I. Introduction
Owing to the outstanding properties [1]–[6] such as low quantum defect, cavity-free, no photo darkening effect, and compact structure, random fiber laser (RFL) based on distributed Rayleigh scattering and amplification by Raman gain has drew many attentions recently, especially in fields of speckle-free imaging[7], super continuum generation[8], sensing[9], [10] and pump source for Ho-doped fiber laser [1], et.al. In RFL, the resonant cavity is formed by utilizing distributed Rayleigh scattering along the fiber, instead of a pair of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs). Based on whether or not a high reflection FBG (HR-FBG) is incorporated, the RFL can be divided into two types of structure, namely half open cavity and open cavity [11]. By taking the advantage of Raman gain and the choosing appropriate pump sources, the RFLs could operate at any wavelengths and have made a significant progress over the past decade.