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Unrepeatered Transmission Over 670.64 km of 50G BPSK, 653.35 km of 100G PS-QPSK, 601.93 km of 200G 8QAM, and 502.13 km of 400G 64QAM | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore

Unrepeatered Transmission Over 670.64 km of 50G BPSK, 653.35 km of 100G PS-QPSK, 601.93 km of 200G 8QAM, and 502.13 km of 400G 64QAM


We report the results of 50G, 100G, 200G, 400G un- repeatered transmission aimed at achieving the longest distance without any inline active elements, this system realize...Show More


We report the results of 50G, 100G, 200G, 400G un- repeatered transmission aimed at achieving the longest distance without any inline active elements, this system realizes record single-carrier 50 Gb/s (PM-BPSK), 100 Gb/s (PS-QPSK), 200 Gb/s (PM-8QAM) and 400 Gb/s (PM-64QAM) unrepeatered transmission over 670.64 km with 103.95 dB span loss, 653.35 km with 101.27 dB span loss, 601.93 km with 93.3 dB span loss, and 502.13 km with 77.83 dB span loss, respectively. This is achieved using optimized high-order Raman pumps, cascaded RGUs and coherent modulation format with concatenated FEC. G.654.E fiber with ultra-low loss & 130 μm2 effective area is used as span fiber.
Published in: Journal of Lightwave Technology ( Volume: 38, Issue: 2, 15 January 2020)
Page(s): 522 - 530
Date of Publication: 09 September 2019

ISSN Information:

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I. Introduction

Unrepeatered ultra-long haul systems are widely used in ultra high voltage (UHV) power grid constructions, which are beneficial to desert, depopulated, poor environment areas. In China, the existing ±800 kV direct current (DC) UHV transmission line is about 2000 km long, ±1100 kV DC UHV transmission line has been exceeding 3000 km, and ±1000 kV alternating current (AC) UHV transmission line is more than 600 km. Due to the limitation of optical communication transmission distance, signal repeater stations can only be used between two converter stations. The goal of unrepeatered transmission systems is to reduce the number of repeater stations by extending communication distances between stations, thus offer a cost-effective solution.

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