I. Introduction
GSCMs are a well-established tool to model wireless propagation channels. They consist of two main components: a stochastic part that generates a random propagation environment, and a deterministic part that lets transmitters (TXs) and receivers (RXs) interact with this environment. To predict the wireless system performance, the random environment must fulfill certain statistical properties which are determined by measurements. These properties are generated by the so-called LSF model. A subsequent SSF model generates individual multipath components (MPCs) for each mobile terminal (MT). GSCMs became widely used by the 3GPP which required standardized models to evaluate new technology proposals. This was provided by the spatial channel model (SCM) in 2003 [1]. Since then, this model has undergone many iterations to support new features of the fast evolving wireless world. However, the SSF model has not been significantly enhanced which leads to incompatibilities with some newly introduced features of the NR model [2].