Augmenting Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) with Internet connectivity, enabled an important class of IoT applications on area, machine or people monitoring, such as for the protection of the environment, industrial processes control, and personalised healthcare systems [1]–[3]. In this context, efficient routing is a challenging issue, primarily due to the power, storage, memory, processing, and signal limitations of the connected devices [4].
The most important relevant proposal is RPL, which is a distance-vector IPv6 routing protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (LLNs). In practice, RPL organizes network nodes, e.g., motes of a WSN, as a Destination-Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) routed to a single destination called sink [5], [6]. The sink is the only node that can launch the DODAG’s (re)construction, which is based upon a periodic exchange of routing control messages. The DODAG’s maintenance is placed at the very core of the RPL’s functionality and hence, the following two important aspects impact significantly the network performance: (i) an efficient scheduling of the topology control messages from a dedicated algorithm called the trickle timer where
A. Motivation
The more complex IoT scenarios and applications become, e.g., involving mobility and communication beyond measurement collection from a single node, such as point-to-point (P2P), the more they are questioning the applicability boundaries of the existing protocols’ solutions, inherited by the WSNs. For example, the RPL topology maintenance features are particularly adjusted to energy efficiency and long-term periodic sensing over fixed motes’ deployment [7].
In the case of the topology shown in Fig. 1a, the default trickle timer starts from roughly
Apart from data gathering, the same nodes’ deployment could temporarily serve the need for direct communication between two nodes, as shown in Fig. 1b. For example, a node that monitors a threshold crossing value may urgently require to trigger an alarm to a node that is not the typical sink; for instance, we assume that the node 3 has to communicate with the node 2. RPL supports two approaches in implementing P2P communication: (i) the storing mode, where each node stores locally the DODAG; and (ii) the non-storing mode, where each node knows its parent and only the sink node maintains the DODAG. In both cases, the DODAG is constructed with the path towards the sink as a target, that is,
RPL actually supports a number of configuration parameters and OF customization(s) that cover a wide range of alternative deployments [5], [6]. However, customizing such configurations is basically manual, global, and often unpredictable in terms of the outcome. The above two examples highlight the need for routing control mechanisms that handle appropriately the requirements defined by the application, i.e., configure network nodes individually, or “surgically” change the topology graph, an approach aligned to the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm. Such concepts are discussed below.
B. Contribution
Here, we suggest that the high customization capability of the RPL protocol can enable the appropriate SDN-inspired routing control strategies to extend the applicability of the protocol beyond the typical WSN scenarios. Hence, we propose two SDN-inspired network control mechanisms improving the RPL’s behavior in mobile and P2P communication contexts, reflecting different depths in the protocol adaptation:
The Moderate RPL control that enforces appropriate protocol configurations in an on-the-fly manner to improve mobile communication. For example, it allows mixing RPL configurations, i.e., treating differently mobile and fixed nodes. In a typical WSN data collection application, where battery-powered mobile nodes may be employed to widen the monitoring area, fixed nodes should broadcast topology discovery messages frequently to provide connectivity chances for the mobile ones, while the latter relax their discovery intervals to save energy.
The Deep RPL control that establishes P2P communication in consistence to the RPL topology graphs, exploiting the feature of changing the OF. More specifically, it utilizes the idea of link coloring to appropriately color the network nodes, and enforce direct communication paths based on those. When a measurement of a sensor-node crosses a threshold it may trigger a rule, in an alert and action application, that defines an urgent message transmission to a particular recipient-node instead of the regular post to the sink-node. A centralized controller can specify the relevant direct path that can be enforced by a suitable OF.
Our proposed mechanisms do not require adaptations in the RPL standard and are being integrated into CORAL [8], [9], our novel centralized control facility supporting: (i) network control mechanism extensibility; (ii) abstracted protocol configuration APIs; and (iii) GUI interface and experimentation features for protocol configuration and measurement visualization. We implemented CORAL based on the WiSHFUL architecture [10], offering suitable abstractions and interfaces for dynamic protocol adaptations. An initial investigation of CORAL and the Moderate RPL control strategy can be found in [9], while a demonstration of this early work is described in [8]. Our experimental results in the current paper confirm that extending the RPL with novel SDN-inspired routing control features can tackle its inefficient performance in the cases of heterogeneous topologies consisting of both fixed and mobile nodes, as well as applications occasionally requiring P2P communication.
To highlight the impact of our proposal, we discuss two representative use-case scenarios in Section II. The architecture of the centralized routing control facility along with the two proposed mechanisms are described in Section III. Section IV presents a detailed experimental analysis. The related works are discussed in Section V. Finally, we provide concluding remarks and future work insights in Section VI.
Use-Case Scenarios
To further motivate our work, we elaborate on two use-cases with characteristics aligned to the capabilities of the proposed SDN-like routing control schemes: (i) an urban environmental monitoring deployment based on data collection; and (ii) a harsh workplace scenario with occasional alert and action communication requirements.
A. Data Collection in Urban Environments
In the first use-case, we consider an urban environment with a number of motes scattered downtown gathering measurements (e.g., pollution or weather-related). We assume that fixed nodes connected to a mains power supply coexist with battery-powered mobile ones, for more complete area coverage. Fig. 2 shows that the yellow-colored mobile nodes communicate through the red-colored fixed nodes, given that there is radio connectivity among them.
According to our previous work [9], in cases like this, an optimal routing control mechanism should take into account the different resource-capabilities of the fixed and mobile nodes. For example, RPL should adapt the fixed nodes to probe more frequently for mobile ones into their vicinity, while the latter should be more conservative to preserve energy. Practically, a platform like CORAL should be able to tune, from a global viewpoint, the RPL routing configuration in respect to the nodes’ mobility profile. This will allow an extended network coverage since the mobile nodes can be detected and incorporated in the monitoring network without delays.
B. Alerts and Actions in Harsh Workplaces
In the second use-case, we consider a harsh workplace environment like the mine shown in Fig. 3. A set of nodes are deployed in the area, such that the fixed ones monitor the environment (e.g., oxygen level) while the mobile wearables collect the miners’ vital signs. Under typical operation, this deployment exhibits similar requirements with the first use-case.
However, if a miner suddenly faces an emergency, indicated by his vital signs monitoring device, there is a need for an emergent communication between him and the operation center on the ground surface, or alternatively to another worker with medical training. In such a case, high priority should be given to the messages originated from the miner in danger, even sacrificing the rest devices’ communication. As identified in a number of works [11], [12] and shown in our experimental analysis below, RPL is inefficient for the direct communication between two end-points. Relevant scenarios have been described in [13]–[15], focusing on industrial cases of emergency, a large-scale industrial environment, and an oil refinery scenario with real-time constraints, respectively.
Here, we argue that a centralized routing control facility like CORAL can enforce direct communication between nodes while maintaining the typical RPL operation for the rest network. To tackle this issue, our approach employs a new OF that enables link coloring to enforce direct P2P paths. The centralized controller appropriately colors the nodes to intentionally change a single or more nodes’ parents, that is to enable the direct communication while being aligned to the RPL’s RFC [5].
Centralized Routing Control
To improve the performance of RPL in mobile or P2P communication contexts, we propose CORAL, a novel routing control facility accommodating two alternative centralized control approaches, i.e., the Moderate and Deep RPL control. Here, we provide a high-level overview of the CORAL architecture and describe the novel routing control strategies we propose.
A. The Coral Architecture
The CORAL facility implements SDN-inspired routing control to evolutionary enable the applicability of RPL to alternative IoT use-cases, such as those described in Section II. Fig. 4 illustrates the CORAL architecture, which follows the typical three-tier SDN paradigm. We describe the three layers in a bottom-up fashion below:
The Infrastructure Layer accommodates multiple scenarios with diverse topologies and network settings, including support of realistic mobility models for the motes. Such scenario configuration can be both loaded at compile-time or dynamically updated at real-time, i.e., to implement dynamic IoT scenarios. In practice, we employ Ansible scripting for the offline Cooja emulator configurations and utilize the Control Layer for the on-line adaptations.
The Control Layer offers abstracted and logically-centralized control of the network. The network control abstraction accommodates two main components: (i) the RPL Configurator being responsible to configure the RPL protocol (e.g., adapting parameters like the
) and running OF specific features (e.g., the link coloring in our case) to adhere with rapidly changing network demands; and (ii) the OF Deployer able to change the OF in real-time, when alternative communication requirements emerge. This layer currently supports protocol deployment via device-specific Ansible scripts updating the IoT devices’ firmware (i.e., low memory-footprint approach with moderate deployment time). Our plans also include experimentation with over-the-air protocol deployment approaches. The configuration / measurements of network protocol functionalities and radio are provided to the Control Layer through the Universal Network and Radio Control Interfaces, i.e., theI_{min} , for the RPL protocol, and{UPI_{N}} for the radio channel, developed by the WiSHFUL project [16]. UPIs are also utilized by the Infrastructure Layer in order to provide via the serial port or CoAP protocol to the Control Layer real-time measurements on the protocols’ and network performance (e.g., the round-trip time).UPI_{R} The Application Layer offers high-level protocol configuration that matches different application types (i.e., for data collection, alerts & actions and data dissemination). The applications express their demands (e.g., the need for P2P communication, or to support mobility) to the Control Layer, while the latter matches them with particular protocol configurations, i.e., employing either Moderate or Deep RPL control. Such matching is currently hard-coded, but we consider relevant intelligent algorithms as future work. The applications’ requirements are being communicated to the Control Layer over the CORAL API through JSON messages.
The control facility interacts with the user through the CORAL Dashboard, a flexible and modular Graphical User Interface (GUI), implemented in Node-RED ( and depicted in Fig. 5. We can either configure RPL parameters, such as the
An initial version of CORAL1 focusing on the Moderate RPL control approach can be found at [8], [9]. We now elaborate on the proposed routing control strategies.
B. Moderate RPL Control
The first approach to SDN-inspired network control of RPL focuses on its dynamic protocol configuration based either on environmental conditions or node heterogeneity (e.g., whether they are mobile or not). This network control scheme considers the RPL as a black-box, it does not change its main mechanisms, but it exploits the available protocol configuration options to adapt it to particular conditions, especially towards supporting mobility. This strategy is in line with the requirements of the urban environment scenario described in Section II-A.
To further detail the Moderate RPL control approach, we now present how the RPL constructs the network topology. The sink launches the DODAG’s construction based on the exchange of routing control messages, i.e., DODAG Information Object (DIO), Destination Advertisement Object (DAO) and DODAG Information Solicitation (DIS). A first DIO message is issued by the sink, and then plenty of them are sent in multicast by nodes getting connected to the graph. The DAO messages are used by all nodes, except the sink, to propagate reverse route information. Finally, DIS messages are sent by disconnected nodes in order to solicit DIO messages from their connected neighbors and join the graph.
The DODAG’s maintenance is placed at the very core of the RPL’s functionality and hence, a dedicated algorithm–the trickle timer–synchronizes the propagation of DIO messages upon which the graph’s convergence time is based. The critical aspect in DIO multicasting process is to achieve a short period of the graph’s setup time and thus, to reinforce network’s metrics, e.g., the packet delivery ratio, while restricting the control overhead towards lowering node’s power consumption [7]. To achieve the aforementioned trade-off, the DIO messages are sent periodically, but their interval ranges from
Table 1 reports the impact of the RPL’s
An important aspect hindering the applicability of RPL in challenging IoT use-cases is the following: the topology probe interval gradually increases and produces a delayed response to the topology changes caused by mobility [17]. This is attributed to the inherent focus of the RPL design on static networks with limited local adaptability [18], since the RPL specifications do not cover when and how DIS messages should be sent [19]. We argue here that RPL has the potential to improve its behavior in mobile environments by adjusting its main configuration parameters or mechanisms.
In the case of Moderate RPL control, a centralized control facility provides the options of dynamic and individual motes’ configuration. More precisely, we start with a minimum
More details on the Moderate RPL control can be found in our conference paper [9]. Next, we introduce the Deep RPL control mechanism.
C. Deep RPL Control
In this second SDN-inspired routing control approach, the controller is more deeply involved in the protocol operation, but again in consistence with the RPL standard. The Deep RPL control does not handle the RPL as a black-box, in the sense that it goes beyond its parameters’ configuration. In practice, it enables the ability to change the OF upon which the DODAG is constructed. The OF Deployer changes the OF either pro-actively or re-actively, in response to communication requirements, and RPL configurator proceeds with appropriate customization in line with the OF deployed. The goal of this control mechanism is to improve the P2P communication of the RPL protocol in correspondence to the requirements of the mine scenario described in Section II-B.
Before further detailing our proposal, we discuss the most common OFs used by the RPL and the way that the protocol handles the P2P communication. The RPL is a link-state routing protocol and its topology (mapped to a DODAG) is constructed by the independent decisions of each node regarding their best parent among potential candidates, based on criteria defined in the particular OF used.
The RPL mainly uses the OF Zero (OF0) [20] and the Minimum Rank with Hysteresis OF (MRHOF) [21] (which can be found implemented in IoT environments, such as the Contiki OS [22]. The OF0 returns an output (set of selected parents) that optimizes (i.e., minimize) the number of hops to the sink node. It provides the network topology quickly consuming the minimum resources, although the solution is non-optimal in respect to more sophisticated criteria. For example, the MRHOF selects node parents optimizing (i.e., minimizing) the Expected Transmission Count (ETX), which is the expected number of transmissions from a node to a destination to successfully deliver a packet [5]. The default formula is
This setup facilitates the many-to-one communication since each node passes the packets to its parent until they reach to the sink. However, parent information is not enough for the communication towards a non-sink node, since this may require communication down the routing graph. To address this issue, the RPL follows two alternative approaches: the storing and the non-storing mode. In the storing mode, each node maintains the portion of the DODAG starting from its-own rank and towards the sink, whereas in the non-storing mode, only the sink holds the full topology information. These approaches tune the involved performance trade-offs differently: the storing mode trades memory state for lower communication delays, while the non-storing adopts the opposite strategy. However, both of them are inefficient concerning the need for a potential P2P path.
To enable such an option, we added a new mechanism in the CORAL controller, as part of the RPL Configurator, which calculates the direct path between any two nodes: the controller is running a second version of the DODAG, where the receiver acts as the sink, and stores the path created between the sender and the receiver. This path is now “implanted” into the existing DODAG with the least possible impact (performance-wise) on the rest network nodes’ communication.
To enforce the desired P2P path in real-time, we utilize a new OF, namely the MRHOF-C(oloring). This OF exploits the Link Coloring (LC) feature of the RPL that can be implemented either as a metric or constraint, i.e., to attract or avoid specific links [23]. In practice, the RPL Configurator, which is part of the CORAL controller, is utilizing the UPIs to set the nodes’ color, i.e., manipulating the LC, along the desired P2P path. It utilizes four different sets of nodes/colors: sender/purple, receiver/orange, nodes-in-path/red, and nodes-non-in-path/white. Once the coloring phase is completed, the controller refreshes the topology in real-time either globally (i.e., a global-repair takes place when the whole network resets the DODAG) or locally (i.e., local-repair enables a reset mechanism for a node and its sub-DODAG only). Global or local-repairs in the topology are being handled by the Algorithm 1 which is executed in each node; some nodes should alter their parent selection to facilitate the establishment of the desired P2P path. The algorithm takes as input a node along with its color, and two candidate parents (i.e.,
This centralized routing control interferes in the topology graph with few local adjustments: it improves the performance of a particular P2P communication changing the parents of a small subset of nodes. In addition, the performance overhead for the many-to-one communication of the rest nodes is minor, since the new control mechanism is also based on a topology derived by a DODAG. Section V contrast our approach to other relevant works handling the P2P communication when the RPL protocol is used.
1) Implementation Details
To realize the Deep RPL control, our proposal enables the dynamic deployment of alternative OF(s) (OF Deployer component), along with the run-time configuration of such OFs by the controller mechanisms (RPL Configurator). The parameters of each OF are globally accessible through the UPIs. The dynamic OF deployment is an existing RPL protocol feature. In particular, the RFCs 6550 [5] and 6551 [23] state the need for RPL improvements and adaptations to certain conditions, although such feature was not yet part of a centralized control facility. Some proposals [17], [19] proceed with OF changes but only in compile-time and not dynamically. Our implementation exercise takes place in a Contiki-based experimentation environment. For the LC feature, we extended the DAG Metric Container (MC), defined in [5] and [23], as the way that nodes use to report alternative or additional metrics along the DODAG. The LC parameter expressed as a 10-bit link constraint (assigned the value 8 by IANA) can be either adjusted statically or dynamically [23]. A new
In cases where the MRHOF-C is employed re-actively, the CORAL platform triggers the global and local topology repair mechanisms, described in [5] and [7]: each node nullifies all its connections and starts again sending solicitation messages looking for potential parents; nodes in the vicinity (i.e., within radio coverage) are evaluated through the OF as potential parents. We noticed that if we proceed with a global-repair, it takes too long for the sender node to re-calculate routes with the new OF, a phenomenon well connected with the frequency of sending solicitation messages (DIS), as described in Section III-B. A direct result of triggering such repairs is an anticipated increase of the control overhead momentarily.
In cases where the MRHOF-C is employed pro-actively, it can be initially used with no coloring customization (actually simulating the MRHOF). Once the need for P2P communication emerges, the RPL Configurator sets the nodes’ colors, the Algorithm 1 outputs the new selected parents and the desired path is established. This way, only local-repairs are needed, hence converging time is smaller.
A proof-of-concept experiment, depicted in Fig. 6, is utilizing RPL and the default OF, i.e., MRHOF, to create the network topology shown in Fig. 6a. The packet delivery time (PDT) for each node is depicted in Fig. 6c. At
Performance Evaluation
In this section we evaluate the proposed routing control strategies, i.e., the Moderate RPL and the Deep RPL control against handling mobility and P2P communication, through a number of experimental setups. The CORAL platform acts as an enabler for the tough experimental task since it accommodates them and facilitates through the dashboard their deployment, configuration, execution, and real-time monitoring.
A. Experimental Methodology
More precisely, for the mobility issue we employ the Moderate RPL using real mobility traces derived by the MONROE H2020 EU project [24], which provides open access, flexible hardware and software platform for extracting measurements and carrying out custom experimentation on Mobile Broadband (MBB) networks across Europe. As such, the MONROE database includes vehicles’ movement trace data (i.e., moving buses, trains, and tracks) from many European cities. We extracted real mobility traces from Stockholm buses, transformed the nodes’ GPS coordinates to a
Through the CORAL GUI we employ the Moderate RPL mechanisms to extract results regarding two metrics: the packet delivery ratio (
To handle P2P communication we exploit the Deep RPL control and three distinct network illustrations, namely the Lambda (
The results in those cases regard two metrics. The packet delivery time (
B. Moderate RPL Control Results
Although we experimented with different combinations of RPL parameters to evaluate the Moderate RPL control, here we focus on the
In the Mixed configuration our platform configures the sink and the fixed nodes differently from the mobile ones at the very beginning of the experiment. The first have
Besides the comparison with the Default RPL, our Moderate RPL control is also compared with two representative related works [17], [19]. In [17] the authors flatly configure the
Fig. 7a and 7b demonstrate the performance advantages of the Mixed configuration in terms of PDR, the former for all network nodes, and the latter for the mobile ones exclusively. The Moderate RPL outperforms the default routing protocol regarding the PDR, especially in the case of the mobile nodes. More specifically, it shows an improvement of up to 21 percent for the whole network (Fig. 7a), which rises up to 33.3 percent for the mobile nodes (Fig. 7b). It is also superior to both the PeriodicDIO and Reverse Trickle as much as 30 percent and 10 percent, respectively, when all network nodes are considered (Fig. 7a), and as much as 18 and 11 percent, respectively, when only mobile nodes are taken into account (Fig. 7b). The Reverse Trickle begins with very low performance due the
Furthermore, in both figures, the performance of the Dynamic configuration of RPL is identical with the Default case (something that works as a proof-of-concept for our experimentation) and starts to converge with the performance of the Mixed configuration after the
Fig. 9 shows that PDR improvements come with an increase in control overhead, especially in the case of Mixed configuration. However, such an overhead increase may be traded for the PDR improvement in case of an emergency. These results highlight that the sooner the appropriate parameter setting, the better for the PDR. At the same time, this calls for further future improvements in the centralized platform accommodating the protocol’s mechanisms, e.g., implementing rapid intelligent detection of the network conditions. We omit a straight overhead comparison with the PeriodicDIO and the Reverse Trickle, since these approaches deviate from the RPL specification [5] and, thus, they produce extra, non-RPL-standard control packets.
C. Deep RPL Control Results
In this section, we evaluate the Algorithm 1 and the Deep RPL control mechanism towards supporting P2P communication. As we previously explained (Section IV-A), we assume three distinct network topologies to show that the impact of the proposed algorithm is independent of the nodes’ arrangement. Those topologies include one positively and one negatively biased, along with a random one, in order to highlight the degree of the advantage derived in each case.
To exhibit cases that can be most benefited from our mechanism, we start with the positively biased scenario (PBS) of a Lambda (
The impact of this change is depicted in Fig. 10c and 10d, where the CORAL starts with the default RPL OF (i.e., the MRHOF) in period
A second negatively biased scenario (NBS) indicates the case where the network topology is not significantly improved from the Deep RPL control since the existing nodes’ arrangement can almost serve the desired P2P path. We use the topology of Fig. 11a, where the end-points of communication, i.e., the nodes 2 and 3, have a common “ancestor” (i.e., node 6), prior their data reach the sink node, i.e., the node 1. This entails the minimum change of creating the
The last random topology scenario (RTS) can show the general applicability of our solution since it can better simulate a real-world case where randomly deployed nodes form a typical IoT network. The DODAG created by the RPL with the MRHOF is depicted in Fig. 12a. Assuming that an emerging network event triggers the need for
With the default MRHOF, even in storing mode, the round-trip of a
To demonstrate the effect of the DODAG’s repairment once the OF Deployer proceeds with the dynamical deployment of the MFHOR-C, we run a last experiment over the RTS in the non-storing mode. The experiment lasts
An overview of the results derived by the three experimental setups (i.e., PBS, NBS, and RTS), is provided in Fig. 16. In this summary, it is clear that MRHOF-C is superior compared to the MRHOF in all cases and for both TT and RTT. Apart from the reported average values, it is worth to mention the standard deviations indicate that MRHOF-C is (much) more reliable than its competitor OF.
Related Works
In this section, we contrast our proposal to the related works that particularly focus on solutions tackling the RPL’s limitations for mobility and P2P communication, issues that are being addressed by the proposed Moderate and Deep RPL control strategies, respectively. Furthermore, we discuss other relevant SDN or SDN-inspired platforms.
Several works attempt to improve RPL’s behavior under mobility, mainly through aligning the responsiveness of its topology discovery mechanism to the characteristics of the topology changes, while considering the resource constraints of the devices. Although mobility can be handled through the MIPv6 standard [25], it is a resource expensive approach not matching well the characteristics of WSNs and IoTs, especially for medium to large topologies.
Several RPL adaptations to tackle mobility have been proposed in the literature. In [17] the topology adaptation is based on immediately probing and evaluating the ETX value of a new neighbor, along with this node’s parent ETX, and then altering the standard DIO message by stamping it with this neighbor’s ID. In order to handle dynamic topologies, the authors in [19] set the
More works within the same domain include: (i) the adjustment of the DIS transmission times depending on the nodes’ status in terms of mobility [18], [26]; (ii) the suggestion that all mobile nodes should be set as leafs, i.e., this way they do not send DIO messages and, thus, they cannot be chosen as parents [27] (this insightful idea was exploited in our experiments in order to exclude mobile nodes from creating “legitimate” paths); and (iii) a number of scenario-specific solutions, such as the autonomous moving of the sink towards the mobile nodes to reduce the number of hops the information traverses [28].
Other proposals augment RPL with mobility-aware features. For example, the recent papers [29], [30] propose mobility-aware adaptations in the RPL protocol that include new OFs. Other RPL extensions introduce hand-off handling mechanisms, such as [31] which elaborate on a relevant proactive mechanism called smart-HOP (i.e., lowering the trickle timer for wearable mobile nodes to improve their hand-off time), and [15] which propose the employment of additional proxy nodes to assist mobile communication. Furthermore, the work in [32] details a hand-off handling mechanism based on the average RSSI value, so the mobile nodes can immediately disconnect from the existing attachment points and connect to more suitable ones [33]. The latter functionality has been controlled by a management framework, underlining the advantages of such an approach. In addition, the following solutions employ mobility prediction mechanisms, such as: (i) adjusting the Trickle timer according to a prediction algorithm based on historical values [18]; (ii) introducing a fuzzy mobility estimator residing at an additional mobility-support layer [34]; or (iii) predicting nodes’ mobility based on a Bayesian model [35]. Such last idea is insightful and could be incorporated in our platform to enhance the mechanisms at the Control Layer. Our plans also include the utilization of UPIs to collect network parameters, such as the RSSI and LQI, which can be exploited by a decision-making mechanism that once detecting nodes’ mobility will correspond according to a predefined set of rules.
The above solutions, i.e., focusing on IoT mobility issues, can be categorized into two groups. The first proposes RPL adaptations (i.e., configuration tweaking or variations of its existing mechanisms, such as the Trickle timer), but targets particular network characteristics or use-cases, while our solution remains generic and as such can benefit many diverse networks and topologies. The second implements RPL extensions with new architecture layers or functionalities (e.g., on mobility prediction or hand-off handling), but may lead to resource-expensive operation or protocols that are not compatible or consistent to the RPL standard, while our solution remains compliant with RPL, and as such can be easily and rapidly deployed without causing protocol malfunctions and inconsistencies.
Another set of RPL variations focus on improving the P2P communication issues of RPL, especially for downward routes [11], [12]. Even though RPL currently allows direct node communication through its storing or non-storing modes of operation, the storing mode is characterized by scalability and memory limitation issues, while the non-storing suffers by significant control overhead near the sink, causing congestion. The DualMOP-RPL protocol [36] supports coexisting modes of operation (i.e., both storing and non-storing) in a single RPL network to improve the downward routing inefficiency. The work in [37] provides a performance analysis quantifying the routing cost difference between DAG-based P2P and the shortest potential direct routes, i.e., suggesting that RPL should be improved in terms of direct node communication. In this context, RFCs 6997 [14] and 6998 [38] propose a reactive approach establishing shorter P2P paths, through defining temporary DODAGs that consider the destination node of the direct path as a sink. This process is considered as a third mode of operation, called P2P route discovery. However, this approach is characterized by additional overhead for the maintenance of multiple, although temporary, DODAGs [11].
The main relevant solutions are either protocols incompatible with RPL or hybrid versions of RPL, adopting alternative routing strategies for the P2P communication only. The AODV protocol [39] and its lightweight version LOADng [40] discover reactively bi-directional paths through communicating control packets, i.e., called Route Requests (RREQs). The 6TiSCH standardization initiative [41] proposes adopting hybrid protocols to improve node-to-node communication, such as the Asymmetric AODV-P2P-RPL in Low-Power and Lossy Networks (AODV-RPL) [42]. Another hybrid example is [43] which introduces a protocol combining the advantages of RPL with those of back-pressure routing protocol.
In our case, we are compliant to the RPL standard and allow dynamic changes in the existing protocol features to extend the applicability of RPL to novel use-cases. Additionally, we enable new functionalities to be added in a centralized controller, instead of the resource-constraint nodes. For example, a mobility prediction mechanism is less accurate from a node’s viewpoint, compared to an algorithm residing at a centralized controller and taking decisions based on the global network view. Furthermore, our strategy avoids introducing additional overhead into the devices.
Relevant to our proposal control facilities and protocols include: (i) SDN-Wise [44], a logically-centralized IoT protocol and SDN controller; (ii) our proposal [45] utilizing also the WiSHFUL infrastructure in an OpenFlow-like SDN control environment; (iii) an on-top of SDN-Wise approach for topology discovery [46]; and (iv) a platform implementing basic SDN features, i.e., topology and device management over application, control, and infrastructure layers [47]. These control platforms and protocols bring OpenFlow-like solutions to IoT environments, but they do not preserve the advantages of RPL. In [48], the authors suggest the association of a mote with a particular DODAG to be guided from a centralized controller while in [49] they discuss the synergy between TinySDN (an SDN protocol for IoT) with RPL and how they can assist each other. A recent Internet draft [41] suggests SDN-type centralized routing for time-sensitive flows and RPL for the rest of flows. Another relevant solution is [50], which introduces an SDN-like controller transmitting routing and control messages compatible to RPL to manipulate its operation. This approach works with legacy equipment. In another recent work [51], interoperability between protocol stacks is introduced, to provide controller discovery, and reduce control overhead.
As a bottom line, RPL can cover a wide range of IoT deployments but with manual configurations and without obvious performance outcomes. Here, we argue that a centralized control facility can implement closed control loops, monitoring, deciding and configuring RPL parameters on-the-fly, depending on the mobility status of each node and the application requirements (e.g., requesting direct communication between nodes).
Conclusion and Future Work
This paper presents two SDN-inspired routing control strategies for the IoT, namely the Moderate RPL and the Deep RPL control, which evolutionarily tackle the mobility and P2P communication issues of the RPL in the sense that they remain consistent to the protocol’s standard. Our CORAL facility and its components, namely the OF Deployer and RPL Configurator, act as enablers to dynamically change the OF–along with the RPL operate to construct the DODAG–and appropriately configure either its parameters (e.g.,
The results of the proposed OF, offer insight for approaching the parents’ selection process and the DODAG’s construction as a multi-objective optimization problem. Obviously, finding an optimal solution for one OF may require to accept a poor solution for some other(s). Thus, different weights to each OF enable to consider them in conjunction. Such a vision can ideally be supported by the CORAL architecture, whose planes can serve as place-holders for intelligent mechanisms detecting network conditions (e.g., nodes’ failures due to connectivity or battery drain issues, or presence of malicious nodes) and tuning as a response a weighted OF or deploy the most appropriate automatically.