I. Introduction
As described in [1]–[3], a microsphere lens was experimentally applied to a Strained Layer Super-lattice (SLS) detector which increased sensitivity [1] and reduced noise [2]. Several sphere sizes and materials were tried and it was determined that a sapphire microsphere on a photodetector sensor had the highest intensity [1] and lowest noise to signal ratio [2] of those tested. For those tests, effectively a sapphire microsphere with a diameter 7.5 times the SLS sensor diameter was placed in an f/19.7 camera obscura, as shown in Fig. 1. As shown below, this is not the optimum set of ratios. In this paper we propose a methodology to determine, for the first time, what the optimum sets of microsphere-sensor ratios can be for cameras and telescopes with refractive lenses as well as with reflecting mirrors, where central obscuration from a secondary mirror needs to be taken into account.
Photodetector sensor setup.