Early work demonstrated that detecting sea ice using airborne [1], [2] and spaceborne (UK-DMC) [3] GNSS-R receivers was possible. During this work, it was found that the response of ice in the delay-Doppler map (DDM) has a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and little to no spreading due to the coherent nature of ice reflections. Coherent reflections are thought to originate from the first Fresnel zone [4], which for the spaceborne receiver, is on the order of
Using multiple observables extracted from the specular zone, Yan and Huang [6] presented a method for sea ice detection in DDMs collected by TechDemoSat-1 (TDS-1). These observables describe the spread of the signal, and, if the DDM does not present a significant spread, it is classified as an ice reflection. Additionally, they incoherently average DDMs in order to improve the SNR. The number of DDMs averaged,
\chi ^2(\Delta \tau, \Delta f_D) \simeq \Lambda ^2(\Delta \tau) \text{Sinc}^2(\Delta f_D) \tag{1}
The transition phase is significant as the time it takes a point fixed on the ground (e.g., the ice edge) to traverse from the outskirts of the glistening zone (GZ) to the specular point can be up to
The detection of the transition from open waters to ice has been demonstrated recently [11], [12]. In [11], a transition is detected by extracting observables from a first difference of contiguous DDMs. They also employ the adaptive incoherent integration method from [6] and as a result, also suffer from poor spatial resolution. Conversely, Schiavulli et al. [12] detect transitions in the spatial domain. This is done by deconvolving the DDM before transforming it back to the spatial domain where the transition is detected by a peak response away from the specular zone in the radar image corresponding to the entry of the ice sheet's edge into the GZ. However, this article only processes a single epoch and does not exploit the nature of the transitioning response.
In this article, we present a method that supports detection of sea ice including the transition, i.e., the ice edge. We do so by incoherently integrating an arbitrary number of DDMs without inducing any blurring. This is achieved by performing the integration in the spatial domain after the sea clutter has been suppressed and the DDM deconvolved to remove the effect of
Sea Ice in DDM Sequences
In this article, we analyze and process DDMs collected by TDS-1 on April 01, 2015, specifically those in H00 group 95. Epochs are equivalent to the netCDF file group indexes. The DDMs in this sequence can be classified as either only sea clutter, mixed DDMs containing sea clutter and a transitioning ice response or specular ice-only DDMs.
Fig. 1(a) depicts the DDM collected at epoch 523. This DDM contains only a diffuse sea clutter response and is typical of DDMs collected over open seas. This DDM is representative of all DDMs collected at epochs 522 to 529 inclusively. Fig. 1(b) shows the DDM collected at epoch 546 where the DDM is comprised of a specular ice-only response. This DDM is representative of all DDMs collected at epochs 539 to 564 inclusively. The transition from open seas to an ice sheet occurs during epochs 530 to 538. Fig. 2 shows DDMs collected during this transition phase. These DDMs contain a strong coherent response that can be seen to traverse along the AFL down to the specular point. After the response moves to the specular zone, there are 25 contiguous DDMs similar to Fig. 1(b). Then, the specular sea ice response gives way as the response moves from the specular zone along the AFL toward negative Dopplers. This is shown in Fig. 3.
(a) DDM that was collected immediately before the ice enters the GZ. This contains only a sea clutter response and is representative of DDMs collected at epochs 522 to 529. (b) DDM from the sequence containing a specular ice-only response. This is representative of DDMs collected at epochs 539 through 564. During the specular ice-only phase, the ice response comes from the specular point, which is moving in the spatial domain and stationary in the DD domain.
Mixed DDMs in the first transition phase containing the ice response that originates from a point fixed in the spatial domain and moving in the DD domain. Each DDM is shown on its own color scale as the high dynamic range of the DDMs would result in little contrast within the individual DDMs themselves should they all share the same color scale. This is sufficient as the processing scheme presented in this article normalizes the individual DDMs before combining them. These DDMs were collected when the automatic gain controller was active and are in arbitrary units. (a) Epoch 530. (b) Epoch 531. (c) Epoch 532. (d) Epoch 533. (e) Epoch 534. (f) Epoch 535. (g) Epoch 536. (h) Epoch 537.
Mixed DDMs in the second transition phase. In this phase the ice sheet is exiting the GZ and the response comes from a point fixed in the spatial domain but moving in the DD domain. (a) Epoch 566. (b) Epoch 567.
A fixed point on the surface that coincides with the specular point moves along the AFL in the DD domain (
Each DDM in the sequence of 47 DDMs analyzed and processed in this article is classified according to Table I.
Dynamics Analysis
Here, we investigate the hypothesis that the ice response during the transition phase originates from a fixed point on the surface. We do this by finding the center of mass of the ice response during the first transition phase to estimate the DD coordinates. These are shown as color scatter plots in Fig. 4. We use a second-order fit for delay and a linear fit for Doppler to match the spatial gradient fields
\tau \left(\boldsymbol {Q}\right) = \Vert \boldsymbol {T} - \boldsymbol {Q} \Vert + \Vert \boldsymbol {R} - \boldsymbol {Q} \Vert \tag{2}
f_D\left(\boldsymbol {Q}\right) = \frac{-f_0}{c} \left(\dot{\boldsymbol {T}}^T \hat {\boldsymbol{m}}\left(\boldsymbol {Q}\right) +\dot{\boldsymbol {R}}^T \hat {\boldsymbol{n}}\left(\boldsymbol {Q}\right) \right) \tag{3}
Estimated DD coordinates of the ice response in the DDM sequence during the transition phase are shown as scatter plots. A fit of each is shown as a solid colored line while the trajectories associated with a fixed point located on the AFL are shown with the dashed black line. (a) Delay. (b) Doppler.
By taking the first difference of the estimated DD points, we obtain a coarse estimate of the delay change rate (DCR) and Doppler frequency change rate (DFCR) shown as colored scatter plots in Fig. 5. The fits are shown as solid color lines and the AFL rates predicted from the metadata are shown with dashed black lines. The AFL rate estimates were obtained by evaluating the DCR
\left.{\frac{d\tau }{dt}}\right|_{\boldsymbol {Q}} = -\nabla \boldsymbol {\tau }^T\left(\boldsymbol {Q}\right) \dot{\boldsymbol {R}}_\perp \tag{4}
\left.{\frac{df_D}{dt}}\right|_{\boldsymbol {Q}} = - \nabla \boldsymbol {f_D}^T\left(\boldsymbol {Q}\right) \dot{\boldsymbol {R}}_\perp \tag{5}
First difference of the estimate DD coordinates are shown as colored scatter plots. The fits of these, shown with solid colored lines, are used as the estimated DCR and DFCR. The rates associated with a point located on the AFL are shown with the dashed black line. (a) Delay rate. (b) Doppler rate.
Looking at Fig. 5, we can see a bias exists between the DFCR estimate extracted from the DDM sequence and what we obtain by analyzing the AFL.
In general, at the end of the transition phase, the ice response does not exactly coincide with the specular point at the integration period boundary and since the delay rate is time variant, this would introduce some error. However, this does not explain the difference in the DFCR. These DDMs were collected at
DDMs produced by SGR-ReSI are formed by tracking the moving specular point, and thus, a point fixed on the surface suffers from significant delay and Doppler walk [13]. In Figs. 2 and 3, we can observe this in the response of the transition phase ice response. A zoomed in view of DDMs collected at epochs 536 to 538 inclusively is shown in Fig. 6 where the DD walk can be seen more easily. While being additional evidence that the response comes from a fixed point on the surface, the DD walk is characteristic of a point-liker scatterer where the response originates from the first (few) Fresnel zone(s), i.e., the reflection is coherent.
Zoomed in view of the ice response during the first transition phase. In these DDMs we can clearly see that the response of the ice sheet is suffering from both delay and Doppler walk. This is additional evidence that the scatterer is fixed on the surface. It also suggests the response is coming from a spatial footprint small enough for point-like responses to occur. This is characteristic of a coherent reflection. These DDMs are depcited in arbitrary units on their own colorscales. (a) Epoch 536. (b) Epoch 538.
We can exploit the fact that the ice response maps back to a fixed point during the transition phase by incoherently integrating all of the DDMs in this sequence after transformation back to the spatial domain. This will result in power accumulating at the edge of the ice sheet due to the length of the transition phases. If we continue to integrate power in the spatial domain during the specular ice-only DDMs, we expect the signal power to be blurred along the specular point's track on the surface until the second transition phase occurs at which point the power will then continue to accumulate at the trailing edge of the ice sheet. Furthermore, since the integration is performed in a transmitter and receiver independent frame, DDMs collected by different receivers, PRN tracks and time series can be combined in a manner analogous to collective detection [16] to improve the performance of this technique.
Processing DDMs
Before transformation back to the spatial domain, the DDMs are required to be processed to suppress the clutter and remove any blurring. A flowchart summarizing the DDM processing scheme is shown in Fig. 7. The DDMs are first subjected to clutter suppression before all of the forbidden cells are masked out and a window is applied to the DDM centered on the ice response. Then, a deconvolution is performed to remove the spreading effect of
Flowchart of the DDM processing scheme performed before transformation to the spatial domain.
Here, we suppress the sea clutter similar to [17]. DDMs are simulated and scaled using the simulator described by [18], [19], before being subtracted from the DDM collected by TDS-1. That is,
\left|Y_{\text{SUP}} \left(\bar{\tau },\bar{f}_D, t \right) \right|^2 = \left|\tilde{Y} \left(\bar{\tau },\bar{f}_D, t \right) \right|^2 - K \left|Y_{\text{SIM}} \left(\bar{\tau },\bar{f}_D, t \right) \right|^2 \tag{6}
\left|\tilde{Y} \left(\bar{\tau },\bar{f}_D, t \right) \right|^2 = \left|{Y} \left(\bar{\tau },\bar{f}_D, t \right) \right|^2 - \tilde{P}_N \tag{7}
W\left(\bar{\tau }, \bar{f}_D, t\right) = \frac{\Gamma \left(\bar{\tau }, \bar{f}_D, t\right)}{\max \left(\Gamma \left(\bar {\boldsymbol{\tau }},\boldsymbol { \bar{f}_D}, t\right)\right)} \tag{8}
To improve the resolution of the spatial image, it is desirable to remove the blurring effect of
\hat{Y}_{k+1}= \hat{Y}_k \left(\frac{\left|Y_{\text{SUP}} \left(\bar{\tau },\bar{f}_D, t \right) \right|^2}{\hat{Y}_k \circledast \tilde{\chi }^2\left(\Delta \tau,\Delta f_D\right)} \circledast \tilde{\chi }^2\left(- \Delta \tau, - \Delta f_D\right) \right) \tag{9}
For this dataset, only the DDMs (the sDDM [13]) are available, thus, we cannot compensate for this using incoherent range walk compensation [13] so we compensate suboptimally by setting
\tilde{\chi }^2\left(\Delta \tau,\Delta f_D\right) = \mathcal {F}^{-1}\left\lbrace \mathcal {F}\left\lbrace \chi ^2\left(\Delta \tau,\Delta f_D\right)\right\rbrace H\left(\omega _{\tau }, \omega _{f_D}\right) \right\rbrace \tag{10}
\displaystyle H\left(\omega _{\tau }, \omega _{f_D}\right) = \displaystyle \int \nolimits _{-T/2}^{T/2} \displaystyle e^{\displaystyle j2\pi \left(\omega _{\tau } \frac{d\tau }{dt} + \omega _{f_D} \frac{df_D}{dt} \right) } \,dt \tag{11}
Immediately before deconvolution is performed on the suppressed DDM, the forbidden cells are masked out and a boxcar window is applied. This window is centered at the DD estimate and is
Mixed DDM sequence after sea clutter suppression, masking, windowing, and deconvolution. These DDMs are depcited in arbitrary units on their own colorscales. (a) Epoch 530. (b) Epoch 531. (c) Epoch 532. (d) Epoch 533. (e) Epoch 534. (f) Epoch 535. (g) Epoch 536. (h) Epoch 537.
Incoherent Integration
Since the ice response is located on the AFL, we can simply map the power from the DD domain to the spatial domain. This is achieved by a nearest neighbor transformation that is written as
\hat{\mathcal {O}}(x,y,m) = \hat{Y}_{\text{DEC}} \left(\tau _{x,y}, f_{D_{x,y}}, m \right) \tag{12}
\tau _{x,y} =& \mathop{\text{arg min}}_{\bar{\tau }} \left(\bar {\boldsymbol{\tau }} - \tau (x,y,m)\right) \\
f_{D_{x,y}} =& \mathop{\text{arg min}}_{\bar{f}_D} \left(\bar {\boldsymbol{f}_D} - f_D(x,y,m)\right) \tag{13}
{\bar{\mathcal {O}}}(x,y) = \sum _{m=1}^{M} \frac{\hat{\mathcal {O}}(x,y,m)}{\, \max \left(\hat{\mathcal {O}}\left(\boldsymbol {x},\boldsymbol {y},m\right) \right) } \tag{14}
Fig. 9 shows the resultant
Slice of the
The cumulative detection of the ice edges due to the integration of the mixed DDMs containing the ice transition phase response improves both the probability of detection and the achievable along-track resolution. Existing methods that classify DDMs as ice do not handle the transition phase and are unable to handle the transition phase. Looking at Fig. 10, we can see that there is potential to detect the location of the edge at a resolution better than the distance between two contiguous specular points, i.e.,
Since the power is normalized and projected back onto the Earth's surface before integration then it is simple to aggregate multiple observations made by TDS-1 of the same ice sheet but with a diverse range of specular tracks. This would enable the production of maps wherein each track is a different projection (slice) of the ice sheet similar to that shown in Fig. 10. This can easily be extended to integrate DDMs collected by other receivers as the (normalized) power and spatial frame are receiver independent. With sufficient coverage, maps of ice sheets could be produced by aggregating data from a multitude of platforms so long as they are relatively coincident temporally to ensure the ice has not morphed between observations.
The transition phase response of the ice sheet in the mixed DDMs can be attributed to a fixed scattering facet on the surface. We can say this as the DD trajectory matches the dynamics of a point on the AFL. Furthermore, we observe the response suffers from a DD walk that is commensurate with a spatially fixed point-like scatterer. This point-like scattering is characteristic of a coherent reflection. Observation of the DD walk in Fig. 6 experimentally confirms the effect predicted by [13]. Additionally, these observations show that persistent nonspecular forward scattering of GPS signals off ice sheets occurs. Further work is required to investigate these scattering effects and to consolidate them with existing or novel scattering models yet to be developed. This article should investigate the effects of the bistatic geometry with respect to the orientation of the edge of the ice sheet as it may be possible that the origin of the reflection is not completely stationary but moves slightly along the edge of the ice that may contribute to the error between the observed DD trajectory and that expected of a point on the AFL.
The computational cost of the technique presented in this article is relatively high. This is especially true considering that a DDM must be simulated for all those that have clutter suppression applied. Techniques that blindly suppress the sea clutter, e.g., [23], would drastically reduce the computational cost of this technique. Furthermore, the deconvolution operation in the preprocessing stage is implemented with convolution. Since
In a sequence of DDMs, the transition from open seas to an ice sheet has been shown to have a response that is moving in the DD domain but fixed in the spatial domain. This is the ice edge. A specular ice-only DDM is then observed as the response then comes from the moving specular point. Finally, as the ice sheet leaves the DDM, the response again moves in the DD domain and is fixed in the spatial domain corresponding to the trailing ice edge. In addition to this, the response is bound to the AFL. This allows us to transform the response in all DDMs back to the spatial domain without encountering any ambiguity problems. By incoherently integrating the power after normalization in the spatial domain the resultant image is then proportional to the dwell time (length of transition phase). This results in the edges of the ice sheet being emphasized enabling higher probability of detection and accurate localization estimates.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions which improved the quality of this article. The authors would also like to thank Measurement of Earth Reflected Radio By Satellite (MERRByS) project and Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) for making the data collected by TDS-1 available.