Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) has been widely recognized as a promising technique in future wireless communication systems for its high spectrum and energy efficiency, high spatial resolution, and large beamforming gains [1]. To embrace these benefits, accurate downlink channel state inforamtion (CSI) is usually required at both the base station (BS) (for beamforming, user scheduling, etc) and the user side (for signal detection). However, the acquisition of downlink CSI is a very challenging task for frequency division duplexing (FDD) massive MIMO systems due to the prohibitively high overheads associated with downlink training and uplink feedback.
In fact, there are two important observations that can help reduce the overheads. First, the wireless channels between BS and users only have a small angular spread (AS) as demonstrated in [2]–[4]. Due to the small AS and the large dimension of the channels, massive MIMO channels exhibit sparsity in the angular domain. Secondly, there exists angular reciprocity between the uplink and the downlink channels since the uplink and the downlink share the common physical paths [4]. Since the acquisition of the uplink CSI is convenient in massive MIMO systems, many studies have suggested to extract partial information of the downlink CSI from the uplink CSI, thereby reducing the downlink training overhead or to employ compressive sensing (CS) based algorithms to reduce the overhead of the uplink feedback [5], [6]. For example, in [5], the downlink channel covariance matrix (CCM) is first estimated from the uplink CCM and then the eigen-beamforming is used to reduce the overhead for the downlink training when AS is less than 5°. In [6], the channels are first parameterized by distinct paths, each characterized by path delay, angle, and gain. Then, the frequency-independent parameters, i.e., path delays and angles, are extracted from the uplink CSI to help reduce the downlink training. Nevertheless, the method in [6] is applicable as long as the propagation paths are distinguishable and the path number is small. Besides, several CS-based channel feedback schemes for massive MIMO have been proposed to reduce the feedback overhead but are sensitive to the model errors and suffer from high complexity.
Due to its excellent performance and low complexity [7], deep learning has been introduced recently to the wireless physical layer and has achieved superior performance over various topics, such as channel estimation [8], detection [9], CSI feedback [10], etc. In [11], a convolutional neural network (CNN) is trained to predict the downlink CSI based on the CSI of multiple adjacent uplink subcarriers for single-antenna FDD systems. In [12], a fully-connected neural network (FNN) is trained for uplink/downlink channel calibration for massive MIMO systems. In this letter, we propose a sparse complex-valued neural network (SCNet) for the downlink CSI prediction in FDD massive MIMO systems. Due to the richer representational capacity offered by complex representations, the SCNet can further improve the performance of channel prediction. Our contributions are summarized as follows.
Inspired by [14], we reveal a deterministic uplink-to-downlink mapping function for a given communication environment when the position-to-channel mapping is bijective. Then, we prove that the uplink-to-downlink mapping function can be approximated with an arbitrarily small error by a feedforward network.
We propose a SCNet for downlink CSI prediction in FDD massive MIMO systems, which is applicable to complex-valued function approximation with complex-valued representations. Moreover, sparse network structure is adopted to reduce the complexity and improve the robustness.
Experiment results demonstrate that SCNet outperforms the FNN of [12] in terms of prediction accuracy and exhibits remarkable robustness over the number of paths.
System Model
Fig. 2 illustrates an FDD massive MIMO system, where the BS is equipped with \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol h\left ({f}\right) = \sum \limits _{p = 1}^{P} {\alpha _{p}{e^{ - j2\pi f\tau _{p} + j{\phi _{p}}}}\boldsymbol a\left ({{\theta _{p}} }\right)},\tag{1}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \boldsymbol a\left ({{\theta _{p} } }\right)={\left [{ {1,{e^{ - j\chi \sin {\theta _{p}}}}, \cdots,{e^{ - j\chi \left ({{M - 1} }\right)\sin {\theta _{p} }}}} }\right]^{T}},\tag{2}\end{equation*}
Note that
Channel Mapping Formulation
In the following, we first define an uplink-to-downlink mapping function, following the approach in [14], and prove its existence. Then, we leverage deep learning to find the mapping function.
A. Existence of Uplink to Downlink Mapping
Consider the channel model in Eq. (1), where the channel function
Definition 1:
The position-to-channel mapping \begin{equation*} {\boldsymbol \Phi _{f}}:\left \{{ {\left ({D,\theta }\right)} }\right \} \to \left \{{ \boldsymbol h(f)}\right \},\tag{3}\end{equation*}
Then, we adopt the following assumption for further analysis.
Assumption 1[14]:
The position-to-channel mapping function,
The Assumption 1 means that every user position has a unique channel function
Under Assumption 1, the channel-to-position mapping, i.e., the inverse mapping of \begin{equation*} {\boldsymbol \Phi _{f}^{-1}}:\left \{{ \boldsymbol h(f)}\right \} \to \left \{{ {\left ({D,\theta }\right)} }\right \}.\tag{4}\end{equation*}
Next, we investigate the existence of the uplink-to-downlink mapping, as given in Proposition 1.
Proposition 1:
With Assumption 1, the uplink-to-downlink mapping exists for a given communication environment, and can be written as follows, \begin{equation*} \boldsymbol \Psi _{{\textrm {U}} \to {\textrm {D}}} = {\boldsymbol \Phi _{f_{\textrm {D}}}}\circ {\boldsymbol \Phi _{f_{\textrm {U}}}^{-1}}: \left \{{ \boldsymbol h(f_{\textrm {U}})}\right \} \to \left \{{ \boldsymbol h(f_{\textrm {D}})}\right \},\tag{5}\end{equation*}
From the Definition 1, we have the mappings
B. Deep Learning for Uplink-to-Downlink Mapping
Proposition 1 proves the existence of the uplink-to-downlink mapping function. However, the function cannot be depicted by known mathematical models, which motivates us to resort to deep learning algorithms. Based on the universal approximation theorem [15], we obtain Theorem 1 as following.
Theorem 1:
For any given small error \begin{align*} \sup \limits _{\boldsymbol x \in \mathbb {H}} \left \|{ {\textrm {NET}_{N}\left ({\boldsymbol x, \boldsymbol \Omega }\right)-\boldsymbol \Psi _{{\textrm {U}} \to {\textrm {D}}} \left ({\boldsymbol x }\right) } }\right \| \le \varepsilon, \quad \mathbb {H}=\left \{{ { \boldsymbol h(f_{\textrm {U}}) } }\right \}, \\ {}\tag{6}\end{align*}
(i) Since
According to Theorem 1, the uplink-to-downlink mapping function can be approximated with an arbitrarily small error by a feedforward network with a single hidden layer. Thus, we can train a network to predict the downlink CSI from the uplink CSI and can significantly reduce the overhead required for downlink training and uplink feedback at the cost of off-line training.
SCNet Based Downlink CSI Prediction
In this section, we will first introduce the architecture of the SCNet. Then, we discuss how to train and deploy it in massive MIMO systems.
A. SCNet Architecture
Although it has been proven in Theorem 1 that a three-layer network is able to predict the downlink CSI, we propose the SCNet instead of the three-layer network for practical considerations as follows: (i) A deep network with an appropriate number of layers learns better than a three-layer network; (ii) A spare network can reduce the network parameters, and therefore is easier to train and is more robust; (iii) Compared with the real-valued networks, the complex ones have richer representational capacities and therefore are more powerful in learning complex-valued functions [16].
As shown in Fig. 2, the input of the SCNet is the uplink CSI \begin{align*} \hat { \boldsymbol h}(f_{\textrm {D}}) = \textrm {NET}\left ({\boldsymbol h(f_{\textrm {U}}), \boldsymbol \Omega }\right)=\boldsymbol f^{(L-1)}\left ({\cdots \boldsymbol f^{(1) }\left ({\boldsymbol h\left ({(f_{\textrm {U}}}\right)}\right)}\right), \\ {}\tag{7}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} \begin{array}{l} \boldsymbol f^{(l)}\left ({\boldsymbol x }\right) = \begin{cases} \boldsymbol g\left ({\boldsymbol W^{(l)}\boldsymbol x +\boldsymbol b^{(l)}}\right),& 1\le l< L-1;\\ \boldsymbol W^{(l)}\boldsymbol x +\boldsymbol b^{(l)}, & l=L-1, \end{cases} \end{array}\tag{8}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} \boldsymbol g (\boldsymbol z)= \max {\left \{{{\Re [\boldsymbol z],\boldsymbol 0}}\right \}}+j\max {\left \{{{\Im [\boldsymbol z],\boldsymbol 0}}\right \}}\tag{9}\end{equation*}
We set the number of neurons in the middle hidden layer to be much fewer than that in the output layer, which forces the SCNet to compress the representation of the input. We would like to emphasize that the compression task would be very difficult if the elements of input
B. Training and Deployment
The proposed downlink CSI prediction has two stages, i.e., the off-line training and the on-line deployment stages. In the off-line training stage, the BS collects both the downlink and the uplink CSI as training samples to train the SCNet. Specifically, during a coherence time period, the downlink CSI is first estimated at the user side by downlink training and then fed back to the BS. The uplink CSI is estimated at the BS by uplink training. The SCNet is trained to minimize the difference between the output \begin{equation*} \textrm {Loss}\left ({\boldsymbol \Omega }\right) =\frac {1}{{V{N_{h}}}}\sum \limits _{v= 0}^{ V-1}\left \|{\hat { \boldsymbol h}(f_{\textrm {D}})^{(v)}-{ \boldsymbol h}(f_{\textrm {D}})^{(v)} }\right \|_{2}^{2},\tag{10}\end{equation*}
In the deployment stage, the parameters of the SCNet are fixed. The SCNet directly generates the prediction of the downlink CSI
C. Complexity Analysis
Simulation Results
Unless otherwise specified, the system parameters are set as follows: the BS is equipped with 128 antennas; the uplink frequency follows the 3GPP R15 standard, i.e.,
An FNN in [12] is originally designed for uplink/downlink channel calibration for massive MIMO systems, which can also be used for the downlink channel prediction in the FDD massive MIMO systems. Therefore, the FNN is used as a benchmark in this letter. Keras 2.2.0 is employed as the deep learning framework for both the SCNet and the FNN. We choose the number of neurons in the hidden layer as (128, 64, 128) by trails and adjustments. The initial learning rate of the ADAM algorithm is 0.001. The batch size is 128. The parameters of the SCNet are initialized as complex distribution with normalized variance.5 The uplink CSI fed to the SCNet is estimated by the minimum mean-squared-error (MMSE) algorithm when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is 25 dB. The network is trained for each AS degree and each downlink frequency separately. The number of training samples is 102,400, and the number of epochs is 400.
A. Prediction Accuracy Versus AS and Frequency Difference
Normalized MSE (NMSE) is used to measure the prediction accuracy, which is defined as \begin{equation*} \textrm {NMSE} =E\left [{\left \|{{\boldsymbol h}_{\textrm {D}}-\hat {\boldsymbol h}_{\textrm {D}}}\right \|_{2}^{2}/\left \|{{\boldsymbol h}_{\textrm {D}}}\right \|_{2}^{2}}\right],\tag{11}\end{equation*}
Fig. 3 depicts the NMSE performance of the SCNet and the FNN based downlink CSI predictors versus AS
The NMSE performance of the SCNet and the FNN based downlink CSI predictors versus AS (a) and the frequency difference
B. Robustness Analysis
In Sections V-A, the channels are generated based on Eq. (1) with the same statistics. However, channels in real-world may be more complicated and the statistics mismatches between the training and deployment stages are also inevitable. To test the robustness of both the SCNet and the FNN, data generated from Wireless InSite [18] under different scenarios are used to train and test. As shown in Fig. 4, the number of paths in the training stage is 200 while it varies in the deployment stages. The results show that the variations on statistics of channel degrade the performance, but the SCNet and the FNN still exhibit remarkable prediction accuracy, which validates the excellent generalization ability of deep neural networks.
In this letter, we revealed the existence of a deterministic uplink-to-downlink mapping function for a given communication environment. Then, we proposed the SCNet for the downlink CSI prediction in FDD massive MIMO systems. Simulation results have demonstrated that the SCNet performs better than the existing network in terms of prediction accuracy. Furthermore, the remarkable robustness of the SCNet with respect to the statistic characteristics of wireless channels has shown its great potential in real-world applications.