data scheduling strategy. The software-defined technology [6] virtualizes the control plane by decoupling itself from the data plane in traditional network devices. In the virtualized control plane, the controllers can maintain a global view of the entire network and dynamically manage network devices [7]. Edge computing (EC) is such a promising technology that narrows the distance between edge devices and the clouds by turning any potential resource-abundant device into edge cloud [8]. We integrate SD and EC ideas into WSNs for forming a new network architecture, called the edge-SD wireless sensor networks (ESDWSNs), which can highlight the advantages of both SD and EC technologies in WSNs.
Compared to software-defined wireless sensor networks (SDWSNs) and edge wireless sensor networks (EWSNs), the ESDWSNs architecture can perform more detailed division of network functions, i.e., the collecting, analyzing, processing, and transmitting of data [9]. This architecture can change network functions from serial operation mode to parallel operation mode [10]. Among them, software-defined technology can grasp the network state from a global perspective, which prevents the scheduling strategy from falling into local optimum and further avoids energy imbalance [11]. On the other hand, edge computing technology can process source data in real time, which avoids transmitting redundant data to the cloud center, thereby saving network resources.
However, the FSO algorithm transmits all network status information to the software-defined controller, which may cause control link congestion due to overloaded transmission. Also, the analysis and processing of redundant data are done by software-defined controllers, and massive amounts of perceptual data can overwhelm software-defined controllers. The PMMRA mechanism does not consider the data redundancy in the same perceived region, and it sends numerous redundancy and irrelevant data to the cloud center, thus wasting valuable network resources. Therefore, these limitations motivate us to propose an effective strategy for achieving energy consumption averaging and minimization in ESDWSNs. On the other hand, the existing schedule strategies [4], [5] are limited to the counterpoise of energy consumption and data processing.
In this paper, we study the problem of energy consumption averaging and minimization (ECAM) in ESDWSNs. Our goal is to eliminate redundant packets and select the optimal data forwarding paths through the given energy cost function. Further, our data scheduling strategy can balance and save energy consumption by using the SD and EC technologies. Specifically, we first constructed the ECAM problem formally based on the network architecture characteristics of ESDWSNs. Then, the energy consumption sum of non-redundancy packets is analyzed. We also use the Lagrangian dual method and adaptive Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to derive the optimal value of energy cost function in ESDWSNs. Afterward, we propose the energy allocation optimization (EAO) algorithm whose key parameters are the optimal determined values. Finally, the simulation results show that the EAO algorithm has a lower energy balance level and higher network throughput. The EAO algorithm can be applied to applications such as ecological environment monitoring and prediction in harsh environments, which require higher real-time data transmission requirements.
Compared to previous works, our contributions in this paper can be summarized as follows:
We propose an energy system model to characterize the energy consumptions of different packet types in edge-SD wireless sensor networks.
We characterize the energy cost maximization function for realizing the objective of average energy consumption in ESDWSNs, and prove the solution convergence of energy cost maximization. In addition, we take the optimal value of energy cost function as the metric for selecting the non-redundant data transmission path.
We propose an energy allocation optimization (EAO) algorithm to remove redundant data and select appropriate relay nodes for energy balance in ESDWSNs. Our EAO algorithm not only minimizes the transmitted data but also balances the energy consumption of the entire network.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II provides the network and system model and describes the problem of energy consumption averaging and minimization (ECAM) in Section III. The Section IV presents the energy allocation optimization (EAO) algorithm. In Section V, the scheduling efficiency of EAO algorithm is extensively appraised. In the end, Section VII concludes this paper.
Network and System Model
A. Network Model
We consider balancing network energy allocation and data processing in a novel network architecture that utilizes edge computing techniques in software-defined wireless sensor networks. This is a recent out-of-the-box network technology, which we call edge-SD wireless sensor networks (ESDWSNs). We choose nodes with larger residual energy as edge servers to balance energy consumption. Therefore, the life cycle of ESDWSNs will be extended. Generally, the edge servers are deployed in the area where the sensors are concentrated, thereby reducing the transmission distance of each node for sending data. In the proposed architecture of ESDWSNs, three decoupled layers - perception, edge, and control - are shown in Fig. 1. Data transmission is done at the sensing layer and the edge layer. The edge layer and the control layer are connected by a bidirectional control link. The working of these layers is discussed below.
1) Perceptual Layer
All data acquisition devices (DADs) are located in this layer. All these DADs behave according to the work decisions made by the edge server residing in the edge layer [12]. The work decisions determine the operating status of the DADs, and all collected data is transmitted to the edge server. The perceptual layer is only responsible for the data acquisition on the source side, thus saving the energy consumption of the sensors in the ESDWSNs.
2) Edge Layer
The edge layer consists of edge servers deployed in different perceptual areas. Each edge server is responsible for the analysis, processing, and transmission of all collected data in the current sensing area [13]. Then, each edge server determines the data that needs to be collected according to the needs of the cloud center and eliminates redundant data and irrelevant data. Specifically, the edge server first sends a data transmission requirement to the software-defined controller in the control layer and performs a corresponding transmission mechanism for scheduling the data flow. Then, the edge layer reduces the amount of data collected across the network transferred to the cloud center.
3) Control Layer
The control layer is the core of the ESDWSNs architecture and acts as the character of decision making. This layer works according to the control logic provided to the software-defined controller. All the forwarding strategies are decided by the controller and added to the instruction set in this layer. One of the most important characteristics of SDN is that the control logic can be programmed and reconfigured according to different network environments. Therefore, based on the software-defined approach in ESDWSNs, we present a flow management scheme that optimizes the trade-offs between energy efficiency and data processing.
The ESDWSNs performs energy consumption balancing under the premise of efficient data transmission by using effective links. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to use the scheduling algorithm to reasonably distribute the data flow to the optimal link. The control layer divides the perceptual layer into several edge regions according to the network status. The sensors with the most energy remaining in each region are selected as edge servers, which form the edge layer. The perceptual data is first preprocessed by the edge server, and then the control layer determines the transmission path of non-redundant perceptual data.
B. System Model
An edge-SD wireless sensor networks (ESDWSNs) composed of a SDN controller,
In a similar environment, a large amount of redundant data is collected, which cannot satisfy the user’s needs and produce irrelevant data. Therefore, we should remove redundant and extraneous data as much as possible to reduce the energy consumption of data transmission. Then, the edge server processes the collected data and notifies the SDN controller to plan the paths for them. Based on the consideration, we establish the energy cost model of packet types in the following.
Different sensors need to transmit all types of data packets collected to the sink node through relay nodes. We assume that the maximum amount of data collected in an ESDWSNs is
We define \begin{equation*} e=(e_{i}^{(l)}; i\in \mathcal {N}, l\in L)\tag{1}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \mathcal {E}=\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {N}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}e_{i}^{(l)}\tag{2}\end{equation*}
We define packet similarity to distinguish the data collected from the two sensors.
Definition 1 (Packet Similarity):
The packet similarity \begin{equation*} S(\varepsilon)=\frac {|\mathcal {N}^{(l)}_{1}\bigcap \mathcal {N}^{(l)}_{2}\bigcap \cdots \bigcap \mathcal {N}^{(l)}_{n}|}{|\mathcal {N}^{(l)}_{1}\bigcup \mathcal {N}^{(l)}_{2}\bigcup \cdots \bigcup \mathcal {N}^{(l)}_{n}|},\quad 0 \leq S(\varepsilon)\leq 1\tag{3}\end{equation*}
The packet similarity
We assume that the number of edge region is
Theorem 1:
In the ESDWSNs, the energy consumption sum of non-redundancy packets is no greater than
Proof 1:
We indicate the event \begin{align*}&\hspace{-0.5pc}\varepsilon =(N_{11}\bigcup N_{12}\bigcup \cdots \bigcup N_{1a})\bigcap \cdots \bigcap \\&\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\displaystyle {(N_{m1}\bigcup N_{m2}\bigcup \cdots \bigcup N_{ma}) } \tag{4}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} \mathcal {E}(\varepsilon)=&\sum \limits _{i=1}^{a}\mathcal {E}(N_{1i}\bigcap N_{2i}\bigcap \cdots \bigcap N_{mi}) \\\leq&\sum \limits _{i=1}^{a}e_{max_{i}}^{m} \\=&ae_{\max }^{m}\tag{5}\end{align*}
Note that any edge server can communicate freely with other edge servers through the available scheduling of SDN controller, and energy consumption adjustment between sensors inside the edge layer does not influence the effective transmission of data packets. Also, at least one valid path can satisfy the transmission of the packet requirement
Problem Formulation
For the purpose of minimizing the redundancy and irrelevance of transmitted data, the ESDWSNs attempts to optimize different objectives. However, wireless sensor networks have limited computing, storage, and energy resources and cannot support complex computation and path scheduling optimization strategies. In this paper, we divide the network into three layers and put the optimization calculation and data transmission methods on the edge layer. The optimal path selection by the control layer will make the minimum resource consumptions of the perception layer. Under the above works, the traffic needs to be distributed and balanced among the available paths in ESDWSNs, which is essential for maintaining the average energy consumption of all sensors.
In this part, we formulate the problem of energy consumption averaging and minimization (ECAM) in ESDWSNs, which minimizes redundant data transmitted. We will propose a computing and routing strategy that enables the efficient transmission of data flows and average energy consumption in ESDWSNs. If the optimal path selected are relay nodes with a relatively large ratio of energy consumption to residual energy, the energy consumption of ESDWSNs can be balanced. In addition, the transmitting packets with minimal redundancy will minimize energy consumption. Therefore, we will establish the following optimization function of ECAM problem based on the above analysis.\begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}OPT-1 ~\max \sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}\rho ^{(l)}_{i}F\left({\frac {e^{(l)}_{i}}{Z_{\max }}}\right) \tag{6}\\&\qquad \text {subject to} ~\forall l\in L, \\&\hphantom {\qquad \text {subject to} ~}C1:~\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}e^{(l)}_{i}\leq kZ_{\min }, \\&\hphantom {\qquad \text {subject to} ~}C2:~\sum \limits _{l=1}^{(L)}e(\mathcal {N}^{(l)})\leq ae_{\max }^{m}, \\&\hphantom {\qquad \text {subject to} ~}C3:~\rho _{k}\in \{0,1\},\tag{7}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} F(x_{i})=\frac {1}{2}\log _{2}^{(1+x_{i}\xi _{i}^{1+S(\varepsilon)})},\quad 0 < S(\varepsilon)\leq 1,\tag{8}\end{equation*}
The remaining energy of any active sensor must satisfy the energy requirements of the current data transmission, therefore, constraint
The optimization function (OPT-1) is to balance and save energy consumption of all sensors throughout the ESDWSNs by transmitting valid packets and selecting the appropriate transmission path, thereby extending the life cycle of the entire network. Constraint \begin{equation*} \sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\rho _{i}e_{i}\leq ke_{\max }\tag{9}\end{equation*}
If the optimization function (OPT-1) directly uses the traditional lagrange-dual algorithm to find the optimal value, then the value of \begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}OPT-2 ~\max \sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}\rho ^{(l)}_{i}F(x^{(l)}_{i}) \tag{10}\\&\qquad \text {subject to} ~ \forall l\in L, \\&\hphantom {\qquad \text {subject to} ~}\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}x^{(l)}_{i}\leq kZ_{\min }, \tag{11}\\&\hphantom {\qquad \text {subject to} ~}\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {N}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}x^{(l)}_{i}\leq ax_{\max }^{m} \tag{12}\\&\hphantom {\qquad \text {subject to} ~}\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\rho _{i}x_{i}\leq kx_{\max }\tag{13}\end{align*}
The problem (OPT-2) is an energy cost maximization problem with energy consumption constraints, and the Lagrangian dual method [14] and adaptive Levenberg-Marquardt (ALM) method [15] are adopted to find the optimal value
Energy Allocation Optimization Algorithm
In this section, the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition [16] of maximization function (OPT-2) is converted into the equations without any constraint in the variable space through utilizing the Lagrangian dual method, afterward, we use the ALM to find the optimal value
A. Lagrangian Dual Method
Because the optimization function (OPT-2) is strictly convex, therefore, the Lagrangian dual decomposition approach [17] is adopted for converting (OPT-2) to an unconstrained optimization function. We first introduce Lagrangian multipliers \begin{align*} L(x, \alpha, \beta, \gamma)=&\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}\rho ^{(l)}_{i}F(x^{(l)}_{i}) \\&+\,\alpha \left({kZ_{\min }-\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}x^{(l)}_{i}}\right) \\&+\,\beta \left({ax_{\max }^{m}-\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {N}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}x^{(l)}_{i}}\right) \\&+\,\gamma \left({kx_{\max }-\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\rho _{i}x_{i}}\right)\tag{14}\end{align*}
Equation (14) can be solved in the following by the Lagrangian dual method.\begin{equation*} \min \limits _{\alpha \geq 0, \beta \geq 0, \gamma \geq 0}\tilde {d}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\tag{15}\end{equation*}
The dual function of equation (14) can be expressed as \begin{equation*} \tilde {d}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\equiv \max \mathcal {(L)}(x^{(l)}_{i},\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\tag{16}\end{equation*}
Substituting the formula (14) into the formula (16), so we can get \begin{equation*} \tilde {d}(\alpha, \beta, \gamma)=\max [\tilde {d}_{0}+\tilde {d}^{(l)}_{i}(x^{(l)}_{i},\alpha, \beta, \gamma)]\tag{17}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} \tilde {d}_{0}=&\alpha kZ_{\min }+\beta ax_{max}^{m}+\gamma kx_{\max }\tag{18}\\ \tilde {d}_{i}(x_{i}^{(l)},\eta, \psi, \upsilon)=&\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}\rho ^{(l)}_{i}F(x^{(l)}_{i}) \\&-\,\alpha \sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}x^{(l)}_{i} \\&-\,\beta \sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {N}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}x^{(l)}_{i} \\&-\,\gamma \sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\rho _{i}x_{i}\tag{19}\end{align*}
It is clear that the equation (17) can be solved by the following derivation method.\begin{equation*} \frac {\partial (\tilde {d}_{i}(x_{i}^{(l)},\alpha, \beta, \gamma))}{\partial x_{i}^{(l)}}=0\tag{20}\end{equation*}
Combining equations (19) and (20) gives the optimal energy allocation solution, i.e., \begin{equation*} {x_{i}^{(l)}}^{*}=\left[{\rho ^{(l)}_{i}\left({\frac {1}{2\ln 2\mathcal {A}}-\frac {1}{\xi _{i}^{1+S(\varepsilon)}}}\right)}\right]\tag{21}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} \alpha ^{(l)}(t+1)=&\left[{\alpha ^{(l)}(t)-d_{1}\left({kZ_{\min }-\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}x^{(l)}_{i}}\right)}\right]^{+} \qquad \tag{22}\\ \beta ^{(l)}(t+1)=&\left[{\beta ^{(l)}(t)-d_{2}\left({ax_{\max }^{m}-\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {N}}\sum \limits _{l\in L}x^{(l)}_{i}}\right)}\right]^{+} \tag{23}\\ \gamma ^{(l)}(t+1)=&\left[{\gamma ^{(l)}(t)-d_{3}\left({kx_{\max }-\sum \limits _{i\in \mathcal {K}}\rho _{i}x_{i}}\right)}\right]^{+}\tag{24}\end{align*}
The Lagrange multiplier will converge to the optimal value
Algorithm 1 Adaptive Levenberg-Marquardt (ALM) algorithm
Require: Given
end if
end if
end if
end if
end while.
B. Adaptive Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
In this subsection, we first translate the equation (20) into the equality \begin{equation*} \min \phi (\vartheta)=\frac {1}{2} \|W(\vartheta)\|^{2}.\tag{25}\end{equation*}
We can not solve equation (25) directly by using the optimal equivalent method. Therefore, we record each exact Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) step and each approximate LM step calculation as an iteration and test each iteration as a test step. We define test step \begin{equation*} (G_{t}^{T}G_{t}+\lambda _{t}I)d_{t}=-G_{t}^{T}W(\vartheta).\tag{26}\end{equation*}
To determine whether \begin{equation*} r_{t}=\frac {\|W_{t}\|^{2}-\|W(\vartheta _{t}-d_{t})\|^{2}}{\|W_{t}\|^{2}-\|W(\vartheta _{t}-G_{t}d_{t})\|^{2}}\tag{27}\end{equation*}
To illustrate the stability of ALM algorithm, we demonstrate the convergence proof of the ALM algorithm in the following.
Theorem 2:
Assume that
Proof 2:
The proved conditions in [18] as follows:\begin{align*} \|d_{t}\|\leq&c'_{1}dist(\vartheta _{t}, \vartheta ^\ast) \tag{28}\\ \|W(\vartheta _{t}+d_{t})\|\leq&c'_{2}dist(\vartheta ^{t}, \vartheta ^\ast)^{\delta } \\&+\,o(dist(\vartheta _{t}, \vartheta ^\ast)) \\=&o(dist(\vartheta _{t}, \vartheta ^\ast))\tag{29}\end{align*}
The following condition is deduced in view of ALM algorithm.\begin{align*} \|\vartheta _{t}+d_{t}-\vartheta ^\ast \|\leq&\|\vartheta _{t}-\vartheta ^\ast \|+\|d_{t}\| \\\leq&\|\vartheta _{t}-\vartheta ^\ast \|+c'_{1}dist(\vartheta _{t}, \vartheta ^\ast) \\\leq&\|(c'_{1}+1)\vartheta _{t}-\vartheta ^\ast \| \\\leq&b'\tag{30}\end{align*}
Owing to \begin{equation*} W(\vartheta _{t+1})\leq \|W(\vartheta _{t}+d_{t})\|+c''\|d_{t}\|^{2}\tag{31}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} dist(\vartheta _{t+1}, \vartheta ^\ast)\leq&c'W(\vartheta _{t+1}) \\\leq&\|c'W(\vartheta _{t}+d_{t})\|+c'c''\|d_{t}\|^{2} \\\leq&c'o(dist(\vartheta _{t}, \vartheta ^\ast))+c'c''c_{1}^{,2}dist(\vartheta _{t}, \vartheta ^\ast)^{2} \\=&o(dist(\vartheta _{t}, \vartheta ^\ast))\tag{32}\end{align*}
Comprehensive proof of the above,
C. Energy Allocation Optimization Algorithm
In this subsection, we propose a novel energy allocation optimization (EAO) algorithm for achieving the average energy consumption based on the calculation results of Algorithm 1 in ESDWSNs. The algorithm aims to find a data flow transmission path with maximum energy cost, and ensure the ESDWSNs with the lowest energy consumption. Therefore, the EAO algorithm takes into account both the remaining energy and the data redundancy degree.
The first step of the EAO algorithm determines the optimal number of edge regions. To establish the efficient three-layer architecture of ESDWSNs for data processing and forwarding, we use Theorem (3) to find the optimal number of edge regions. Therefore, the number of sensors in each edge region does not exceed
Theorem 3:
In the ESDWSNs, the optimal number of edge regions
Proof 3:
See the proof at the end of the paper.
The non-redundant packets will be found from the valid sensors in this second step. Each sensor will identify packets that are different from each other by calculating
The third step is to choose the routing paths with the maximum function of energy cost
The processes of energy allocation optimization algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2 Energy Allocation Optimization (EAO) Algorithm
Collected data flow
The optimal transmission paths.
/*Step 1: determine the edge regions*/
Nodes send energy information
Calculate the
Placing node
end if
Select the node with the highest energy
end for
end for
/*Step 2: select the non-redundant data packets */
Send data flow information
end for
Send the non-redundant packet information in each node to the edge server
/*Step 3: select the optimal paths with energy balance*/
Find all the nodes in
Establish a data flow transmission path and calculate optimization function
if the number of valid transmission paths is greater than or equal to 2 then
Compare the
Deliver the path to set
end if
end for
Transfer data flow to the edge server
Edge server
end for
The SDN controller updates the current network status and sends the control commands of data transmission.
D. Time Complexity Analysis
In this subsection, the time complexity of EAO algorithm will be analyzed in the following.
Firstly, the EAO algorithm will judge the number of edge regions, the process needs \begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}O\left({\mathcal {O}_{opt}\lfloor \frac {n}{\mathcal {O}_{opt}}\rfloor +\lfloor \frac {n}{\mathcal {O}_{opt}}\rfloor +\mathcal {O}_{opt}\lfloor \frac {n}{\mathcal {O}_{opt}}\rfloor +\mathcal {O}_{opt}\lfloor \frac {n}{\mathcal {O}_{opt}}\rfloor }\right) \\=&O\left({3\mathcal {O}_{opt}\lfloor \frac {n}{\mathcal {O}_{opt}}\rfloor +\lfloor \frac {n}{\mathcal {O}_{opt}}\rfloor }\right) \\\leq&O\left({3n+\lfloor \frac {n}{\mathcal {O}_{opt}}\rfloor }\right)\tag{33}\end{align*}
Note that the complexity of the EAO algorithm is linear to the number of sensor
Simulation Results
In this section, we use the NS-2 [19] to evaluate the performance of energy allocation optimization (EAO) algorithm. Also, we employ the energy balance level (EBL) to analyze the level of average energy consumption, and the total network throughput demonstrates the ability of the ESDWSNs for transmitting data flow.
A. Simulation Settings
The simulated monitoring region is set to 500m by 500m with 300 to 500 perceptual nodes. A SDN controller is responsible for all edge servers and 100 nodes deployed in each edge region. The edge region is expressed by a
B. Comparison of the Energy Balance Levels
In this subsection, we first define the energy balance level (EBL), then contrast the EBL between the EAO algorithm and other baseline algorithms for the irrelevant data proportions.
Definition 2 (Energy Balance Level):
The energy balance level \begin{equation*} EBL=\frac {\|\big(\bigcup \limits _{i=1}^{\mathcal {O}_{opt}}\left({\bigcup \limits _{j=1}^{\lfloor \frac {n}{\mathcal {O}_{opt}}\rfloor }\mid E^{(l)}_{ij}-E^{(l)}_{i(j+1)}\mid }\right)\|_{1}}{\|\bigcup \limits _{i=1}^{n}E^{(l)}_{i}\|_{1}}\tag{34}\end{equation*}
EBL reflects the level of average energy consumption in ESDWSNs. The bigger the EBL is, the lower the level of average consumption is, vice versa.
Fig. 3 depicts the developing of EBLs in ESDWSNs as the proportion of irrelevant data
We define the EAO algorithm that does not adopt the energy cost maximization method as Stochastic Strategy. Accordingly, the EAO algorithm with the energy cost maximization method is Optimal Strategy. The Fig. 3(b) shows that the EBL of the optimal strategy is smaller than the EBL of stochastic strategy as the proportion of irrelevant data
Furthermore, we consider the different distributions of the remaining energy of the two types of nodes, i.e., uniform distribution and uneven distribution. Fig. 3(c) shows that the EBL of uniform distribution is lower than the uneven distribution, however, there is not a big gap between these two EBLs. The reason is that the energy deployment by uniform distribution makes it easier to achieve efficient energy distribution, as the proportion of irrelevant data
C. Comparison of Network Throughput
In this subsection, we consider network throughput, which is defined as the total bandwidth of all flows in the ESDWSN to the cloud center. We assume proportional fairness when calculating flow bandwidth, i.e., each contending flow on an oversubscribed wireless link gets the bandwidth proportional to its demand. We compare the network throughput for the different transmission radii and different strategies as simulation time increases. Furthermore, we compare the network throughput of our algorithm, flow split optimization (FSO) algorithm [4] and profit maximization multi-round auction (PMMRA) algorithm [5].
Fig. 4 demonstrates the comparison of network throughput for different transmission radii
Furthermore, we set that the distribution of sensors is disorganized. We experimented the throughput results of Stochastic Strategy and Optimal Strategy in ESDWSNs as the simulation time prolonged. We can find from Fig. 4(b) that the optimal strategy has a higher network throughput as the simulation time increases gradually, and the network throughput results of both algorithms have jitters to a certain degree. This reason is that the optimal strategy can select appropriate relay nodes in SDWSNs, which makes the ESDWSNs have more bandwidth and lower packet loss ratio. However, the stochastic strategy always selects the relay nodes with uneven energy consumption, which causes the data scheduling strategy to fail. Also, the uneven energy distribution of sensors has a certain impact on the data scheduling of EAO algorithm in SDWSNs, but the EAO algorithm still maintains the relatively higher network throughput.
Fig. 4(c) illustrates the comparison of network throughput among EAO, FSO, and PMMRA algorithms. Our EAO algorithm has higher network throughput than other two scheduling algorithms. This is because the FSO algorithm transfers the calculation and scheduling tasks to the SDN controller, so that the path selected by the SDN controller has the poor performance in real-time, which causes network congestion and forms packet loss to a certain degree. Also, the PMMRA algorithm only favors the calculation of the network status of perceptual layer, although the PMMRA algorithm improves the efficiency of the network operation to a certain extent, its scheduling inevitably causes the data transmission to local optimum, and the packet loss phenomenon between different edge regions will be common.
D. Comparison of Average Delay
The end-to-end average delay is the time of a packet transmission process from the perceptual node to being successfully received by the cloud center. The end-to-end average delay influences the timeliness of packet transmission and is a very important indicator in complex ecological environment monitoring and others delay-sensitive applications. In this subsection, we compare the average delay for the different strategies and EAO algorithm, FSO algorithm, and PMMRA algorithm in ESDWSNs as simulation time increases.
Fig. 5(a) shows the comparison of average delays between the optimization strategy and the stochastic strategy. The average delay is relatively smaller when the simulation time is greater than the cross point. Moreover, the average transmission delay of data packets is gradually stabilized when the simulation time is longer than 3 minutes. The optimization strategy will select the optimal transmission path by calculating the energy cost maximization function according to the current status of ESDWSNs. Therefore, this process will prolong the packet transmission delay through the EAO algorithm in ESDWSNs when the simulation time is less than the cross point.
Furthermore, Fig. 5(b) demonstrates the comparison of average delays among EAO algorithm, FSO algorithm, and PMMRA algorithm. The proposed EAO algorithm has lowest average delay than the FSO algorithm and PMMRA algorithm. The FSO algorithm has a jitter of transmission average delay when the simulation is at the jitter phase. This is because that the FSO algorithm will reorganize the split data flows according to the real-time status of SDWSNs, which will slow the data transmission delay. In addition, the PMMRA algorithm add edge servers for collecting information, matching and deciding the final scheduling strategy. However, the transmission load of all relay nodes is too heavier since the PMMRA algorithm does not remove the redundant data, so that the data transmission delay of PMMRA algorithm is too higher. This simulation further verifies the superiority of EAO algorithm over the performance of the others two algorithms.
Proof of Theorem 3
The edge server needs to transfer data to the sink node, therefore, it needs to consume more energy than the normal perceived node. The energy consumption formula of the edge server is as follows [20].\begin{equation*} e_{h}=\frac {n}{\mathcal {O}}\omega \bar {e}+\omega \bar {e}+\omega \varphi \hat {d}^{4}\tag{35}\end{equation*}
The energy consumption of data transmission among the nodes of edge region can be expressed by the following formula.\begin{equation*} \mathcal {E}=\omega \bar {e}+\omega \tau {d^{2}}\tag{36}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} e(d^{2})=&\int \int (x^{2}+y^{2})\rho (x,y)dxdy \\=&r^{2}\rho (r,\theta)drd\theta\tag{37}\end{align*}
Assume that the radius of each edge region is \begin{align*} e(d^{2})=&\rho \int ^{2\pi }_{\theta =0}\int ^{\frac {D}{\sqrt {\pi \mathcal {O}}}}_{r=0}r^{2}drd\theta \\=&\frac {\rho D^{4}}{2\pi \mathcal {O}^{2}} \\=&\frac {D^{2}}{2\pi \mathcal {O}}\tag{38}\end{align*}
Therefore, Equation (36) can be converted into the following formula.\begin{equation*} e=\omega \bar {e}+\omega \tau e(d^{2})\tag{39}\end{equation*}
Then the energy consumed by the entire network is as follows:\begin{align*} \mathcal {E}_{all}=&\mathcal {O}E \\=&\omega \left({n\bar {e}+n\varphi d^{4}+n\bar {e}+n\tau \frac {D^{2}}{2\pi \mathcal {O}}}\right)\tag{40}\end{align*}
We find partial derivatives for \begin{equation*} \mathcal {O}_{opt}=\sqrt {\frac {n\tau }{2\pi \varphi }}\frac {D}{d^{2}}\tag{41}\end{equation*}
This completes the proof.
Conclusion and Future Work
The main challenge of energy consumption averaging and minimization (ECAM) problem in WSNs depends on the selection of available data packets and the optimal allocation of remaining energy in effective relay nodes. Coping with these challenges, we firstly establish the architecture of edge-SD wireless sensor networks (ESDWSNs) by introducing the concept of the SD and EC technologies. Then we formulate the ECAM problem as the energy cost function, which is constrained by the energy consumption in different network status. Furthermore, we utilize the ALM algorithm to find the optimal function value of energy cost. Afterward, we present energy allocation optimization (EAO) algorithm to settle the ECAM problem in ESDWSNs. An optimal transmission path with the lowest energy consumption and averaging is found. Finally, we use simulations to prove the performance of EAO algorithm in terms of the energy balance level and total network throughput.
Although our paper has better efficiency in solving the energy hole problem of ESDWSNs, the energy hole problem will be inevitable when the network running time is extended, which can reduce network running time and data transmission efficiency. Therefore, in the future work, we consider that the energy holes influence the normal operation of ESDWSNs because the hole numbers exceeds a certain threshold. Afterward, we will reorganize the edge regions for avoiding the energy hole through the SDN controller based on mastering the global network status. In addition, the data scheduling strategy of shortest transmission path will be designed and carried out experimental monitors in the actual complex ecological environment.