1 Introduction
The rapid development of technologies on cloud computing and big data has brought great changes in the medical field. Specifically, the emergence and wide use of electronic health records (EHR) enable medical workers (such as doctors and nurses) to conveniently and quickly access each patient’s medical history through the internet. Compared with the traditional management manner of medical data, EHR greatly improve the treatment efficiency, which is especially important in medical emergencies. Additionally, the digitization of personal health information results in tremendous amounts of medical data, from which some invaluable information that cannot be obtained by reading individual medical data can be disclosed by employing the data mining technology, such as flu forecast and pathology disclosure. Due to the serious challenges introduced by the storage, access and management of a large collection of EHR data, various EHR based healthcare services are popularly outsourced to external cloud computing service providers, such as Microsoft HealthVault and IBM Watson Health.